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Mat Locke

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About Mat Locke

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Hey it's actually me. I couldn't see anything because of the graphical glitches so thats why i was crawling. The only reason i was there was because someone thunderdomed on one of the other servers i was playing on so i disconected and was trying to get away from there,
  2. I have 4 servers favorited and none of them are showing up now.
  3. Mat Locke

    Me and my roomate....

    No changing your ips wont work. I think we are going to remove my brothers and download it on a different ip address. Last night he took his to my parents house and played on their connection with their ip and still had the same problems.
  4. Mat Locke

    Me and my roomate....

    same problem here with me and my brother any info on this would be nice.
  5. Mat Locke

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    Logged out last night near Stary Sobor full pack. Logged on when i got home from work and it tells me to select a new character. My brother tells me that he got dayz today and that when he spawned he was someones existing character. I asked him what he had and he told me the gun and a couple of items. He then told me that he died with that character so i asked him if he had specific items. I named every thing that he had in his invintory and the exact place where he spawned was where i left my character when i logged off. If im not on it spawns him as my character. If we want to play on the same server it kicks one of us. the server we play on is: S35 ( (Regular/3d:on/ch:off)