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About s2ua7

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. So my character of 8 days in game was killed by a hacker who completely bombarded my building with either grenades or satchel charges... Not sure which. All I know is that the building I was in suffered 5 or 6 explosions and then fell to the ground... Now I am not mad about the hacker as I felt it was about time to start a new character, but I am curious as to how to ID a hacker. So as I was minding my own business, I noticed someone come into the building I was currently occupying... Knowing that there was a hacker on the server I was in "shoot first, ask questions later" mode. I managed to kill the guy that came in, but it did not register on the debug screen (he was clearly dead). When I studies his body it gave me a name and I could not loot his body. In fact, when I tried to take the 24 slot backpack from him, it removed my backpack and it completely disappeared. I could not loot the entrenching tool. Now this person correctly identified the ammo and that I was firing (on a sever of 10-15) from my gun even though I was laying down in a room with no windows, so that is what leads me to suspect he was a hacker along with his name on the body with the glitched/hacked equipment Now I am not going to name and shame as I am not sure if he was just glitched as he claimed but here are my questions. 1. Can a hacker change how his name appears when one studies a dead body? 2. Is not being able to loot a body a glitch or a sign of a hacker as this player suggests?
  2. s2ua7


    Lmao, I remember when I first started I found an AKM and was shooting people from atop the fire station in Cherno... I hit "z" to lay down and my guy dove off the top breaking both legs. Unfortunately I landed right in front of a bandit and he quickly finished me off... lol
  3. You should post a video of you running really slowly... The only thing I can suggest if you cannot figure a way to escape is to just stay on until you die of hunger or thirst. You might just alt/tab out so that you dont have to worry about it and then occasionally check on it.
  4. s2ua7

    More WarZ news

    When reading the WarZ website (I believe it is the FAQ they have), they directly state that although they were in production long before DayZ had been released, they did take ideas from the DayZ forums. I'm not sure about them copying ideas so much as they using a resource so that they could release a product with what the players want to see. What I did think was cool was that they acknowledged the fact they did so giving credit to the DayZ players who had posted on the forums. It definitely beats them just taking the ideas and not saying where they got the ideas.
  5. s2ua7

    People who play 3rd person

    Thanks for the advice. The double press the "-" key was new as were a few other things so you have my beans. I used to be one of those 3rd person only players until I went on a server that had 1st person only and I learned to adapt and so I could continue to play on the server. Now I cannot stand playing 3rd person at all... Occasionally I will look just to see what my character looks like... lol
  6. s2ua7

    BattleEye Ruined My Game

    Haha, yeah, same thing happened to me a while back.. It seems like the last 12/15 deaths have been from hackers. Its not battle eye that ruined your game but hackers. The only way that Battle Eye had anything to do with it is that it failed to catch/ban the hacker.
  7. s2ua7

    [BattlEye] Cheaters don't matter

    That is not what they are saying if you would actually read the statement. What they are saying is that while some cheaters may get unbanned, they are more worried about unbanning those people who are unjustly or erroneously banned. Stop trying to use slices of a statement out of context.
  8. s2ua7


    Well that is all well and good that it is supposed to be permanent, but you are going to find the group of people that just started the game without knowing about the humanity monitor that determines bandit/hero are going to continue to KoS as they now have no way to get back. I actually have several names I use when I play as sometimes I feel like helping out while other times I feel like being that asshole who KoS, but I ALWAYS do so under the assumed names so people know what to expect. I understand that it is their own fault for doing so, but it is just going to prevent those who made mistakes from being able to feel like they can help others due to being KoS. In the end it is going to hurt those that need help. Then again, that is just my opinion.
  9. s2ua7


    Actually it does not reset. I have died several times and it is still very negative... lol
  10. s2ua7


    I agree somewhat. The majority of my kills have been in self defense as I am usually scrounging around Cherno/Elektro. I also joined after humanity was taken out so I had no idea what it was about. If it does not get reset I'll just continue on and shoot first and demand that they throw down their arms before I help as I will never get it back to zero and people will not trust anyone in a bandit skin which you get at -1 (from what I understand). I think that either a threshold needs to be set for the hero/bandit skin where you can kill in self defense and not immediately be considered a bandit. Either that, or you should reset to zero after a number of livers where you do not attack/kill another player.
  11. Never had the dancing hacker... For the most part I always get the teleport hacker or the break your legs hacker. The other night though I got the give everyone AS50 hacker which was pretty cool... I shot down a chopper... lol
  12. s2ua7

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    LentWolf, I do not think you are out of line on that post (not that my sayso has any authority). I think all of us want to see the video or have this thread closed as it has become one big soap opera. In fact, if I were you I would report the thread to have it closed as this is just one big he said/she said affair and no one wins those. Especially on the internet. Video or GTFO.
  13. So in the last 24 hours the script kiddies have run rampant on every server I have been on.... Here is just my experience with them. 1. Got teleported to the thunderdome, but was able to abort out before I died. 2. Got teleported in the air and died losing my first ever pair of NVGs. 3. Finger of Death 4. Weapons and backpack wiped (No it was not the hive as I had been playing for over 15 minutes with the same stuff). 5. Inventory wiped (No it was not the hive as I had been playing for over 15 minutes with the same stuff like number 4). 6. Legs broken 7. Turned into a cow (my favorite. Kinda hope I'm a cow when I log back in) Now admittedly, 4-7 all happened relatively close on the same server, and 5-7 all happened within 10-20 seconds of each other, but 1-4 all happened on different servers all with different numbers of populations. What infuriates me the most is that I cannot get above day 1 survival because of these guys. The last 10 of 12 deaths have been due to script kiddies and I have been on a bandit kick lately (not actively hunting people but robbing those that come close to my lair and then robbing them). I know there are hundreds of other threads like this on the forums, but I have been playing DayZ for about a month now and have not seen the amount of script kiddies as I have recently. Its absolutely crazy.
  14. s2ua7

    Poll: Should Barbed wire be removed?

    To the people saying "just get a toolbox," the problem really is not getting the toolbox. I have gotten LOTS of toolboxes as I find them definitely valuable! I hunt toolboxes down. I've dedicated lives of my character to getting rid of barbed wire (before the server issue of putting removed barbed wire back) throughout Chernaus. The problem is when the people place them in such a way the the two places that the cursor must be over to remove said barbed wire is inside a wall, thus making the barbed wire permanent and not removable by anyone. This is why most people have an issue with barbed wire in its current form. And realistically if barbed wire is placed in a building I usually been able to (but not always though) vault over it with the use of the "v" button. It is when the grievers place the barbed wire outside and it intersects with the interior of a location that it is usually not vaultable. Personally what I would LOVE to see is the continued option of having barbed wire, but instead of having only two places where a cursor must be before it can be removed have the player's cursor be anywhere on the barbed wire to remove it if they have a toolbox. This solves the problem as you still need a toolbox and it makes it easier to remove.