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Not wolves just mean sheep

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Everything posted by Not wolves just mean sheep

  1. Not wolves just mean sheep

    Dear the Group I just 1v3'd on US 195 in Cherno's Supermarket

    I love how people act like the Enfield is a death sentence if you shoot it in a city. 1. Shoot player. 2. Zombies come running. 3. Switch to sidearm or just run. 4. ??? 5. Beans. OT: Nice kills, the Enfield is probably one of the best guns in the game.
  2. Not wolves just mean sheep

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    Time to go pretend I'm french and surrender to every bandit I see on a German server.
  3. *Lives in Texas* Sorry, what? I can't hear this thread over the sound of every person in the state shooting the infected! Little bit more seriously: I'd gather up my friends and all of our guns/supplies and then try to eradicate the local zombie threat. Hopefully we'd be able to scavenge and live off the land for awhile until the zombies die/decay or other parts of the country/world restore order. Of course I have a hard time taking any zombie apocalypse seriously, especially in the US. It would take a whole new level of stupidity to ever let it get out of hand, if that is even possible. Unless it's airborne, then I'm screwe-*Notices Israeli gas mask* Never mind.