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Cryptex (DayZ)

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About Cryptex (DayZ)

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  • Interests
    Girls, Movies, Tv series, Mecha shit.

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  • Bio
    I R BOY. Dayz style: Stealthy, Shy, only plays on nighttime servers. Tries hard not to encounter other players. If so, will shoot on sight.
  1. What even... This is the Dayzdb map for the standalone. Am i on to something?
  2. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Looking for 2 people to team up with in standalone

    I added you both PipeLizard and King of kong
  3. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Looking for 2 people to team up with in standalone

    Hey JW, I just added you on steam. Cya soon!
  4. Cryptex (DayZ)

    UK team looking 1-2 experienced members

    Id like to join up with you guys. I'm not British but i do speak it very well.My age is 25. I personally like to play with UK folks in stead of dutch. I run standalone at 60-70 fps and i played dayz for over a year. Here is my steam name: Molok (i have an Texas chainsaw massacre avatar) I also added some of you.
  5. Hi, my name is Cryptex, I have been playing standalone the last couple of days on my own. It's getting very boring and lonely, so i wish to play together with 2 other people. Not more because food will become a problem. I am looking for mature players that have some experience(Dayz mod) with the game and know how to shoot a weapon (you don't need to be an expert) and own a reasonable gaming pc because a low fps is going to be a problem. I don't mind playing bandit style or friendly. I my self am dutch, and i prefer to play with people from the UK. Are you in the same boat? Want to have a good old time while playing together in standalone? Leave a message!
  6. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    This app for me is for time management. I do other things while i run and i am sick of putting things between my keys. Plus if you claim that is should be forbidden since its 3th party, i would say checking the map for loot on your second monitor or random tablet should also be forbidden because "its not in-game". It makes more sense to say that this app is for lazy people who don't care to get shot while they run in a straight line. Don't you see holding down a key has nothing to do with skill or something. I play this game for fun and holding down the W key for 3 min aint exactly fun to me. So why not make it a little easier on your self. The only benefit i get from this app is that i can do something else while my character runs. Hell other games have this automatically intergraded in to there system, so i think this actually pretty normal and is nothing unusual. That being said, i think there is no other game out here where i need to run so much as in dayz, so i makes more then enough sense to intergrade this. And i think its stupid people act all surprised and think this should be forbidden. Dayz lacks auto run therefor this app. Amen
  7. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    Not everyone is on steam so its not redundant, fixed
  8. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    That's all cool and all but i don't wish to be standing still while i Alt-tab. You can even get u killed. Plus don't want to damage my awesome keyboard.
  9. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    Sure, i don't mind helping out for this awesome piece of software. OS : 64 bit. Version : Win 7 Aram2 version : Steam (startup with dayz commando) Antivirus : Windows essentials Running processes VLC Media player on my second screen so i can watch house MD while i am walking, Google chrome web browser i can check loot locations facebook enc, skype, steam, dayz commando, hamachi, poweriso, Cyborg RAT9 mouse profile application, dropbox. I hope this helps!
  10. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    Great, i have been looking for this! to bad it does not work :/ I can hear it activate but nothing happens.
  11. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Custom skin/look

    Hey everyone I am kinda sick of the way my character looks. You stanard character just looks plain boring. I would love to change that. But im not talking about a custom skin. I would like my character to look like he is allways wearing winter clothing. I dont want other players to be able to see it, just me. Or else its like cheating. Is this possible by changing something in the files?
  12. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    Nothing beats this for setting the mood in dayz. /thread
  13. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Killed when joined server

    I made similair threads like this with no succes :< I had this problem aswell plenty of times. The wierd thing is you respawn without anything not even a backpack, but i am still wearing my camo clothing for some reason.
  14. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Loving this game.

    I like your perception of my disability, but thankfully with the technology of today there is spell checker. And lets be honest, That how niggers type.
  15. Cryptex (DayZ)

    Diverse servers give FPS issues

    TBH. I dont have no clue. I wish i knew.