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Everything posted by SinLodos

  1. whenever I try to join any dayZ server it says "you were kicked off the game". This is the only text show and it just boots me to the main menu. I've deleted DayZ/reinstalled on dayZ commander and play with six. I have updated my arma build patch and launched both games to update the battleye. Does anyone have a suggestion or a fix for this rather annoying problem? btw I just came back to DayZ after about 3-4 months of not playing. Edit: It appears it's just when me and my brother are trying to play together on the same server. One of us gets kicked and the other can stay in. I don't really know why this is happening, any ideas?
  2. SinLodos

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Nickname: Zach Time Zone: GMT -7 Steam Name: Draconis DayZ Name: Zach Best DayZ Role (e.g. Sniping, Support, Scouting): I can fulfill any role needed. My specialties are rifleman or scouting Why Do You Deserve This Membership?: I'm an experienced player, quick learner, easy to work with and friendly. What Is Your Current Humanity?: sitting at about -1500, got into a shoot out at the NWAF, came out on top. Would You Eliminate Other Players Who Are Not In Our Clan? If So, Why?: Yes, if you have gear then you have something of value to me or my possible clan. It is a survival game and it's survival of the fittest. If you can eliminate a target without putting yourelf or team mates in danger, then by all means do it.
  3. SinLodos

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Nickname: Zach Time Zone: US EST Steam Name: Draconis DayZ Name: Zach Best DayZ Role (e.g. Sniping, Support, Scouting): I can fulfill any role needed. My specialties are rifleman or scouting Why Do You Deserve This Membership?: I'm an experienced player, quick learner, easy to work with and friendly. What Is Your Current Humanity?: sitting at about -1500, got into a shoot out at the NWAF, came out on top. Would You Eliminate Other Players Who Are Not In Our Clan? If So, Why?: Yes, if you have gear then you have something of value to me or my possible clan. It is a survival game and it's survival of the fittest. If you can eliminate a target without putting yourelf or team mates in danger, then by all means do it.
  4. So. This all started with me buying a steam account that had dayZ on it for my brother for Christmas. I took the account logged on set him up a profile on my computer etc. But when I tried to join a server he had all my gear. So in spite of this I logged onto both computers on the separate steam accounts and ran both games on the different computers and sure enough one of us would be "kicked from the server/kicked off the game" when I looked into it further all it said was cd key is currently in use. Any suggestions?? No hacks, both steam copies and two separate accounts.
  5. SinLodos

    CD/Serial key is in use

    I think im going to try this later tonight. Ill reply back within the hour and let you know how it went
  6. My game always says this upon launching game. it didn't bother me for the first little bit but when I got into game it said something along the lines of "Missing Citizen Scope1" I am using DayZCommander and whenever I try to join a server it says the game requires content deleted.chernarus. I have deleted dayZ and ARMA 2 OA and Arma 2 free. (I didn't buy Combined Operations) My game hasn't been working for like 2 weeks. I've tried everything in my power to fix it. It's a great game but has so many problems. Does anyone know how I could get back to playing instead of dealing with this 2-3 hours a night on the rare time I have to play this game ?
  7. So they took the demo out of the Steam store and released a demo for Arma 2 oa. So I have to buy regular ARMA 2 and then take the addons from there and copy them into my ARMA 2 oa files. I am very un happy about this and think I just might wait to buy it when it becomes a standalone. Has a release date cam out pertaining to when the DayZ standalone will be out ?
  8. Still the same problem, reinstalled DayZ and ARMA 2OA/Arma 2 free. Really would like someones help
  9. You need to learn to survive. When you start learning spawn and the map getting weapons becomes very easy. Just look up a map like DayZ db. or team facckins map. Just get to cherno/elektro and learn a little about the game first.
  10. SinLodos

    Bad Version Server Rejected

    Mine says this also, using DayZ commander, Have you fixed it ?
  11. My game has been saying "Waiting for character to create" for like 3 weeks I quit 3 weeks ago, got jacked that it was in alpha, log in and still having this problem. Why is this still happening I've tried downgrading and upgrading beta patches. I do my installation manually though. Could this be the problem? someone reply back please. Pissed off survivor~~~~~
  12. SinLodos

    Waiting For Character To Create

    Like I said, I've updated to the lastest version and know all about the servers and what to look for etc. Should I be using SixLauncher? this is the first time I question installing manually
  13. SinLodos

    DayZ Items

    I just got the update a few days ago and haven't had the time to really play the game at all. I was just wondering if there is anything new or really big t hat has been changed. i.e weapons, items, map, etc. Thank you all in advance