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About hsmagnet

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  1. hsmagnet

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    ATT has caused many people headaches over the years ;) setting the details settings ( all three in advanced graphics options) to lower settings has helped me. greatly reduces the severity and frequency of the artifacts and makes a flush more effective. yes, it looks bad! *edit* HD5770 with cat v. 12.6 and to all the "helpful" people setting up every wire fencing kit they find ...
  2. hsmagnet

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    you do not hack, you use scripts someone else copied from someone else and keep buying the game :lol:
  3. i think he is asking where the logs are located
  4. hsmagnet

    Is your server down ?

    yep keeps crashing over and over
  5. vehicle spawns have been borked for some time. had a script kiddie tell me a lot of servers are not spawning vehicles and most of the ones you see were scripted in. since it has been ages since i have found one at a spawn, i tend to believe him
  6. hsmagnet


    that is against the hosting rules, isn't it?
  7. hsmagnet


    this work well?
  8. hsmagnet

    New Official Scripts.txt

    i too would like to know where the scripts.txt that so much spam on the servers is about
  9. hsmagnet

    I have the Hero Skin.

    that will get you shot PDQ ! way to light and bright. murderers are so happy, i bet
  10. hsmagnet

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    use dayz commander http://dayzcommander.blob.core.windows.net/releases/Dotjosh.DayZCommander.Installer.msi
  11. hsmagnet

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    that happens all the time to me and my friends when just joining or rejoining after restarting to try and fix graphical errors or just at random :lol:
  12. only way to view the logs is to have access to them from being server owner. even then, some hosts do not allow access
  13. hsmagnet

    Admin wrongly banned me, need help.

    just find another server. the hosting rules say the only legit reasons to ban is for being abusive or racist way too many other servers to worry about one "group" chat is for the lobby only "direct" chat is for use in game when you are about 50 meters or less from the other player change channels with , & . keys
  14. just find another server. the hosting rules say the only legit reasons to ban is for being abusive or racist way too many other servers to worry about one
  15. i wouldn't mention anything to do with legalities or lawyers etc from my experience it only hinders your case and i have yet to see anything to the contrary