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Everything posted by JediMind

  1. One camp is on Skalisty Island right in the middle of the island tons of guns,ammo and gear. They also had some hacked weapons didnt bother looting them. Have geared up about 3 times there already and the gear never seems to go down in quantity. Other camp is up north coords are 052 017 above the NW Airfield. Have fun.
  2. JediMind

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age: 22 Ingame Name: Armando TZ and Country: Eastern Time (US & Canada) Are you willing to use TS3: Yes. Also have skype and mumble. Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Yes of course. What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) Been gaming for over 7 years now mostly mmo's, down to earth guy, get along with everyone. What type of role would best suit you: Any role is fine with me, i currently have all the tools like nvg's, RF etc. I have ghillie as well and a L85 AWS and an AS50.