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Everything posted by Jaycat

  1. Troll ? I was stating my opinion, I've never gone sniping at Elekto, nor have I ever killed someone who didn't fire at me first. Are you seriously telling me your team doesn't scope out cities ? you just run in without any sort of overwatch do you? doesn't sound like a very tactically minded group if that's true, and if it's not then arn't you being a bit hypocritical ? But whatever, it's Dayz you're free to shoot whoever you please, just don't go around calling yourself survivors if you're going to be KOSing anyone not in your group just because of what weapon they happen to be holding.
  2. It all comes down to personal taste, personally I'd never take a fal over a M249, the M249 has a audible range of about 80m like the other assault rifles, meaning you're not going to attract any attention from zeds while using it as oppose to the FAL which has an audible range of 180m, not to mention the rarity of ammo for the fal and the abundance of it for the M249 (200 shots in a belt which means 100 shots per inv space, the most of any gun). At the end of the day the FAL is just a slightly better enfield with much rarer ammo.
  3. Jaycat

    Military Zombies & NVG's

    Pilot zombies at crash sites have a small chance of dropping them.
  4. Jaycat

    RGO frag grenade = legitimate loot?

    Wrong, the 2 ATVs ontop of the hill south of Krazno always spawn with 1 tent, 2 cans of beens and 5 heatpacks in them (each).
  5. anyone with a sniper rifle = bandit mentality is just retarded, anyone with half a brain will scope out a town before hand or have someone overwatch with a rifle as they go into town.
  6. Jaycat

    [trading] SVD + 2 mags

    could give you a m4a1 cco sd with 2 mags for it edit: that is if you manage to recover it :P
  7. Jaycat

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    Why are people still asking this, yes you will have to pay. asking this should be a bannable offense...
  8. Jaycat

    Ghillies and Alice packs

    It's definitely items spawning under the packs, if there's a loot pile under packs it is very hard (almost impossible) to interact with them, you need to empty the loot pile first.
  9. not sure about forest fires, but all buildings in cherno can be destroyed.
  10. Jaycat

    Trading yet again

    if you have a coyote pack then I'm willing to trade you an M4a1 CCO SD with no ammo for it.
  11. alot of people are put off by servers that don't allow 3rd person, personally I don't mind so long as there's no crosshairs or nametags.
  12. Jaycat

    Humanity Cap?

    2500 is the cap for the 150 per 5 mins that you gain, you can gain more by helping other players (bloodpacks/bandages etc.). I think I'm currently at 17900, it's hard to keep track since if I log out without my ghillie on it erases all my stats upon log in when it 'changes' to the hero skin :\
  13. Jaycat

    Where have you found your NVG's?

    ^ this, and trading other items for them.
  14. what is this I don't even...
  15. Jaycat

    Should Zombies be abel to "one shot you" ?

    when you're below 9k hp zombies have a chance to knock you unconscious with every attack.
  16. do you really not see the huge flaw on this ?
  17. Jaycat

    MP5 w/ Suppressor

    It's second most silent gun in the game (only one quieter is the crossbow), it's a decent zombie clearing gun until you can a M4A1 CCO SD. Iron sights on it are pretty good to once you've had a bit of practice.
  18. Also it would be cool if we could have a melee weapon slot, or have it so we can have the pistol slot set as a melee weapon. Then add a bunch more melee weps. Would have to be in the standalone of course since the current melee is bizarre to say the least
  19. Jaycat


    Download Dayz Commander, it let's you manually update/backdate in the "check version" menu, not all servers show up on it however so for some specific ones you may need to launch from Six/Dayz itself.
  20. All sniper shots will most likely put you below half blood + bleeding + unconscious atm anyway, so it wouldn't make that much of a difference. In my opinion they should just make all ammo for the high end/powered weapons a lot rarer, and make them spawn with no/fewer mags, so it's actually a decision whether to use ammo or not.
  21. Jaycat

    Bad luck

    I've been the only person on the server, at night in a rainstorm and had a guy log in right behind me while I was taking shelter in a building, he just unloaded his M14 into my back before I even knew what the hell happened.
  22. Would be a bit to easy to abuse, on one server your position is saved in the far NW/NE at a camp, another at a high loot area so you could just travel between them in seconds. In regards to the OP, in my opinion you just shouldn't be able to log out inside of high population areas/towns (airfields/barracks etc.) I've been killed quite a few times whilst walking out of the airfield barracks after fully clearing them only to be shot in the back by a server hopper just logging in inside the barracks behind me. In areas outside of cities I don't really think it's as much of a problem, though they could perhaps add some sort of timer where you couldn't deal/take damage upon logging in for 10 seconds or so. Edit: that's in addition to the logout timer that I think they're adding (where it would take you 20 secs or so to log out, WoW style.)
  23. more lower tier weapons and the higher tier being a bit rarer/ammo scarcer would be nice.