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Everything posted by Jaycat

  1. Jaycat

    Sick from Epi-Pen

    Some of the items will label you as 'sick' while under their effects, whilst in reality you arn't actually sick, for example if you clean your wounds with alcohol tincture you will see the yellow 'sick' marker in your inventory for the duration of it until it gives you the green message of 'My wounds are clean' or something similar but during that time you're not actually sick.
  2. Jaycat

    Silencer not working on M4 Standalone

    Is there even a silencer yet? all I've found are suppressors, which as people have mentioned arn't supposed to completely silence your gun anyway.
  3. Jaycat

    Starting a campfire?

    Yes, but I don't think cooking itself has. like I said you can get to the point where you have a gas cooker with a pot ontop of it but you can't add to it to actually cook anything.
  4. Jaycat

    Starting a campfire?

    I don't think cooking has been added yet yet, if you attach the gas to the cooker then drop it you can turn it on, then you can add a cooking pot to the top. After that though I can't seem to add anything to the pot and I can't add anything to it prior to putting it on the cooker either. In regards to a campfire, again I don't think that's in, there's stones sticks and matches all lootable but I can't find any combination of them that actually lets you make a campfire.
  5. Jaycat

    Endgame content in Standalone

    There will be base building, you could consider that endgame, from what I've heard you'll be able to dig out underground caverns and build up to maybe even a small town if you clear enough space out.
  6. Jaycat

    What do you do in DayZ?

    this, not done it in a while though, is it still possible to break proned peoples legs by running over them?
  7. That is strategic though, they can either get through fast with decent crouching skills, or just go through slow and steady with crawling. The risk of maybe being seen if you screw up crouching with the reward of being alot quicker vs the ease of crawling through but having a disadvantage on the time taken.
  8. you can if you drop items on the beartrap last I checked, ofcourse it may take a few tries to get the items to drop in the position you want.
  9. Jaycat

    Having a big issue..

    I know there used to be a bug where a vehicle could not 'save' it's location sometimes, meaning it would revert back to the last known location on a server reset, not sure if it's still around however.
  10. Jaycat


    from what I've heard they've just became inactive due to players stopping playing (school/jobs/boredom) pretty sure one of their members commented on it somewhere. whether they start up again for the mod(or standalone) is anyones guess
  11. Jaycat

    50 Jerrycans?

    atv holds 50 items, jerry cans only count as one item when in a vehicle/tent (and so do all otehr large items, tents/engine parts/fueltank parts etc) so yeh you could have 50 in an atv.
  12. Jaycat

    Why punish bandits?

    actually it does subtract from the ability to spot a bandit, as far as I know it still removes their backpack from view (like a ghillie does) making them harder to spot, if anything the skin is actually an advantage where taking cover/sniping is concerned (in comparison to a basic survivor/hero skin that is).
  13. Jaycat

    Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game

    what do you mean it's not marked on your map anywhere? trying to keep a vehicle on a recruit server (players/npcs/vehicles appear on map) is just ridiculous to begin with.
  14. got an m4 holo, would be interested in an L85, can trade later today (5ish GMT) if you still need a holo that is. also there is no m4 acog, it's the m16 that comes with an acog sight.
  15. Jaycat

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Yeh, So long as duping and the ammo glitch are actually fixed.
  16. Jaycat

    Lee Enfield vs AK-74

    AK-74 has an audible range of 80m, ammo is plentiful and it drops zeds in two shots making it by far the better choice.
  17. needs more people bashing his ghosting and combat logging rather than his inability to pick a decent trade position in my opinion.
  18. Jaycat

    M16A2 or M4A3 CCO?

    M4A3 CCO
  19. Humanity carries across from deaths.
  20. Jaycat

    M14 or M16A4 ACOG

    m14 is loud as hell, other than that it's a better gun imo, almost no bullet drop at 500m on it, two shot kill (7999 blood damage per hit).
  21. Jaycat

    ATV spawns above NWAF

    They still spawn there, they will usually spawn in pairs at Bashnya, Klen or Pik Kozlova from what I've seen, but they are pretty popular due to how easy it is to repair one and the amount of items they can hold/speed on and off road.
  22. Not many people have actually practiced flying choppers in Arma2 before jumping into one in Dayz, maybe the pilot just crashed because he was trying to land in a retarded place/turned the engine off while trying to turn on auto hover or something.
  23. Jaycat

    Fucking Humanity...

    due to the bug that resets stats when you change skin, when you log in and it swaps you to your hero skin your stats reset, you'll then start to gain the passive humanity upto 2500 again. If you put on a ghillie or camo then log out and back in, since it isn't changing your skin as soon as you log in, you will be able to see your actual humanity etc. also in your situation you should be at 5550 now.
  24. Jaycat

    Golden Revolver

    Queue Goldfinger intro music.
  25. Jaycat

    New military skin?

    Soldier skin is hacked, you can find it in those Blue Boxes hackers spawn in I think.