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About KillSwitch_1

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    Good guy greig survivor!
  1. KillSwitch_1

    why are bandits such jerks?

    It has turned into quite the deathmatch. Especially Electro, that has just turned into a complete no-go zone... Yesterday, logged back into a server in Electro, 2 seconds after logging, bam i die. So i get an Electro spawn, run in and try to get revenge. Turns out there was a group of 3 camping there so BAM i die again. 2nd time in a row i get ANOTHER Electro spawn, i find a makarov, manage to flank their position, crawl up on them, go into crouch and kill one of them with a Ghillie suit on. I then proceed to kill the second shooter who ALT + F4's... so i decide to camp the spot waiting for him to come back when i get a bullet in the back from the 3rd shooter 5 minutes later. FML.
  2. GUTTED! recently lost one at after killing a bandit at NW airfield, bled out shortly afterwards..
  3. KillSwitch_1

    Law to Lawless Lands

    I've been reading this Forum post for a while (It's very long!) and i think it's a great idea. I'd definitely be up for it, so you can count me in. (If you'd have me)
  4. KillSwitch_1

    Getting spawn camped!?

    Can't remember what sever haha, and yeah i'm back on, the post helped me blow off some steam ya'know
  5. KillSwitch_1

    Getting spawn camped!?

    I see where your coming from but it didn't go down like that, i'd probably be pissed of if i were you too i suppose, i've never actually had that myself.
  6. KillSwitch_1

    Getting spawn camped!?

    I was waiting for my friend to bring the parts needed to drive it, also it wasn't really i case i didn't die immediately, more it just let me speak to him for a brief second. I still had the unconscious icon on my screen and was unable to do anything. I was completely helpless, the only thing that was affected by it was that he probably wasted maybe another couple bullets to put me down.
  7. KillSwitch_1

    Getting spawn camped!?

    He never lost any blood, he never got shot at all, i just died, very cheaply might i add.
  8. KillSwitch_1

    Getting spawn camped!?

    No you dont get me, as soon as i spawned, i got raped with bullets and DID die. It just lagged and made me live for an extra 2 seconds. He was clearly waiting for me and i didnt even have a chance to get my gun out, let alone fire of any shots...
  9. KillSwitch_1

    Getting spawn camped!?

    I've been killed before, plenty of times and i have accepted that, just that it was so cheap, and that he spoke to me while i was dying! Might try my luck with a group or something.
  10. So, today i thought was my lucky day on Day Z, as me and my friend finally found a car, all that it needed was some tyres so my friend went off and got some while i provided overwatch on the car. Well my screen was dark and my friend assured me that it was daytime so i decided to quickly re-log to fix it, i ran into a couple errors and it took me about 10 minutes to get back into the server and i noticed it was fixed but as soon as i came on, BAM, someone shoots me in the back a couple times, the game lags and he says ' Why aren't you dying?' before finishing me off. Fair to say this is the most annoyed i think i've ever been on this game, and am considering giving it up...
  11. KillSwitch_1

    You Say Bandits Are So Awesome... NO WAY

    Don't know whether Good job or good luck? Fairly new to the game and the only bandit attack i've had was me and a friend getting sniped in the woods randomly. Both dead in like, 5-10 seconds and didnt even see anyone haha. Guess that's how it goes.