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About Marou_

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Marou_

    Found a use for tincans/whisky bottles

    If you manage to whack another survivor perfectly in the head with a tin can it deafens them as if a grenade exploded on top of them, and gives shock status.
  2. Marou_

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    The only place in the map that's a deathmatch with zombies is the bean coast stretching from Komorovo to Elektro. When people kill each other outside of those areas it is for resources or area control; which perfectly suits the tone of the mod.
  3. Marou_

    Night Time Play

    Actually, HDR makes a much bigger difference than gamma or brightness. If you turn HDR to very high light reflects off more surfaces, making it much easier for you to see.
  4. Confirmed, I've experienced this as well. Last night I saw it in effect several times. The bodies didn't last long enough to loot in some cases.
  5. Marou_

    I hear flys but see no body.

    Happened to me last night. I had a rash of horrible desync I was unaware of. Climbed a deer tower. Suddenly many zombies are in the deer tower with me. Somehow they knock me through the solid part of the tower. I break my legs, go unconscious, begin bleeding, and die on the ground. Come back and the fly noise, but my body is gone. The whole time I was traversing back the area was guarded by friends to insure it wasn't looted. It just vanished. This was on US Hardcore 3. I also killed another survivor (who had been shooting at me) on a hill and his body remained standing for 2 minutes (dead) with the fly noise and dead textures. It disappeared shortly after.
  6. Thanks for the mid-day (to me) entertainment. Helps pass the work time nicely.
  7. Marou_

    Improving the respawn system

    You should be able to choose which of the available locations you spawn at, because everyone does anyways. Probably part of the reason the hive is always overloaded.
  8. Because it gives me a taste of what I've been unsuccessfully seeking in other FPS games and MMO's over the years. The alpha stage bugs can be really aggravating sometimes, but I'm very happy we get to play it now instead of later. Keep rocking rocket. Anyone else just had their entertainment bar raised to 11? Do you find the games that filled your leisure time just a month or two boring and lackluster?
  9. Knock yourself out. You can declare yourself the king of beans and dominate the coast near Cherno.
  10. I joined something awful to read funny threads about people shitting their pants at work and building home made flamethrowers. I really don't give a shit what other goons do, and I am not responsible for it, regardless of whatever glorious bushido edict you feel "organizations" should follow. You are judging though, you're just using flowery language and refraining from outright declaring us the fourth reich like some of the other people in this thread have come close to doing. Your arguments are flawed. If you work for a shitty corporation like Enron, and beyond being an employee you legally change your name to ENRON-Bob, you are condoning their behavior. If you shop at Walmart because it's cheap, but dislike some of their practices, well, you're the average consumer. However, rename yourself WALMART-Jane and yes, you are embracing those shady practices. There is a difference between visiting something awful and declaring you are a part of it. Taking on a name linked to bad behavior has meaning, just like being in a guild in an MMO has meaning. You go with this group, you like this group, you are PART of that group.
  11. If you voluntarily associate yourself through name tagging with people that openly post about cheating and exploiting you are condoning the behavior. It's not rocket surgery.
  12. Second TeaLeaf, you should be louder than the music, since most people will be listening at low volume while in game. Enjoying the show, it's keeping me entertained while I am stuck working.