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About tomtom2234

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  1. tomtom2234

    Glitched into wall

    I've tried vaulting out of pretty much every angle I could and nothing has worked yet :(
  2. tomtom2234

    Glitched into wall

    Hey there, somehow I've managed to get glitched into a wall and can't get out! I tried letting myself starve but when I went unconscious and clicked respawn my character just got up and was fine again. Anyone know of any way I can get out?
  3. tomtom2234

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    If you don't like recruit servers.... Don't play them..
  4. tomtom2234

    free loot

    IDK if they are hacked in or not, got them from the camp.
  5. tomtom2234

    free loot

    thanks for posting the truth! grats on your loot :). I've seen that Zach guy there before too, killed him once or twice myself. haha.
  6. I just unloaded half a round into some poor souls face.
  7. tomtom2234

    free loot

    try running along the edge of the map. Thats the way I usually go. g650 was telling me he got killed trying to go there earlier but was able to get past later. I'm pretty sure at this point you guys need to be really careful, people probably have seen this post and are trying to be douches and killing people. Stay safe!
  8. tomtom2234

    free loot

    Also, if you do go to the camp and see other people, try to establish if they are friendly or not before shooting.They could just be another legit forum goer looking for the gear. GL guys becareful, that is someones camp and they could show up at any point!
  9. tomtom2234

    free loot

    Also, just met up with g650 and talked to him on skype and helped him find it. Also, someone else showed up, not sure if they were from the forums or elsewhere, their English wasn't so great.
  10. tomtom2234

    free loot

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWUQDXywY-w&feature=youtu.be the cords i gave originally were a little off.
  11. tomtom2234

    free loot

    yes, I can meet you in kamenka.
  12. tomtom2234

    free loot

    It is not my camp, so be careful. I have a video compressing atm that I will upload to youtube. I will hop back in game right quick and see if I can see if anyone is there.. I am sorry if you truly did get killed. EDIT: just went in game and saw no one at the camp nor did I find a body.
  13. tomtom2234

    free loot

    I don't know if it is duped or not. I'd rather give out the items than destroy them with no actual proof of duping. Also, they are running kind of ish low on weapons, I think they may be moving camp sites due to my friend and I frequently raiding their camp.
  14. tomtom2234

    free loot

    tfort, I'd be glad to bring you to the camp, I'll even come with no weapons. I'd rather this loot go to players who are in need of it the most, but as long as it goes somewhere besides just being hoarded by these guys. Again, I won't be on much longer but if anyone is willing to meet me in kamenka I'll gladly escort you to the camp.
  15. tomtom2234

    free loot

    If anyone is willing to come along and record the trip feel free. My FPS drops to crazy low when I try to fraps anything.