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grylls (DayZ)

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Everything posted by grylls (DayZ)

  1. grylls (DayZ)

    FR 34 - God mode hacker

    Ok so basically, at 14:25 CEST today, This dude "Polkanaft223" sneaks up behind me, I start to shoot him... And i hit him atleast 15 times... i sprayed the shit out of him... i run around him and reload, He shoots me down... and i shoot him another 15-20 times.... And he is still standing up. My friend who was in the treeline "Luis" Also shot and hit him several times... but he simply turn around and kill him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFvCvzSrYJk&feature=plcp I only managed to hit record once i finished shooting my first clip Pause at 0:00 And you can see Blood. Pause at 0:03 ish... and you can see blood coming from his HEAD after my friend shot him... only seconds later... I lay down another 15 hits on him... STILL STANDING! 7,62 bullets arent small either...
  2. grylls (DayZ)

    FR 34 - God mode hacker

    Thanks.. But i hope this will be taken further, to a database punishment... or?
  3. grylls (DayZ)

    Where to find better backpacks?

    I usually find one in a store, behind the last shelf.
  4. grylls (DayZ)

    Germany 23 NW HUGE CAMP...

  5. grylls (DayZ)

    Best weapons.

    Sniper rifles = Lee Enfield Rifles = Lee Enfield Shotguns = Lots of ammo Handguns = Lots of ammo etc = Lots of ammo
  6. grylls (DayZ)

    Don't be trippin' fool

    Lets add a feature where you can hide your boner with your rifle when you meet a female survivor.
  7. grylls (DayZ) Low FPS Issue

    Restarting computer usually works for me
  8. grylls (DayZ)

    Geared up with epic kit... afraid to play now!

    Listen, i will keep saying this and i will never stop saying it. Lee enfield > rest. It ALWAYS gets the shit done, apart from the fact that it will attract every zombie for 3 miles... Ive shot people from 500m WHILE they were running. I shot a guy camping on top of the highest building in cherno, when i only saw his backpack. And i've never played Arma2 since dayz. Having fancy weapons will in most cases... only make YOU weaker.
  9. grylls (DayZ)

    whistle/shout feature

    This is the exact suggestion i was thinking about This will solve the "WTF cant hit with crossbow, FU rocket" problem without even adjusting the crossbow itself. I mean like mouse over a zombie, have a feature on the scroll: Whistle, you decide the distance, then the zombie turn around and look at you for 2 seconds. But of course, he will be triggered after those 2 seconds if you miss him, and any nearby player can hear it, so its not completely risk free. This can ofcourse trigger multiple zombies, yet another thing to include in the equation before you whistle. I think this will increase the usage of Crossbow alot, even tho the arrows take alot of inventory, it will be worth it as you will be shooting at a more stationary target.
  10. grylls (DayZ)

    No sound since 1.7.1! Should i just wait for fix?

    I've always updated manually. ;p
  11. grylls (DayZ)

    No sound since 1.7.1! Should i just wait for fix?

    I had this problem when 1.7.1 released, i fixed it by simply have my beta patch updated, and play on up-to-date servers ("Required: 1.60.93825 servers") And now it's back, yay
  12. grylls (DayZ)

    Need Help

    Do it.
  13. Servers I manage to get sound I get 5 fps' date=' servers where I don't get sound I get 40-50 fps. If I could only find a working third option I'd be a happy camper. [/quote'] Restart computer, fixed my huge fps drop weeks ago.
  14. You have to join a server which is compatible with the latest beta patch. Required: "1.60.93825" = Good Required: "1.60" = Bad... No sound
  15. Just installed the patch manually, using Beta Build_93701. aaand.... can't hear shit. Thats my only issue atm. Is it just me or? Fix: Just make sure you join a server which is compatible with the latest beta patch, which should be 93825. (I fail)
  16. grylls (DayZ)

    No Sound 1.7.1 (Easy fix)

    Solved, we're all cool. Just had to join a server which is compatible with the latest beta patch. I totally blame all the lazy server hosts who doesn't stay up-to-date ;p
  17. grylls (DayZ)

    No Sound 1.7.1 (Easy fix)

    I had the latest, but restriction error #16 wouldnt let me join. I havent tried the latest beta patch on a compatible server, i quess that will fix the issue.
  18. grylls (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

  19. Bandicam is much better.
  20. grylls (DayZ)

    First hacker encounter

  21. Alpha stage son.... alpha stage