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About Runes911

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  1. That was it! Thanks! I KNOW that I installed that when I first set up the server... Odd.
  2. I updated to the new Dayz and the new hive and get this error. I have also tried downgrading the hive to 0.7.4 and upgrading to I also saw that a staff member suggested opening port 80, so I have done that as well. Also using the 98866 beta server. Anyone have any other ideas?
  3. Runes911

    Hacker right now on us1204

    Yea he mowed down several trees. It was pretty unbelievable.
  4. Runes911

    Hacker right now on us1204

    Watched him shoot some crazy gun at me. Looked like the gun the helicopter uses. I didn't get a recording but I banned him anyway.
  5. Runes911

    Banned (Never played on server) US 1040

    Where can i get a copy of the bans? Are they posted on the forums in a sticky?
  6. Runes911

    US 1204

    Just found this thread. I am the owner of 1204. You were probably trying to connect on one of the days the server errored out and didn't restart.
  7. Runes911

    Locking the time on the server

    Never said I edited ANY mission files. I havent touched them. This is a windows program I am using.
  8. Runes911

    Locking the time on the server

    I saw no rule about that, why would I get blacklisted?
  9. I have found a way to lock the server to day time. It cycles between 0800 and 0805. So far I haven't noticed it breaking anything, is there anything I should know about that this would affect?
  10. Do servers get their time from the windows clock? I will be playing primarily at night. How can I make sure that the server will be day time? I would HATE to have to change the windows clock just to get day time on the server, that would screw up my webserver's logs...
  11. Ah crap this is probably the case. My server has a 5 ips.
  12. This is a brand new installation, server is updated to the newest beta and hive files. I keep getting this message: This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. If you are the server admin please contact the Dayz staff. My instance id has been approved and my server is whitelisted. I have opened all ports that the Arma 2 server uses, and followed the instructions I got in the server approval email. What am I missing?
  13. Thanks for the offer, but I finally tracked it down. For future reference: In Firedaemon the working directory needs to be the root, not the directory the server executable is in. example: Executeable: C:\YourArmaFolder\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe Working Directory: C:\YourArmaFolder\ NOT Executeable: C:\YourArmaFolder\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe Working Directory: C:\YourArmaFolder\Expansion\beta\
  14. Narrowed it down: When I start the server with a batch file it works with no problems, however when I start the server using Firedaemon I get the error. Anyone using firedaemon that has run into this issue?