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About vintsurf

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  1. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    Bans have been removed.
  2. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    Harm? It would be helpful if people gave reasons why those lines in the logs are valid...
  3. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    I'll take this into consideration. I'm taking another look at the logs and maybe it's a false positive. I'll try to verify that...
  4. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    So, if what you are saying is true, then all users logging in would have the execVM script invoked. This is not the case. The logs do not state that you all were running scripts at the same time. The logs instead show that since the launch of the server, you all have been running scripts at different times. I did shoot you at the airfield.
  5. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    No record of a "uMad" on the server since it launched last week.
  6. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    First of all, not every player who logs in has "execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";" invoked. I checked the logs, that's where I copied the script info from. The others that were banned had similar scripts in the logs. If they happened to be all your friends, that is quite the coincidence. Again, have a Dev acknowledge that these are legit and the bans will be lifted.
  7. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    If a Dev acknowledges that these are valid "launching of Arma2" scripts...the bans will be removed. Prove me wrong.
  8. vintsurf

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    _id = player spawn spawn 31.07.2012 08:04:25: Twitch (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; 31.07.2012 09:13:28: Anne Frank (x.x.x.x) GUID - #11 hmove "ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldb_still";
  9. _id = player spawn spawn 03.08.2012 08:03:24: Flufflez (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; 03.08.2012 08:32:10: Spacehams (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; _id = player spawn spawn 03.08.2012 06:51:10: Joseph (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; _id = player spawn spawn 03.08.2012 12:32:45: Ghost (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; _id = player spawn spawn 02.08.2012 11:58:45: Menthus (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";
  10. This is why you were banned: _id = player spawn spawn 30.07.2012 06:11:52: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; if (_ent isKindOf "Animal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setV 29.07.2012 09:17:17: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #32 nimal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setVariable ["hit_legs",2,tru 29.07.2012 09:17:21: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #27 1];
  11. vintsurf

    thunder dome

    This is why you were banned: _id = player spawn spawn 30.07.2012 06:11:52: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; if (_ent isKindOf "Animal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setV 29.07.2012 09:17:17: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #32 nimal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setVariable ["hit_legs",2,tru 29.07.2012 09:17:21: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #27 1];
  12. This is why you were banned: _id = player spawn spawn 30.07.2012 06:11:52: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; if (_ent isKindOf "Animal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setV 29.07.2012 09:17:17: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #32 nimal") then { _ent setDamage 1; } else { _ent setHit ["legs",1]; _ent setVariable ["hit_legs",2,tru 29.07.2012 09:17:21: Elliott the black (x.x.x.x) GUID - #27 1];
  13. Yes, while the server is shutdown, go and edit the 'cfgdayz.ArmA2OAProfile' file Find 'weaponCursor' Change to 0 Save and Start Server
  14. Good point...I shall try not to screw things up :)
  15. Awesome...so is the server still playable? Or is it still being provisioned until whitelisted and mission file received?