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Everything posted by Roiser

  1. I was actually more or less ironic and talking about this "coincidence" then this guy's fault. In fact, I'm not even sure that this a problem of that patch, but something with servers itself as I was able to connect for a very short time earlier today (then I've quit it myself thinking I'll play it later). IT'S ALREADY WORKING, WHEEEEEEE :-D
  2. Roiser

    Increasing Arma 2 Performance

    I have the exact same specs (except a different i5 model) and I'm able to play on high settings with no problem (though I use medium settings until I receive my cooling pad), though I had to turn down antialiasing to "none". Though ArmA 2 is very demanding even for its age.
  3. It's funny that the people that justify this haven't paid quite a sum yesterday to play this. If I could send that 25 euros to the guy that made this, I would. Now as many have stated here, before this version - everything worked fine, so I guess that people defending this played their amount of time, while I haven't played even a minute of this. I'm not even interested in ArmA at all, just this mod. This is my dream game, which I wished for for a VERY long time and it seems that "fate" has a sense of humor to time it just right for me. I'm not saying that the guy (or guys) who made this are *add your insult here*, actually the guy is awesome for doing this, but for CHrist's sake, couldn't you pick a different day for this problem? :-D
  4. I tried like 50 servers in a row (really, no kidding) and I was not able to join in any of those. When I tried it a little earlier today, two servers worked for me - but there was nightime on one and on thr second one I repeatdly got a "you have the wrong version" message. So thinking "it works!" i turned it off and went away. When I came back later, I had the same problem as you. Not a single server is joinable for me. I bought Arma 2 CO for 25 euros just for this mod and guess what, It doesn't work. it makes me mad as hell. I'll wait a few hours and try later..