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Everything posted by DeltaElite121

  1. DeltaElite121

    So can day/night cycle change or what?

    Yeah I know they exist, but I still would like to use my choice of firearm in one hand with a military flashlight in the other.
  2. DeltaElite121

    Help on PC choice.

    This game is more CPU intensive than GPU. I would focus on the basics and get an OK card if you can't afford it. Having a good computer with a crap card > having a good card with a crap computer.
  3. DeltaElite121

    So can day/night cycle change or what?

    I honestly wouldn't care so much if I could actually use a flashlight AND pistol at the same time.. but because I can't - it tends to make night time fairly.. unbearable.
  4. DeltaElite121

    Fixing KOS - Without hurting Bandits.

    I think people would still be bandits.. they'd just group up UNTIL they have decent gear - then shoot everyone else and take their stuff.. Your idea could potentially be part of a way to solve the issue, though.
  5. DeltaElite121

    Do you think there should be more vehicles?

    this whole parts hunting is silly. I think you should need to find a set of tools that take up a LOT of inventory space and that's it. Spending 8 hours digging up parts is honestly ridiculous. Make the tools hard to come by and it would still make running cars valuable since not everyone has a set of tools, nor do they have the inventory to carry them regularly.
  6. DeltaElite121

    Disconnect after being shot solution?

    The mighty Alt+F4 strikes again!
  7. DeltaElite121

    S2 hackers

    Hah, I used to have one of those scripts in Counter-Strike back in a day. Works great against abusive admins and/or griefers. Not such a great thing for killing off innocent players, though.
  8. I think it's fairly evident that changes need to be made.. and not necessarily to make "cookie-cutter mode" either. If Rocket seriously thinks he's going to get anything out of this project, he better think again.. because the general public will NOT want to pay to play this game if the sole purpose is to grief other users without any other option because it's pidgeon-holed into a "it's either me or him" over just seeing someone minding their own business. Other full titles have countermeasures and balance, and Rocket seems to think the absence of that will only make things better for everyone. There's a fine line between freedom of choice, and balance. Go too far on either end and you'll run into problems.. that's why it's so difficult creating a GOOD game; the ideas are the easy part.. the balancing is the most difficult. IMO Rocket's "experiment" just pronounces his laziness. His ideas are great, but his execution of said ideas are terrible currently. Then again, that's my OPINION.
  9. DeltaElite121

    This game is fucking garbage!!!!1

    In the most neutral regard possible - don't play any Alpha-testing games unless you anticipate bugs like that. I've actually had stupid stuff like that happen to me and there's nothing I could do about it. It sucks, but it does happen.
  10. I honestly don't care what he says. But just for the sake of using your material, I'll go with it.. and I quote: "This is a project for people who want to try something different, have some different experiences, feel some real emotions in a game." Where's the emotion in dying rinse/repeat? That, and randomly shooting players? There's no emotion to that. It's the absence of that. The most common saying in the forum is "don't get attached to anything you find" so WHY would I "feel some real emotions" when I am told to not give a shit and just shoot anything that moves? That's a dumb argument. Oh, and his second post... I seriously laugh at that. If he actually paid attention, he'd realize that ANY games that haven't offered any kind of balance mechanisms are often watered down and turn into a hashfest and it ultimately deters a community from forming. It's a MULTIPLAYER game (call it whatever you want, at the end of the day.. you guessed it! IT'S A GAME). Since when did you need to experiment with that? I could've told you that. Nobody here said that we want to have the Unicorn Happy Flower team vs the Evil Korean PKPK'ers in an epic zombie showdown.. but his experiment certainly doesn't offer much depth if that's ultimately how far he's decided where he wants things. He thinks he's going to be able to create some form of intensity when everything he allows just pushes towards the opposite of that. Balance is the only way to achieve that "feeling" even if the balancing is VERY minimal to allow freedom of choice as much as possible.
  11. I couldn't even see who I killed until he was dead.. it listed his name in the deathlog. That's the only reason I knew who I killed.. so not sure where you derived that from. This game is not very realistic, so I really don't see where you're going with that argument. This game has realistic elements into it, but it's by no means anything close to real. If you're going to bother "stopped reading" then you should probably stop posting since your ears have apparently been sealed shut this entire time.
  12. You're right. There isn't.. but we still run into the aspect of identifying said bandits. I killed one earlier today, and didn't even know it until he was dead.. shooting completely in self defense (I had a clean shot at him for over 40 seconds and he shot at my friend, then me after staring at me for 10 seconds). In "real life" people pick up on body language, tone, eye movement, stances, etc.. things you cannot see in this game. Balance needs to be made in order to distinguish such things (like if I get within _____ range of them their name turns red). Not realistic? It's a game; and killing people over a can of sardines isn't realistic either. By nature - humans are genetically pre-dispositioned to bond together. It's that rare few that choose to do otherwise (which would also fall into the murderers, rapists, serial killers, etc.. most likely 5% of the population with another 5% being potential advocates of such deviance given the right conditions). Look at the worst of the worst in prisons, even.. people STILL bond together, just racially instead.. and we're talking about that hypothetical 10% in it's entirety. See where that brings us? We can't really compare the real world to a game. It's too cumbersome and difficult. That's why balance comes into effect... because it's there to SIMULATE different conditions. This game currently lacks balance. I don't want it to lose it's edge.. I WANT players to feel the rush of being a bandit. I also want to "good players" to be rewarded for doing so.. aka: other neutral players won't come after you and kill you because God forbid you have a spoon as a weapon and they blow you away from trigger-happiness.
  13. Attacking someone else's opinion doesn't exactly put more weight into yours. There's nothing wrong with being a bandit in this game necessarily, but it is a GAME and that aspect is not balanced currently towards multiple avenues of play.. something that is pivotal in a "sandbox" style game. I personally don't see an issue with making changes. Being a bandit offers vast rewards, but for balance - there should also be vast drawbacks for such an aggressive playstyle. Currently - there isn't any. The same should be said for being "the good guy". It also needs to have it's drawbacks, but currently - there's almost no reason to be that type of player because there's ONLY drawbacks. Look at EVE Online, for example.. being a Pirate offers a ton for rewarding the player... but it also identifies you as a major target to everyone else that ISN'T a pirate.. thus they might work together to kill you. They might also not get good loot as fast as you, either. It's a double-edged sword, yet it's still balanced. That's what this alpha stage of the game is for.. figuring things out.
  14. I'm new. I made a thread about my experiences so far. This game is a blast with friends, but make no mistake.. there's players that hunt other players.
  15. DeltaElite121

    Best places/techniques to find animals

    Been up north so far and haven't found anything :/ The coast has a ton of boars and goats, though.
  16. DeltaElite121

    First experiences (lengthy)

    Well, I made it into town with my friend.. had a line on someone, but he didn't shoot back. Unfortunately, I had a broken leg from a zombie hit so we needed to find a hospital. This guy led the way there, and I followed. Honestly wasn't sure if he was trustworthy or not, but he didn't shoot when he had the chance so meh, whatever. Let's see what happens. He communicated he was also friendly and we had about a 2 minute brief talk about the hospital more or less.. he decides to join up with us and leads the way Finally (after FOREVER of crawling) we get to the hospital. Once we got there, I started getting swarmed by zombies. Joe (my friend) is helping me defend when all of a sudden Joe eats a bullet.. and obviously - I get one just as fast. Turns out he ran up into the hospital and sniped both of us out of spite. Initially pretty agitated because of the dick move (I don't care what some of you say about "in the real world ___" because that's honestly not accurate.. coming from a Criminal Justice field I can assure that). - I honestly wouldn't have been as peeved had he just blown us away right when he saw us.. but the fact it was all pre-meditated is just wrong, really. Obviously not everyone is going to be a "sportsman" about killing players, but griefers are always sad regardless of what game you play. Whatever, day two rolls around. Round two. Today we're a little more cautious, and we're both avoiding other players (I've seen several and did not fire at them.. they had no idea I was there). Hit a small airfield, and I hear someone shoot nearby.. like within walking distance, so I tell Joe to be at the ready and I'll check it out. Lo-and-behold there's a guy sitting in a the bay next to us.. leaned out and watching as if he's waiting for someone. I crawl out towards the cover and get a straight shot at his backside. Joe gets into position beside the wall/corner and also lines up. I state "friendly, do not engage" ... he turns around (he was messing with his bag). He sees us. Couple of seconds go by.. nobody says anything because he didn't respond. This random guy cracks a shot off a Joe, and Joe hits the ground bleeding really bad. He follows off another shot and it hits the cover in front of me. I return fire with two Enfield rounds into him and send him to his maker. Had no intentions of shooting him, but that sealed the deal there. I then run over to Joe and patch him up with one of the blood bags we found at an earlier med station. Start digging through his stuff, and he's loaded... ALICE pack with an AK47, six mags, a revolver, seven .45 ACP mags, map, compass, binoculars, blood bags, food, etc.. the works. Not a bad find.. too bad he was a douchebag preying on newer players. I watch the deathlogs and it shows him dying about 5 times in a row. My guess is he was force spawning himself to get back to where he was at. Come to find out somehow Joe got credit for killing "the bandit" even though I plugged him.. heh. Case and point? You don't need to shoot everyone you see.. they need to do something about the bandit system though, as I think it's inherently broken.. at least make it to where it lists which PEOPLE are bandits so I know which names to look at for. Something. Either way, I think it's a fun game for what it is. We're out in the woods now avoiding the areas where snipers are known to lurk, but I think we'll be testing our luck soon at one of the airfields. My guess is we're going to need to clear it methodically, or we're going to end up bumping into a sniper and get taken. For an alpha - I'd say it's decent. Getting around to play it was a chore, but it was worth it. I'll continue playing. The only thing I DON'T like is the amount of PITA for vehicles. Hunting around for parts is probably realistic in some cases, but why send you all across the map for a car?? You'll probably die before you fix it.