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Everything posted by Baralai

  1. It is removable, you need to target the poles that the wire is placed upon.
  2. Remove it for now and add it back in standalone. Only reason i'm saying this is because people will continue to abuse barbed wire in towns (and because server restarts put them back where they were previous to being removed. Once you guys can fix the removal of them, I'd say add them back in.
  3. Baralai

    A terrible sniper finds his mark another way

    Karma, it's everywhere you're going to be.
  4. Baralai

    why are so many children playing this game?

    I completely agree with you in terms of how children are playing the game, but it just shows how much their parents really don't care (either that or they are completely oblivious to the fact). Look at all the kids playing on games like CoD, BF3, etc....
  5. Baralai

    Does the DMR now zero?

    I think it's just because it's Lingor Island and has its own rules. Hell, fuel pumps fill up vehicles in lingor just by passing by them. I'm just gonna say it's lingor since Chernarus doesn't have a zero on the DMR (Unless they somehow did a hotfix since last night).
  6. Baralai

    Welcome to a Fresh server US 905

    Yeah, takes a few days for vehicles with clean new servers unfortunately. Either way, loving the server. Admins are nice as can be, chat regularly with console to players for fun. Yeah, vehicles may have been already gone, blah blah blah, but it's really not hard to find them. On a side note, whomever was fixing up the ATV in the Balota airstrip in the one industrial building, thanks for the free gear. Ended up coming back after i found some scrap metal and you threw some gas and some Mt. Dew in it. Many thanks, I was thirsty :P.
  7. Baralai

    BattlEye Ping too high

    Wow o.O. Sorry, that's extremely low from a standard I'm at but the only way I could see a way around this is to upgrade your connection, even the slightest bit. In terms of how much bandwidth you get (varies from provider to provider) you'll only actually get between 50%-80% of the actual amount you paid for. If you are located in Germany, I have no clue the service plans that are available or how much money you have to spend (in terms of upgrading), but even upgrading to a 1mb/s should be enough to alleviate this. Granted, you won't exactly be able to join every single server you see due to how some pings would be extremely high, but if you only play on local servers you should be fine. If you want to join servers that are in the US, however, you will probably have to upgrade to an even higher mb/s in order to do so without getting kicked for ping. Can try to join servers with a high-ping limit so you won't get kicked when it spikes (for when you hit zombies). TLTR: Best off upgrading your connection speed, nothing you can really do on computer end to fix.
  8. Baralai

    DayZ Scopes

    Standalone is already going to be doing something about this, rocket mentioned having the ability to customize weapons (which includes scopes).
  9. Baralai

    Will this get me banned?

    Too bad there aren't tricycles in game though =\. Would make it so much better.
  10. Baralai

    Will this get me banned?

    Really? o.O....If so then I take back what I said earlier. Edit: Disregard my previous post about pbo files, etc.. Just watched the video and nothing like it! Happy skin swapping!
  11. Baralai

    Farming (Creating your own food)

    I actually think it would be great to be able to do this. Grow your own wheat, pumpkins, corn, beans even! Ofc we won't see anything like this until standalone comes out, but you shall get my beans as I'll just grow them when the time comes (Hoping that they actually do this at some point)!
  12. Baralai

    Will this get me banned?

    Only you will be able to see the skin. I didn't watch the video but I already know all that you're going to be doing is modifying a client side skin. The only way others would see you in that skin is if the server some how had the exact one in the directory files. Pretty sure you won't get banned, but there is a chance that servers will kick you for having abnormal pbo files.
  13. Baralai

    Two weeks. Should I..?

    Welcome back to the game then :D
  14. Baralai

    Mountain dew

    It's the mark of death, bringer of the plague. Either drink it quick or just get rid of it. Many horror stories from having one in your possession. :3 (but yes it is rare to find in general)
  15. Baralai

    Tips for a hiding place for Huey

    Honestly, there is no safe place for a chopper besides being in the air already. Placing it inside the map (not near debug) might get found pretty fast due to the size of it and hiding it near debug will result in the same due to people looking for tents. Choppers are just too big to literally hide and not be found for days on end. Personally I had mine around 072015 (or somewhere near that location, big flat open field surrounded by forests). Only problem was it was stolen pretty damn fast, only lasted 2 nights there before being discovered.
  16. Baralai

    You were banned

    Just means you were banned from that specific server. Just go to a different one and you'll be fine.
  17. Baralai

    How long for Heli to SPWAN

    There is no exact time set as to how vehicles respawn after being destroyed. The hive keeps track of those types of things and release them onto the server after a certain amount of time. After that time is reached, the next server reset will spawn the vehicle in. Sorry I couldn't give you an exact time.
  18. Baralai

    Trading AS50 TWS.

    I think he's referring to the fact that it is a hacked weapon and your trying to trade it. Either way, good luck.
  19. Baralai

    Shaking randomly HELP

    You either need: 1) Blood 2) Painkillers If neither of those fix it, a cold maybe? (Never had one, not sure if you shake :3)
  20. It's because of duping that is occurring, no weapon is rare anymore.
  21. Mountain Dew is the mark of death and is treated like the plague anymore. Come anywhere near a person with it and you're bound to die shortly after.
  22. Baralai

    can't log into any public hives help

    It pretty much means you have to update your beta version. Use six launcher or dayz commander to do it easily, or you can just download the beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  23. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/
  24. Sounds like a little bit of abuse on the admins behalf. Either way, I'd just say switch servers as some have fun on one without such people.
  25. I think the use of a controller would be amazing, but many flaws would be presented in doing so. There are so many buttons on the keyboard that are currently used that i'm not sure if there would be a possible way to integrate all of them into controller use. Don't get me wrong, there are some ways around it but would end up being harder then the keyboard in some cases. If you combined using both, controller for basic shooting, movement, picking things up, opening inventory, etc... it would work great. For everything else though you'd probably end up using the keyboard (for emotes such as surrender, etc...). Otherwise, it would be great to have the game fully accept using a standard Microsoft controller.