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Everything posted by Baralai

  1. Baralai

    portable generator?!

    To my knowledge it's a hacked in item with no actual purpose. I would have hoped it could have been used, but we'll probably end up seeing the full result (and addition of this item) in standalone to allow for power in city's / personal bunkers.
  2. Baralai

    Fireteam Friendly Fire - New DayZ Series

    Good stuff, I'll agree that the bleeps make it funnier overall. Hope to see the whole series play out :P
  3. Baralai

    M4A1 Holo SD help!?

    Hacked weapon, it's your decision to keep it or not. Some servers ban for using hacked weapons, others don't. Personally, I'd say drop that thing right now.
  4. Baralai

    Dafuq just happened?!

    Hacked in vehicles that are improperly added will explode upon entering.
  5. Baralai

    How many round to drop a heli?

    Sounds like you had NATO rounds, in which case it only takes 1 well placed shot to the main rotor assembly to make the heli crash to the ground. All while you are laughing hysterically and the people inside cursing as to what just happened. :)
  6. Please for the love of god give this a sticky. WAY too many threads about this topic in general. Very nice spread of ways to fix it (although #2 seems to work for 'most' people).
  7. Baralai

    Food Supplies

    I see what you did there...very witty :P Rabbit traps would be extremely useful. Fishing is just a huge one up on everything else; not sure if it'd be fun but it would be an easy-ish way of getting food (probably not much blood since they would be common).
  8. Baralai

    Gb #666 restart

    Server shouldn't really be locked for any reason. Seems like the admins are doing some shady business. I could be wrong, but that's just my opinion.
  9. Baralai

    Double Sniper Fail...

    Oh god, please don't start with ignorant chopper pilots that think they can fly the thing with no training.... Had plenty of those already.
  10. Baralai


    In terms of standalone, this may be considered. In fact of how the mod is currently running, adding new tents won't solve anything except a bigger headache and another realization that tents are still eating everything stuck inside them. I would like to see tents store more items since you can't actually 'sleep' inside them or at least increase them a slight bit to accompany more weapons (even an extra 2-3 weapons would be wonderful). Tent color would be nice to be able to change. As they might be adding the option to change the paint job in standalone, this may be a possibility as it would apply the same concept to tents. Who knows what will happen, only time will tell at this point. I know the suggestion of "Why not just set up another tent?" will be coming in the near future. It's because the more tents you have setup, the higher the risk of the actual location being discovered and all of the tents being raided. If you can discretely hide one single tent that can hold a bunch of items, I think it would be a pretty good thing.
  11. Oh jesus, please use what Anti said and don't use 800x600. That low of a resolution will only cause you to bash your head off the closest wall due to how horribad the graphics will be ><. (At least what he said should work in aspect due to the game having a seperate graphics interface compared to the actual computer).
  12. Baralai

    Double Sniper Fail...

    You had the cojones to throw up a video of yourself failing to snipe a player and dying to some ridiculous fall. You get my beans for doing so and I'm glad you took your suicide like a man!
  13. Baralai

    How to pick up a dropped bicycle?

    I've had this happen a few times, if you can get on the bicycle to begin with it's a good start. For me, whenever it happened I just got into first person and it automatically propped it back into a ride-able position. If that doesn't work and the option doesn't show up at all (even after restart), then it may have been completely destroyed and you may not be able to use it. But as said, try re-logging first and if it doesn't allow the option to pop up, you may be out of luck.
  14. Baralai

    Q: Can I eject bandit from car?

    Yeah, I think it was just him jumping out, not being kicked out. Either way, I can't believe he fixed up a chopper and gave it back to those guys. Once in a lifetime viewing of something like that; I would have just ended up shooting them and taking it for myself <.<.
  15. Zombies have no stomach capacity, they'll eat until their stomachs burst and then continue to eat more. All while the food they are currently eating is slowly falling out of the hole in their stomach and eventually bursts out somewhere. The sound idea 'could' work, but I don't think giving them supersonic hearing would be in the best interest of the game (although it would add a huge paranoia aspect to the game whenever you open a can of soda in the middle of a town). In terms of how slow the zombies now move, if they take that concept over to standalone, I would personally love to see there be 3x as zombies as there usually are in towns when spawned. Instead of 3-4 per building, make it like 10 zombies per building and have them actually spawn in the buildings as well instead of using them as a safe-haven to lure them in and kill them. If zombies stop running while in buildings, this would make it all the better imo and restore the balance between pvp and players vs zombies. I also think in terms of how buildings are presented, if there is an open window you should be able to jump through them (as well as zombies being able to flop themselves inside in the same manner. I really do like the idea of capturing a zombie and chaining it in a specific area to deter people from going near it (although also giving away the position of the base but at the same time telling people inside that somebody is outside). Sorry if you disagree with anything I've stated, although i'm just looking at it in my own eyes. I'm sure that everybody has their own concept of how zombies should respond and react in certain situations. On a side note, title is completely misleading and using caps on PORN only makes it stand out more to the fact that there is absolutely no porn in this thread. Extremely disappointed :(.
  16. Baralai

    Blowing up a chopper

    Unless the chopper is physically airborne, there is no way to destroy it while on ground. The worst that'll happen is that everything will be turned red and will have to be fully repaired. If you shoot the main rotor in mid air and manage to hit it, it will go down and then blow up. I don't understand why it's impossible to destroy them on the ground, but w/e.
  17. Baralai

    Zeds are a joke

    "They're listening..."
  18. Baralai

    Vehicular Armor Idea -{STANDALONE}-

    I believe rocket already said something along the lines of more vehicle customization when it comes to standalone. We may end up seeing a 'portion', or at least a set standard, as to what can be done with vehicles. Please don't quote me on whether it will actually happen or not; I just remember hearing him talk about adding more features to vehicles then what is currently in the system.
  19. Baralai

    Cherno LOCKED DOWN!

    Hopping to a different server, logging out at a location behind the players in question, and logging back in. Extremely frowned upon by virtually everybody that plays the game. Back to OP: I highly doubt they actually have all of cherno locked down, although it is possible with enough people. Either way, good luck to them with keeping it however they have it situated currently!
  20. This is actually a really good idea. As said, it would be hard to completely implement due to different servers. Only way around it would be for the journal to keep track of server IP's as well as the coordinates (considering they had a GPS or map on them at the time of placing at least).
  21. Hate to break it to ya, It's gonna stay there for a while. The hive will eventually pick up on the fact that it is no longer in use and throw it back into the server upon a restart (which restart, who knows). Just give it a few days (up to a week), then it will reset back into a new spawn point.
  22. Baralai

    THE motherload of all finds

    Nice find, the only thing that would have made it better would be if it was NATO rounds instead of M107's. I'm more surprised that you didn't find NATO rounds with it actually. Nonetheless, nice find.
  23. Baralai

    Friendly move

    Valid suggestion, however I would like to point out that a lot of people use the salute/surrender animations to do this quite frequently as well.
  24. Baralai

    What happened to these forums?

    It's because people apparently can't see the huge white box at the top of the screen called "Search". People are extremely lazy and, well i'll just leave it at that.
  25. Baralai

    I Ask Elektro Snipers This

    This. Once you acquire a hefty amount of backup weapons and you don't really need to raid anything, the game becomes a tad dull. To spice it up, I personally do this from time to time. It's not about the kill count nor the fact that they are an unarmed target. It's about spotting and having that bullet reach them, killing them instantly. Yes it may not be 'fair game' in some people's eyes, but when is it ever a fair fight against a sniper? They know where you are, but hardly ever do you know where they are.