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Everything posted by brightlitefilms

  1. What we are is a small gaming community that hosts our own private hive server that has low amounts of lag, recently respawned vehicles, and a friendly, non-insta-bandit playerbase. Mr. Films is the owner, talk to him if you have any questions (on the forums - BrightLiteFilms - me). CONNECTING INFO: IP: PORT: 2322 FULL CONNECTING INFO: FULL SERVER NAME: US 284 Chernarus Private Hive ( NT: OFF | MAP: OFF | CH: ON | 3RDP: ON | [REGULAR]
  2. brightlitefilms

    US 284 Chernarus Private Hive (VANILLA)

    Thanks, man. :)
  3. brightlitefilms

    More Realism(Stamina, Breath)

    Ahem, let me settle this with a meme.
  4. brightlitefilms

    every time i spawn in i die ???

    You're wrong (poster above me). It has nothing to do with the timeout thing as I join my own server often with the timeout thing still running (after a fresh restart) and all that happens is I get the loading bug and after one fresh ArmA 2 restart I able to join again. To the OP, it's pretty simple. Just use DayZ Commander to update your ArmA 2 version to the latest (I think it's 98836; just a guess). My friends have had this issue and that's all that they had to do to fix it. Regards, ~Films :beans:
  5. brightlitefilms

    New Player Need Some Help and Tips?

    Dear God, why is it that all of the people I see do not know that when on the internet, Google is their best friend? Please let them realize this, and maybe even let them realize that they may browse other forum topics before posting. Amen. :beans:
  6. brightlitefilms

    I just noticed!

    I've played since 1.7.2 and there is no way in hell that there are more friendlies than ever. That's why me and my friends bought a server and play (not in a group) with it passworded so that we may fight amongst or team up with each other, all six of us. Can get quite intense and fun, especially when you're voice chatting in Steam and just hear: "WHAT THE F*** WAS THAT" "Oh my God... Ben, are you in the bushes over there?" "Oh my gosh, you're all so beat. *meniacal laughing*." "Herp derp GAH" "Who's shooting at me, stop!" "Guys, let's all kill Jason (or whomever)."
  7. brightlitefilms

    'The moment' that crushed your dreams?

    The spam is strong with this one ^ Anyways, back to OP, the only real time I've had my dreams crushed was when I finally got my helichopper working and was kicked for ping being too high just as I took off because my brother was Steam updating on the same internet. I cried myself to sleep that night as when I logged in, there was nothing left but the charred skeleton of what could have been my new best friend. :_( RIP choppersickballs
  8. brightlitefilms

    M240 Belts in chopper

    When the server restarts, the M240 belts on the side will reset back to their original ammo (100 rounds in a box magazine with two on the side, three total). If you own the server and you are out of ammo, just restart the server.
  9. The name of it is: US 284 AVI Private Hive (1.7.3/98220) Max Vehicles | 3DP:ON | CH:ON | GCHAT:ON | NT:OFF And it's completely vanilla, no settings changed. Me and my friends run it, we're a friendly group o' people. The IP is: The port is: 2322
  10. brightlitefilms

    **Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

    How long does it take for a server to be up? I just bought one, no rush or anything, although an ETA would be nice.
  11. brightlitefilms

    Hosting Help

    We need a server hosting company (NOT Defcon) that can be purchased with a credit card, not PayPal. Any assistance would be awesome, thanks.
  12. brightlitefilms

    Falling damage, very unrealistic!

    Okay, to the OP, you just fucking epicly bumped this topic up four months. Come on. Anyways, fall damage is fine, if you are not expecting a fall in real life and tense up during the half second fall, you can land and break bones easily. Another thing is that when you land off of a moderately high place in real life, do you ever get that tingly feeling then a sharp pain in your ankles? It's because you were tense while you fell. Bohemia Interactive was smart NOT to include a jumping system... TL;DR It's completely fine.
  13. brightlitefilms

    Arma2 OA (Glitch?) problem.

    Oh my gosh, you guys. He already said he fixed it... INB4LOCK
  14. brightlitefilms

    Need Help - Laptop Sufficient?

    RAM means nothing for gaming usually, especially not in a game like this. The processor is also not a big deal, I don't know why everyone flips out over having a bad processor. Even though ArmA 2 is CPU intensive, you'll just be using up more of your CPU while your playing. On my portable, flimsy rig I run DayZ on lowest settings with a 2.1 GHZ CPU, dual core; factory CPU and an nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX+. TL;DR In other words, you'll be fine, kiddo'.
  15. brightlitefilms

    What do you do in DayZ?

    Instead of killing the bandits, why not helping the good? Do what I occasionally do, go on official hive servers and find tents with some decent extra gear you have. Place the tent in the open for everyone to see, and place a weapon in it, maybe some morphine / one can of food and a drink. It can really make someone's day. You could also try working up towards a helicopter, then "rescuing people" off of the coast as they spawn, picking them up and bringing them to a safe spot to give them a weapon and then push them on their way.
  16. brightlitefilms

    Spawning unconscious, timer does not count down

    My gosh guys, just go on the DayZ reddit and post in the "save" section. You'll get a person to come and help you with an epi-pen, also; it's due to the fact that you are alt-F4ing or leaving the game while you're in shock, of which if you log out during you get knocked out. Shock lasts for five minutes, I believe.
  17. Go into your nVidia control panel, and make sure that ALL settings are set to "let the game choose" or something similar. I had the same problem, it fixed for me after that.
  18. brightlitefilms

    Can my computer run ArmA 2 or DayZ

    Everyone flips out over the processors when it comes to DayZ, when really the issue with most is the graphics card even though ArmA 2 is CPU intensive. My friend has a 2.2 GHZ two core processor with a GTX 550 Ti and he can run it at high settings with the only lag being in Cherno, just like the rest of us. I have a 3.7 GHZ six core processor and a GTX 570 Ti and can run it at very high settings with a solid fifty FPS while Fraps is running. TL;DR You should be fine running it at medium settings.
  19. brightlitefilms

    New "improved" vehicle repair system. HELP!

    Having the same exact issue. I need help with this, vehicles are like the one main goal in DayZ :P
  20. brightlitefilms

    Unable to repair vehicles fully, since update 1.7.3

    I'm having the same exact issue. Vehicles are now extremely buggy.
  21. brightlitefilms

    Cut down inventory space !

    I didn't even need to read the OP. When will people understand that realism is good to a certain extent... and this is taking it too far... The current inventory system is completely fine as is. Ever noticed how when you have a shit-ton of stuff in your inventory your character walks s-a-f (slow as fuck) and also runs extremely slowly? Exactly.
  22. The fireplaces are extremely buggy in their current state, and yes you need to be on top of them to heat up no matter what map you are playing on.
  23. brightlitefilms

    A little problem

    Chances are not. If anything were to happen to them my guess is that the tents would be randomly moved about five meters in attempt to get them on grass.
  24. brightlitefilms

    End of game Scenario

    I skimmed through the OP, didn't really think it was necessary for it to be implemented. You want things to be done in DayZ? Don't make challenges, it removes the roleplay aspect of it. How about you go on a low pop. server, grab a car after fixing it up (one of the MAIN challenges/goals in this game if you find one that needs to be repaired completely) and drive along the coast once you see a deathmessage, and pick the person up. Be nice to people for once. Show them compassion. Show them that banditry isn't necessary to survive in DayZ. Give them some supplies but no weapons until you trust them. How about that.