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About FaLLacy

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  1. FaLLacy

    Bad Version Error...

    So... not one person has any idea? :(
  2. So I have everything updated fully and am trying to play on servers that have my updates, (both beta arma 99153 and dayz yet I am still getting a bad version error. Any idea what can be wrong when I do have the correct versions installed? Im using dayzcommander if that helps anything.
  3. FaLLacy

    Life Expectancy: 29 Mins. A DayZ Lets Play by SJ

    Oh I must have read that before and flipped it okie dokie ^_^ thanks for pointing it out :D
  4. FaLLacy

    Life Expectancy: 29 Mins. A DayZ Lets Play by SJ

    just a heads up the whole 29 minute thing is a glitch. Its more like 4 hours and 29 mins
  5. FaLLacy

    Is it the servers or is it me?

    for the receiving data you just have to sit there and wait. very long load times for this game. for the waiting for server response that is a database server issue and it is known. you have to wait or try to join a server that is still connected to the database. and the last issue sounds like the server just crashed when you tried to join it.
  6. FaLLacy

    When to trust people

    and that is why they are removing the bandit skin... because of people like you who shoot bandits on sight even if they are friendly :P
  7. FaLLacy

    Damage/Hit registration

    That makes sense. Well guess itll just be shitty reg forever then (even though that has been the problem in most games for the past 10 years) unless they some how optimize everything which is a shit load of work. Guess i'll have plenty of more instances where i killed the guy in front of me and still die from his "invisible" shots. Guess i'll start loving the enfield even more cause thats the only gun i can apparently 1 shot some one with when its a headshot xD Thanks for the quick response. I figured it was bandwith shit, but wanted to get a real answer instead of assuming. It is kinda getting annoying tho only playing for 15 mins then a server crashes, spending 30-40 minutes trying to find a server that is connected to the database, only to get into a server and be incapacitated for no reason, join another server and half my shit in my backpack is missing, only to be killed by 1 shot to the face by a guy with a mak as im going up stairs and knowing i still would have died even if i did get to shoot him in the face :( i'm pretty sure i hit like 6 glitches fucking me over today in the span of an hour only to die :/ well more like 2 or 3 hours if you add the waiting time in :P
  8. Anyone wanna explain it to me? I've put 5-10 makarov bullets into people standing completely still (at least 3 hit them in the head) and they don't die (they are just incapacitated). But it seems like everyone else shoots me once in the head as i'm moving and I die instantly (even with full blood). It's not server lag cause neither party was lagging either time (the shots were on time when i died and their reactions after i died didn't seem laggy/choppy) and i'm not missing... I'm not spamming the bullets, one shot at a time... is this just basically arma 2 being a pos engine? I've seen what lag does when shooting at people (it has taken me 24 rifle bullets point blank to kill some one and 2-3 makarov clips point blank when the other person is lagging so i know its not that)
  9. FaLLacy

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    I'm starting to think it is strictly a server load/bandwith issue :3 If it is rocket should open donations for today for his birthday. we could all give him a nice little birthday present :P
  10. FaLLacy

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    Yea there is like 3 forum posts about how to install the game... and in 3-4 different ways to install it. It is an alpha... but even in alpha... the game should be at least playable :P cardboard is on the right track, but like bacon said it didn't happen until 1.5.7 (for me specifically and apparently him as well)
  11. FaLLacy

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    I'm all down for celebrating b-days. But releasing a patch on your b-day (when you know you'll be celebrating and not able to fix any problems) doesn't seem like the brightest idea. No offense rocket if you see this. Hope you enjoy your bday off ^_^ but for future instances like this, mind leaving somebody to man the guns while others are off playing around? Also still can't get in. I have no clue what is causing the issue :(
  12. FaLLacy

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    Well i didn't make the topic so people could come and post "me too", but I didn't make it so flamers as yourself could come in and flame people. The door is that direction if you can't say anything nice. I made it so if some one does find a fix it could be easily spread.
  13. FaLLacy

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    finally got in for like 5 minutes... then the server crashed and right back to square one...
  14. FaLLacy

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    well i guess its not a database issue if the database went down and came back up and everyone is still getting the problem... hopefully they can fix the issue relatively soon >.>
  15. FaLLacy

    Waiting for server reponse (v1.5.7)

    was about to say the same thing colonel, everyone try to play and report results here