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shackles (DayZ)

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Posts posted by shackles (DayZ)

  1. I've been playing Day Z for about 2 or 3 months now and I am sick of being constantly killed because there is no one that can give me a blood transfusion and everytime I ask someone I either get a friendly foreigner (who can't speak a word of english) or 3 bullets to the head and I am looking for 2 or 3 people (or more) that i can have fun with and go on adventures with (creating camps and fixing up vehicles).

    I dont have many requirements but there are some prereferances for example:

    -Speak good english

    -Lives in UK (like me!)

    -A sense of humor

    -Good experience of Day Z

    - A mic

    yeh dude, all of the above ;) my skype is wolfas221 add me if you want, sick of lone wolfing it.

  2. I was going to the airfield for some guns walking in the woods in-between Devils Castle and The NW Airfield when I hear a car engine, So I go prone and survey the area I heard the engine from, after a couple seconds looking I decide to go in and take the guy out I don't want any competition at the airfield. So I move forward crouched when I spot him surprisingly he didn't see me, I aimed my Enfield at him and shot, Missed, he started snaking and I fired 2 more shots at him both missed also, Finally he stops to get a shot on me when I do the same he gets me once with his M16A2 and manages to get me from full health down to 5000 blood but my shot knocks him out or killed him I fire another shot at his head to make sure he's down and bandage myself up. On him I got a Map finally, his gun with 3 mags I now have no need for the airfield, and some Night Vision goggles! Which are pretty useless to me since I don't play at night. xD

    haha youre missing out though, its like a totally different game at night :)

  3. sorry but that is retarded, when I'm hungry my stomach doesn't rumble loud enough to be heard 10 to 15 meters away my stomach hardly rumbles at all, maybe lowering the range would make a bit more realistic

    if you look at my post again you'll see i put 10-5 meters i meant it other way around 5-10 meters, my bad.

  4. Id like Dayz to have a stomach sound, a "rumble" that could be heard say 10-5 meters distance as soon as your food starts blinking, it would help prevent hunger exploitation when players wait for the blood loss penalty and then they eat, the players in tight stealth situations would have to eat earlier so that they prevent hunger sounds. Which means that the food wouldn't last as long which would make it more valuable and scarce, and it would enhance the whole experience greatly.

    This is my opinion, please comment tell me what you think, add anything you think would be even cooler.
