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Shrapnel (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Shrapnel (DayZ)

  1. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    SA-Suggestion: Introduction of Microskills

    As much as i love RPG-style survival games.. Id much rather DayZ stick to its original blueprint. You want a PvP survival game with skills and point grinding? Go play Haven&Hearth.
  2. My only response to these kinda of threads..
  3. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Can i STOP LOOSING MY FUC**N character!!!!

    I failed to read OP and following posts. To answer the thread topic simply: Lolno. To the people screaming "Its alpha! STOP BITCHING!" i say, lolfuckoff. Correct way to handle an issue in DayZ is to follow these steps. 1.) Visit the DayZ Forums Troubleshooting Section. 2.) Use the Search Bar to find existing threads related to the problem your having. 2b.) If there is a thread already made about your problem, post there. Do not make any more threads. If this is true, disregard Step 3. 3.) Create a Bug Report with detailed information and patiently wait for the Dev Team to acknowledge and test/fix it. If only people followed these simple steps, the forums would be such a better place to be.
  4. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Random Zombie, Eating/Drinking Sounds.

    So ive had this issue a while now but it seems to be dependant on the number of people on the server. While playing on Low population servers ( 1- 10 ) every minute or so it will play a random sound from either a zombie, or a player interaction, but only a fraction of it, never the whole sound clip. On Medium Pop servers (11 - 20 ) Constant zombie sound clips being played halfway, occasionally a soda can or reload sound. Again, never the full sound clip, but enough that its recognizable. High Pop servers ( 21 - 30/40 ) Constant zombie sounds, constant food/drink sounds, constant reload sounds. All played halfway. Im wondering if these sounds are glitched somehow and are actually happening somewhere on the map and im able to hear them , or the ambient sound is broken and playing these sound clips randomly.. It can be extremely disorienting to be running thought the woods and hear a soda can open right next to you and you turn but nobody is there.. Its not a game breaking bug but its one that has been pissing me off since i started playing. Is anyone else having this issue? Any ways to fix it?
  5. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Random Zombie, Eating/Drinking Sounds.

    Ive also noticed the rabbits, and since you pointed this out ive confirmed that every time a sound is played there is a rabbit within 10 meters. 1nb4 Rocket has rabbits spying on us.
  6. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Random Zombie, Eating/Drinking Sounds.

    Good to see others are having the same problem, now that its a confirmed bug, how about someone looking into solving it?
  7. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Total Night and Character Rollback?

    So just as the title says, i logged out yesterday after the server i was playing was going down for maintenance, i come back on roughly 10 hours later and my gear is rolled back to roughly 3 days ago. Not only that, but after joining multiple servers, even the ones that say "24/7 Daytime" are all in the night cycle. What the hell happened? Did i miss something? Did maintenance go wrong or something?
  8. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    What's with the forced server time?

    Alright well thanks for posting so quickly. Hopefully some light gets shed on this issue in an announcement or something.
  9. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    What's with the forced server time?

    So are server owners allowed to fix the issue right now?
  10. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    What's with the forced server time?

    Why was it changed in the first place? Every server is completely dark right now, WestCoast cant play.
  11. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    What's with the forced server time?

    Agreed. Logged in today and every server is pitch black. And my gear was rolled back so i had no M4 Flashlight.. Completely unplayable.
  12. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Total Night and Character Rollback?

    Search function has failed me then, the last 20 threads ive read have said nothing about it. Also, instead of being a dick about it, how about a link? or an answer?
  13. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Please drop steam!

    Dude, once again, this isnt an issue caused by DayZ. Many people have lots of problems with their steam account, its nothing new. But your asking Rocket and his team to take a game off steam because your steam account is fucked.. Thats just plain stupid. Depending on the issue, any Customer Support can be terrible, deal with it. Complaining about it wont help in any way. For your issue, it sounds like your account was "hacked" or however you want to put it, and your email was changed to some Chinese website, What you can do to recover the account and have your email changed back is provide proof of ownership, using payment history from any credit car or paypal transaction number, etc. Go here for instructions: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2268-EAFZ-9762 If it doesnt work, your sol, sorry. if it helps, your welcome. Suck it up, quit your bitching, and bear though it.
  14. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Please drop steam!

    So your asking for DayZ to drop steam just because you cant use your steam account due to your account email being changed? Wow.. Seems a bit extreme. Sucks that your account is fucked, but thats not DayZs problem. Contact Valve and deal with it there, nothing anyone here can do.
  15. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    DayZ SA: Very bad Stuttering on battleye severs.

    AMD CPU is consistent. Computer Specs: Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 AMD Chipset. CPU: AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0Ghz 125W 8-Core. GPU1: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3Gb 384-Bit GDDR5 GPU2:EVGA GeForce GT 610 1Gb DDR3 (Used for Alternate Displays ONLY) RAM: 32Gb Kingston Beast Ram OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit
  16. Disclaimer: I don't pretend to be an expert, im only sharing what ive found in my online searches. So ive had this issue since buying DayZ, did hours of searching on Google, DayZ Forums, BIStudio Forums/Support, Battleye Support, and ive come to the conclusion that a reoccurring problem has resurfaced once again. The problem is that while playing DayZ, the game stutters heavily for no apparent reason. This stutter is not a result of latency, system performance, or anything CPU/GPU related. Nobody seems to know EXACTLY what causes the issue or how to fix it for all users, only that its happened before in ArmA2, DayZ Mod, and recently in ArmA3, now apparently for only a portion of DayZSA players. From what ive gathered in my desperate search for a fix, the problem is caused when Battleye conflicts with other Memory Scanning programs such as AntiVirus, AntiMalware, etc. Now, personally im running a combination of AVG and MBAM, disabling them didn't help. So, all this being said, does anyone know anything about this or how it might be fixed? Has this issue been addressed in any other posts by a Dev? Has BIStudio or Battleye said anything about it? Is there a temporary fix we can use until an official patch fixes it? ETA on a patch? Any information on this issue other than bug reports or non-specific forum posts?
  17. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Battleye causing Micro-stutters/Freezing. DayZ Unplayable.

    If it helps.. You said something about it being AMD related? Computer Specs Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 AMD Chipset. CPU: AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0Ghz 125W 8-Core. GPU1: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3Gb 384-Bit GDDR5 GPU2: EVGA GeForce GT 610 1Gb DDR3 RAM: 32Gb Kingston Beast Ram OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit Power Supply: 1100 Watt
  18. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    DayZ SA: Very bad Stuttering on battleye severs.

    I made a bug report on this exact issue, it needs to become high priority so please view it and upvote. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=6388
  19. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Micro stutters while moving.

    Ive submitted a bug report on this same issue. Please upvote it so it becomes a top priority and gets fixed asap. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=6388
  20. So ive been playing DayZ SA for about a week now, and ive had this issue the entire time. First off lets list my computer specs so we all know what im working with here.. Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 AMD Chipset. CPU: AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0Ghz 125W 8-Core. GPU1: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 3Gb 384-Bit GDDR5 GPU2:EVGA GeForce GT 610 1Gb DDR3 (Used for Alternate Displays ONLY) RAM: 32Gb Kingston Beast Ram OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit Now onto the issue.. My framerate is excellent on the main menu, and when i join a server and look around. The second i start moving in any direction the game starts to chop heavily. I would say it freezes every 1 second, for about a half second. It only does this when i move around.. not while im looking around or aiming. Heres my Graphics Settings, as you can see any decent computer could run at this low of a setting. Main Video: http://prntscr.com/2hrnkw Textures: http://prntscr.com/2hrnp5 Quality: http://prntscr.com/2hrnrg Rendering: http://prntscr.com/2hrnui So there you go. Also, ive gone into the DayZ Other Profiles config and meesed with all those settings, nothing worked. Any ideas?
  21. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Constant Frame Chopping, tried everything, please help!

    Sorry to double post, but ive started a bug report here: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=6388 Anyone having this same issue should login and upvote so it becomes a priority fix.
  22. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Constant Frame Chopping, tried everything, please help!

    I use a combo of AVG and MBAM. Though others seem to have tried disabling them in other similar threads, it didnt seem to work so i dint bother trying. Plus, if a game cant work with AV programs, why have the AV Programs in the first place? :l
  23. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Constant Frame Chopping, tried everything, please help!

    Set Video Memory from Auto to 3Gbs? The highest is 2Gbs when i mess with the option. Also, I did a bit more searching on this issue and found that i might be due to BattleEye somehow, since it only happens when you move. Tested that theory and found it was true, BE Secured Servers i have the micro stutter, Non-BE Secured Servers my performance is 100% perfect, i even upped the graphics to see what it would take to cause a dip in FPS and it was still between 30-60 FPS.
  24. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Overused, but its one of my favorite!
  25. Shrapnel (DayZ)

    Thermal and night vision should be removed

    Can we start handing out warnings for people who post these threads and make one central thread about it? This is really getting old.