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Posts posted by Gutterboy44

  1. an RPG (which is technically just a grenade)

    No. It's also a HEAT round' date=' specialised for penetrating armoured vehicles.


    There are also HE rounds which are more grenade like. That is the round I was thinking of. Pretty much the only rocket launcher like round that is used for anti personnel that I know of, but I don't know that much.

  2. Love how traditional FPS's have conditioned people to thinking rocket launchers are these catch all giant explosion machines. They are all very specially tailored for their use, which is primarily anti tank/vehicle. Use it for structures and vehicles in DayZ, but that is a large item to haul around for the limited use.

    Side note, the way the AT4 rocket actually penetrates armor is bad ass. A shaped charge basically turns the steel armor into a molten jet and carries all the energy into the cabin of a tank and, well not good to be in there once that happens.

  3. @Sgt_Rock - I like some of your ideas. Establishing a "trust" would be very cool and could be represented by something like revealing player names, as you said, after establishing that trust. Perhaps exchanging salutes would establish trust. Moreover, killing someone you have established trust with would subtract a lot more humanity than killing strangers. If a stranger, even in survivor skin, doesn't want to establish trust it would be a sign they are more likely to kill you or simply don't want to sacrifice a bunch of humanity if they end up killing you in a separate encounter. This would mimic the idea that killing a stranger is less consequential to your humanity than killing someone you know.

    Additionally, I think that a group of positive humanity players who have established trust and stay in proximity should gain humanity and even be able to "convert" a player with low humanity if they stick with them. It is easy to go the way of a bandit, simply tag along with others and murder survivors, but some sort of redemption in the other direction would be great. If a group of "good" people accepted you and established trust, it would restore some of your humanity.

  4. I think humanity should remain in the game and like every other aspect it is a work in progress. I believe there is a lot of potential of how humanity could manifest itself in game beyond the current skin change system. After all, the very concept of humanity in a zombie apocalypse is a "resource". How do we define ourselves as humans in such a grim situation? To go around murdering people you know as "innocent" with zero consequence is the antithesis of realism.

    Let's not forget this is a simulation, a very good one, but not reality. When you fire a gun in game, your hand doesn't shake on the mouse, your ears don't ring. The game animates recoil and plays a sound through your speakers to best approximate the experience of shooting a real gun. So by participating in any game with guns, no matter how realistic, you are conceding that you are willing to accept an approximation and not actual reality.

    With all simulations the game is doing it's best to represent real life phenomena. That said, when it comes to killing people, If you ran around murdering innocent humans in a zed world, you can be assured your psyche would be greatly altered as well as the way others perceive you. Conveying this in game with a skin change is certainly not the ultimate representation of the complexities of humanity, but it acknowledges it exists.

    I think this is an important game mechanic, if not the most important game mechanic in Day Z. It deserves the same attention and development as all the other game mechanics and would be a terrible disservice to remove it because a few hyperbolic shouts of anti-realism or that those intrigued by the system are inherently cowards.

    As a theoretical zed apocalypse persists, humanity will be the most precious and rare resource of all. Imagine Day Z down the road, maybe we will all have bandit skins because the world is so cruel and unforgiving, no matter your moral intentions when you first started playing. A bandit skin could come to represent how long you have lived.

    "I remember when I was innocent like you, wet behind the ears. Pious, on a soap box murmuring about humanity and what it means to be good. But you'll change. You'll change or you'll die. Welcome to Chernaus"

  5. For now, the bandit skin affords players valuable feedback. A lot of us are just feeling out and exploring this world for the first time and being able to avoid bandits via their distinct skin gives us a few more hours in Chernaus.

    However, I would like to see it evolve into a much more subtle distinction, especially with the possibilities of different clothes/skins and ghille suits in future updates. Perhaps something as subtle as a change in way their face looks, hardened, dead eyed. Maybe in the future when it moves over to Arma 3 that game engine will offer the ability for minor facial tweaks. The reason I defend this is that "realism" does include being able to make snap judgement about people's personalities based on the look of their face, their eyes, body language, etc. Not everyone is going to be wearing a necklace of ears, but it would be interesting to explore the various ways in game personalities and intentions could be expressed.
