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Everything posted by david.mcentee@live.co.uk

  1. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Some quick questions ...

    LOL oblivion!
  2. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Zombie hordes in the woods ?

    i think this is cool idear but it should be on the outskurts of the wood's other wise we will never have safe havens!!! or mabey be in a ditch somewere like thev all fallen down in to the ditch and you know cannot get back up there for collecting a hord of zombies! thanks D.
  3. david.mcentee@live.co.uk


    Hey bud i have a small group and if we come across you i swear i will help you and take nothing! we are a friendly bunch but some how you must make your self scarse from other players while we come. my ingame name is dave and my friends are kill and baked. cya in a bit. i hope.. D.
  4. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    It was pitch black and me and my new group, were raidng a airstrip hanger. me and another went in looking for supplies. the bandit of our team stayed on the hill with a sniper, we all have night vision goggles so we know whear we are going. y bud pops in first going through the hanger he gives the all clear before i followed him. we went straight to the back becouse that's were we tend to find the best loot. thats when we hearded shots lots of them they were in the other hannger. everyone had checked with each other it wasnt an accedent. yep, the sniper on our team confurmed it it was an surviovor he was lying down. mowwing down z's i quicly went on direct channle said; "Hey buddy you need some help?" i said this so we could see how he would react see if he would attempt to kill me. i poped round the coner for a seccond. BANG BANG BANG. shit my leg was broken. my buddy ameditly helped me out. i then said. "should't have done that. then all of our group went in chant and said that i was not alone. the guy panicked he sprinted out and across the air field. TBH i had enough of this guy. my bud told our sniper to take him out. this just realy show's how silly and quick reacting people can be. and it was a clean headshot for you that were worndering. BTW for you people who read my last post on this topic. Yes the guy i saved is still on out team he is the guy who was rading with us not the sniper :D Just to say. it realy helps if you can tame a bandit to your team trust me its brilliant. give it a try!!! D.
  5. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    To the two survivors I picked up in a jeep on UK87

    i like this story.
  6. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    looking for a group.

    sounds good man:D welcome to the team i will contact you with my skype name soon :D since we just started we should pick a server. any suggestions?
  7. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    looking for crew

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36849-looking-for-a-group/ i am also looking for a group L=:D
  8. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    I accidentally the whole thing.

    fair dues :D
  9. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    I feel guilty...

    cool story bro!
  10. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Looking for a group.

    hey kill i am starting a group and if you want to you are welcome to join mabey we could be co owners? thers the link v http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36849-looking-for-a-group/
  11. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    looking for a group.

    well it coz i am 14 and i guess an 18 year old wont want to be part of our group :P we can strech our age range if nessary :D
  12. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    looking for a group.

    P.S please comment here if you want to join. state your age. state your predicment(survivour/bandit) state your skype (i will add you)
  13. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Looking for US Players to Team Up.

    hey my names dave i am 13 years of age. (14 on the 27th july) iv been playying for about a week now. i have been looting and getting used to the game. and are looking for a team to join. i still dont know everything but i have been watching youtube vidios of lets plays and other things. so i would love to join ur team :DD
  14. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Stopped playing

  15. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    How to equip your hatchet as a weapon.

    thanks :P
  16. david.mcentee@live.co.uk Here's whats up with ghille suits, KEEP YOUR CIV CLOTHES!

    hey thanks bud!!
  17. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Please stop robbing my store.

    my company, the produce store inspectors inc. will be taking a sevay of your establishment. if the conduct of your store is not satisfactory we will be taking it off yoour hands. you have been noticed. i will inspect to your store personally between now and saturday.
  18. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Please stop robbing my store.

    just relised if we wanted to buy somthing would he still shoot us?
  19. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    a man was by the side of the road near Mogilevka i was in my geap he was near to death he was bleading and mostlikly had a broken leg. i patched him up gave him some morfien, helped him into my car and asked him were he wanted to go? he said were ever your going stranger. yesterday this man joined my scavging group so i geuss you meet new peepz when your nice and they will join you!
  20. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Please stop robbing my store.

    what a don! read this post outload with an apoo acent from simpsons. its histarical!
  21. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Who's sweet little Ural is this?

    nuff said ;)
  22. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    THIS CANT BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Who's sweet little Ural is this?

    woahhh man chill!
  24. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Recruiting people [DayZ & TS3]

    hey is your group good? id love to join! name: dave age: 13, 14 in ten days. and i ve been playying the game for about a week :D skype: minimcentee D. il try and contact you via team speak
  25. david.mcentee@live.co.uk

    Need Dayz Partner/Partners

    Hey! i am dave i am 13, (14 in 10 days.) id gladly play with you! il be honest with you, my supplies there crap! i had to ditch my gun my food is dwindling, so i am down to an axe and lots of mags from pistols and a few shells. id love to join up! i might be able to even grab a few RL friends! we could start a group. skype: minimcentee007 i know my age doesnt fit the requirement so i will not be offended if you deny becouse of this :D D.