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About Addep

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  1. Addep


    Then why aren't there any women zombies? What's the statistical probability for that? Check it.
  2. Addep


    And I think you guys just have proven that this thread, Is a compound of internet trashtalkers. Fun Trolz Guys Smart Wise Guys Look At Me Guys Logically Explanation Guys World Peace Guys More Raging Kids. ... The audience is spectacular when a raging kid appears. edit: on two pages.
  3. Addep


    Yes I am. And No I'm not. I can't believe how people in this forum write to each other. This forum is a place where everyone rages and flames and whines about every little shit that happens to them. Just like I have just done. It's like a compund where the internets trashtalkers finally have set ground.
  4. Addep


    Thanks. I'm trying to do that as well. But I hate the fact that 10 times to 1, you are failing. And the time spent for doing so, is not making either one of us happy.
  5. Addep


    So you think you are playing a game where you are part of the game as a man who shall stop everyone from playing the game?
  6. Addep


    I'm not pissed of at dying. I'm pissed off at the people who think this mod is a statshunting game where you get achievements and people will look up to you and say "wow you are really good at shooting people". it is not.
  7. Addep


    So you think they are happy with you playing it? A cursing little kid who spreads hatred and tells people to "get the fuck out". I hope you are like this in real life as well, your friends will end up hating you and you will sit in your lonesome home walking in the forests of Chernarus hoping to spot a man who can be your friend. Only to end up getting killed by him.
  8. Addep


    Yeah I'd like you to do that. And please write me a song about my trip to komarovo, chernogorsk, cap golova, berezino and of all those times I have been killed without warning and reason. Then you can go and play your favourite fps game that ALSO RECORD STATS SO OTHERS CAN SEE - WOW. Nobody cares if you go around shooting people in this game. Its only a debugmonitor that you can see for yourself how many dayz you have destroyed.
  9. Addep


    Of course I know there has been numerous threads like this. And every single one of you who reply, does never ever come with anything to take this mod further. I hope the standalone game will cost so much that you kids can't afford to buy it.
  10. Addep


    Exactly a reply like this I was expecting. Just what this community is all about. Rocket YOU ARE FAILING.
  11. HAHAHA WE ARE HAVING SO MUCH FUN!?!??!!!!! Yes this is a whinepost. But also a post where u can reflect on what the fuck you are doing inside this mod. It is the point to survive, make friends, and take on ENEMIES (people who are a threat to your well being). What good does it do you to kill a random survivor who just came out of komarovo, surviving an attack of 20 zombies with 35 hp. If you are playing dayz to kill everyone you see. You will have a better time of in the ORIGINAL game, ARMA 2. I'm sick and tired of this community and the people who plays this mod.
  12. This can be done if the engine supports Ray-Tracing, then it would be easy.
  13. Addep

    Portable DayZ [PS VITA]

    I expected some constructive comments. Every one of you have answered in a negative and unappropriate way. If you want this game to evolve to something good, why do you rack down on other people all the time. This forum is filled with kids.
  14. Addep

    Portable DayZ [PS VITA]

    There are a lot of thought around that subject. But I guess most answers would be that it does not cost a fortune, and it can be played while u lay down in your sofa, chowing snacks.
  15. Addep

    Portable DayZ [PS VITA]

    And that is why is suggested the Vita. We know the device is dying, and it really needs a little help. Sony Entertainment has had a couple of rough years after the hacking-incident, and people have lost trust in them, and watched them die.. Of course you can't port a mod to a different platform with ease. Rocket has earlier said that the game will become a standalone game after a while, if they choose to use the Real Virtuality engine they probably have to wait. Most newly developed engines will target mobile platforms such as iOS and Android because it is a market that has had an enormous growth the last years. If they implement mobile support in the coming Real Virtuality 4, the game will then probably be easily ported(and done).