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About lian442

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. lian442

    So, when can we expect a real helpful update?

    What he says. Laptops are shitty when it comes to gaming, except when u buy those expensive laptops like the one from razer.
  2. Yeah and its also a bad word. Welcome to the internet.
  3. lian442

    A m4 holo is not hacked?

    The first 2 posts only said what I said too, therefore making them useless.
  4. lian442

    ArmA 2: Chernarus Apocalypse!

    Yeah sorry forgot about that. Still doesn't make sense to post here though.
  5. I was gonna go here to call u an idiot, but now I see that ur using a as50 tws I call u a faggot.
  6. lian442

    ArmA 2: Chernarus Apocalypse!

    Why do u post this here? We talk English here. Not Brazilian or whatever it is.
  7. lian442

    A m4 holo is not hacked?

    Guys all im saying is, theres all those people that tell me i got a m4 holo with gnade launcher and that its hacked, all im saying is, its not.
  8. I see all those people saying that a m4 holo is hacked, but I found mine at a chopper crash? Now I'm pretty sure a hacker isnt going to put a m4 holo at a chopper crash. So u guys can all stop saying its hacked because its not.
  9. lian442

    Wtf... Can someone help me please...

    So if we meet a hacker we just roleplay that we meet god, and hes mad and kills us because we killed people and that makes us bad people. Sigh..
  10. I was driving around in my uaz when the server said it was going to reset, I was close to my camp so I went there and saved the car but after I got back I was dead. So I walked back to my camp to find out my car is completely empty and that my body is nowhere to be found. Anyone know what the hell happend here? Edit: ugh my topic turned into 4 of them -.-
  11. I was driving around in my uaz when the server said it was going to reset, I was close to my camp so I went there and saved the car but after I got back I was dead. So I walked back to my camp to find out my car is completely empty and that my body is nowhere to be found. Anyone know what the hell happend here?
  12. I was driving around in my uaz when the server said it was going to reset, I was close to my camp so I went there and saved the car but after I got back I was dead. So I walked back to my camp to find out my car is completely empty and that my body is nowhere to be found. Anyone know what the hell happend here?
  13. I was driving around in my uaz when the server said it was going to reset, I was close to my camp so I went there and saved the car but after I got back I was dead. So I walked back to my camp to find out my car is completely empty and that my body is nowhere to be found. Anyone know what the hell happend here?
  14. If a murderer tries to kill a innocent person and you use a gun to kill the murderer, does that make you make a bad person? No. You did it for a good cause. And the same thing happens on dayz too, but most of the people seem to think that hacks in general are bad. Its about the way you use it, not IF you use it. Go on and call me a asshole because of this. But atleast I have stated my opinion here.