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About NumerousWaffles

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  1. NumerousWaffles

    Dayz then... and dayz now..

    I liked it the way it was when i started in 1.7.0
  2. while that would be ideal, i don't think that's very realistic. People are dicks, Fact.
  3. NumerousWaffles

    Guns from a survival point of view.

    i prefer a silenced gun over an axe any day, even if the ammo is almost non-existant. I believe in tactically killing zombies that are in my way so i never accidentally aggro them
  4. NumerousWaffles

    What do you do when you see another player?

    i would observe for a while and when i felt they were friendly sneak up and contact them through voice to see if they're interested in tagging along a ways or just going on our own separate ways
  5. NumerousWaffles

    Committing Suicide?

    i'd try to get a gun or at the very least try to get some zombies to harass them before i died. No reason to let them off easy
  6. no he's saying it can't last, also all you have to do to drop a bag is remove it from your inventory screen and it shows up on the ground
  7. NumerousWaffles

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    Bandits shouldn't be punished, i feel they should simply be identified. I like the old mechanic of the bandit skin, that way peaceful survivors would know not to try to negotiate with them and other bandits would know who they're dealing with. I know it would be kind of a handicap but i feel it is a necessary one
  8. NumerousWaffles

    Heli Crash

    Even though crash sites are different on every server and they change every time a server resets it's nice to know areas with high heli density. Also it's good to know that they only spawn in fields and that they're never near the coast
  9. NumerousWaffles

    Apparently I'm playing Dayz wrong

    i prefer to have at least one personal friend, no random passerbys, watching my back. I'm not the banditing type but after many lives on dayz i've grown more paranoid and less likely to trust survivors in the wilderness. So it's nice to know i have someone who's in the thick of it with me
  10. NumerousWaffles

    again the bug dead

    two of my friends and I have been playing on Us 31 Colorado 2 and this is the 3rd time that we all got the no message received text (server restart?) we all got reverted back to when we first connected that session. For example we had found this tent that somebody had been spawn camping a heli with and we were looting it, keep in mind we've been playing for about 2 hours now, suddenly we all 3 get the no message received text and we all get sent back to cherno where we first connected. This is the third time this has happened and frankly we're getting sick of it