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Hurz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hurz (DayZ)

  1. Hurz (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    What mean? Is that not selfexplaining? If you try to save your life by using Abort and Alt F4 your status at the time you do it will than be stored. At the moment i guess you can (with a bit of luck) save you character from getting killed if your status at the moment you disconnect is not saved. I understand it that way: You face a bunch of Zombies that will kill you. You see that your status is unsaved true für X seconds. You force a disconnect (by using Abort and/or Alt F4 and than you log back in after a while and you log back in and "tadaaa" you are good as new, as you were at the last point you status was saved (with a bit luck, before the Zombies even attacked you). I think that is what rocket found (correctly) as a bug and exploit and with the new patch your character status will be stored as it is the moment you force a disconnect. If you log back in then, you will maybe find yourself alone and no longer under attack, but your blood, ammo, ... are most likely much lower.
  2. Hurz (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    What is the sense of the password, when it is part of the server description? Everyone can read it and use it, what makes them as having no password at all. Sorry to say it that way: that is a stupid idea. The only way would be to lock or shut down all servers, patch the servers and releasing the client files and then unlock or start the servers one after the other. That would result in a storm at the servers, but as the master-server is only responding after the players are on the server (and not when trying to get on the server) the master-server has a controllable load to handle. And the servers them self are "save" due to the respond time of the serverbrowser. Set back: it will take some time until all servers are back up or unlocked and a lot of players will have to wait until they find a slot on a server.
  3. Hurz (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    That is exact the way it would work, but then playes would not get into the game fast enough. And as 99.99999999999999% of the gamers are totaly dumb and think that they deserve it more to get in before everyone else, the shitstorm in forums, twitter, fb and stuff would be legendary. But to be honest, i do not see any other easy way to do it. Not without putting some decent time of work into a new/better/ddos-save login/database-request code. But the decicion is up to rocket and he does what he thinks is the best and thats his right to do so. Only thing that i would ask for: a bit more information about the status.
  4. My idea from the other thread: All servers are added to a database to be allowed to communicate and send players-stats and it is part of the server query protocoll to check if the server has a password or not. Simply check every server every 60 to 120 seconds if there is a password and if the server has a password, all following player-status-updates from this are ignored until the server has been restarted (not until the server-check reveals that there is no more password, as players that are still on the server, will benifit from the "locked"-time then). Result: players can play on passworded servers if they want to, but playing there will not effect the open global gameplay/balance. Only players that have a setback are the once that "farm" high end equipment without threat on closed servers to than use it on open servers (what is nothing else than cheating).
  5. Hurz (DayZ)

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    All servers are added to a database to be allowed to communicate and send players-stats and it is part of the server query protocoll to check if the server has a password or not. Simply check every server every 60 to 120 seconds if there is a password and if the server has a password, all following player-status-updates from this are ignored until the server has been restarted (not until the server-check reveals that there is no more password, as players that are still on the server, will benifit from the "locked"-time then). Result: players can play on passworded servers if they want to, but playing there will not effect the open global gameplay/balance. Only players that have a setback are the once that "farm" high end equipment without threat on closed servers to than use it on open servers (what is nothing else than cheating).
  6. If you look at what players are on servers with passwords, you can find players that "farm" equipment on these servers and then switch to public servers to have fun with other players. Yesterday some such players were not afraid to talk about in the chat, that they will have to rearm tomorrow on their privat server. Some may find that a drama, but i can not think - along with the "no kick for clanmembers/donators" policy - of any other way to keep the game as fair as it can be than banning passworded-servers right away. If i understood some postings, there are much more requests to add servers than servers are added to the official database, so even if some "pro" "leet" "whatever" clans cannot live without private servers and/or not getting on their own server, these servers can easly be replaced.
  7. Hurz (DayZ)

    Theory of Humanity

    My guess for the LONG term plan of rocket is, to implement NPCs of some kind, that only response to humanity (e.g. shoot if you are below X, trade if you are above X). That would be quiet ordinary but makes humanity somehow usefull. An other idea would be, that players with high humanity do find more stuff in Zombies or even spawns than players with low humanity. That would give players that try to help and play "friendly" a reward, but on the other hand would enforce bandits to hunt friendly players more than waiting to just snipe them from distance. And, with the deactivated auto-morph-system it will become much more of a challenge what to do when meeting other players.
  8. Hurz (DayZ)

    dayZ stats on unique players & Characters

    I read it that way: Characters => all characters ever created dead and alive Alive Characters => all characters creaded that are not dead Bandits => guess that is all alive bandits Unique Players => number of Arma II games used to create a charakter (guess it depends on a GUID) That was 4h50m some time ago and was reset. Most likely due to the same bug that lets everyone spawn at the beach.
  9. Hurz (DayZ)

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    If you complain about 1.5.6 servers, much more anyoing are servers with a password or "locked" servers.
  10. For all those who find the new Zombie spawnrate good, please keep in mind, that there are many new players, that have very limited ressources, despite of knowlage about the area they are in. For me as a noob, firing one shot a a zombie that ambushes me or that is "guarding" a valuable ressource ends up in death. You simple have not the ammo, weapon and backup to take on 10 to 20 Zombies rushing at you. Yes, it may be, that Zombies were to few to make them a thread, but the point is, that you need a balance for new players and experience players. A good way would be, to make the number of Zombies depended on the "value" of the equipment around and/or the number of item-spawns. Usual these spots are within (formaly) populated areas as tows, villages and factorys and that is where zombies would usualy be found in masses. This would make it a challange for "older" players to hunt and search there, while loner places as small villages and farms would be a great place for new players to start up and "farm" the first (better) equipment. To make is short: a bit less Zombies (50% to 75% of the 1.5.7 numbers) and better "distribution" of them ... would be perfect. I started playing two days ago and had much fun (but to be honest not much challenge) during the time in 1.5.6. But after dying 3 times now in 1.5.7 (despite of not getting into the game at the moment ... "waiting for server response" ...) it is getting frusttrating. Just sneaking around and waiting for "hours" to get near a house where maybe something is in (empty tin can ;) ) is fun for some time, but not all time.