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Everything posted by jay.pis

  1. I mean the only thing that could possibly be added to ease the pain for these types of players is to add in teamplay mode in which players only kill the other team, ie. Bandits vs Survivors. Honestly that would be the only solution, well at least to keep these people from QQ since then they'll be able to play with players on their team just because they can't shoot each other.
  2. There are plenty of other zombie games out there (L4D, Dead Island, RE, etc.) to play for you guys with straight up co-op/team play, I don't understand why you guys can't just go and play those. Off the bat it's HARD to just find some random chap while playing the game and expect them to be friendly. You have to change your mind set when playing games such as these and you HAVE to adapt to them, that's the whole point. The best thing to do is look for people to play with outside the game, you can start in Survivors HQ forum.
  3. jay.pis

    How do you get your gear?

    We're in a group at all times though yes, when we do spot others we are in shoot to kill mode more so when we've been spotted. So far with my first week of playing we've been pretty lucky finding a truck with tents and other gear and then a downed chopper the next night.
  4. jay.pis


    It should be possible with the source code though I'm not sure if they're even messing with that.
  5. jay.pis


    Fixed by making it so that locked rooms/buildings can't be spawned in and will spawn you somewhere else near by.
  6. jay.pis


    I would definitely like to see locks and chains that can be found and used to keep doors, gates, etc. closed. These locks can have HP and zombies and survivors alike can attack them until they break.
  7. jay.pis

    Why do you people do these things?

    My question is...why and what is it to you? So if the guy was actually a high level NPC boss would it ease your pain?
  8. jay.pis


    That's too bad, it should though. It wouldn't take away from the simulation.
  9. jay.pis


    He's talking about having just one key to switch between them and they it would be nice if the transition from one to the other is a lot smoother and without having to pause to initiate the animation. That jumping over obstacles animation also needs a major overhaul. I wouldn't mind having something like BF3 character movement and animations.
  10. jay.pis

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    Well you can build a shelter per se. You have sandbags, tank kits, and wiring fences that help with that. The thing about DayZ is that it's not an MMO in a sense, not like WoW, Rift, or not even EVE. It's a Post Apocalyptic Zombie Survival game that is played with a few other people with the whole sense of...well trying to survive against zombies and specially other survivors. You add in regular MMO features then you take away the whole point of DayZ. I mean there could be a "Lets rebuild this post apocalyptic world" game, sure why not and those regular MMO features would fit in well there since it can have a setting where survivors are re-building society. I'm afraid that's not what DayZ is about, maybe The War Z is though.
  11. Congratulations! You're one of the 800k people who are testing a MOD that is currently in development! Good Job! :thumbsup: Sorry but this isn't WoW. I take it you complain about being KoS in deathmatch mode when playing COD?
  12. jay.pis

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    Plus add to that, that this is a game...
  13. jay.pis

    For new people

    Speak for yourself, we all don't have that survival instinct :P I can't express this enough...look for people to play with outside the game, head over to the Survivors HQ to find others looking to group.
  14. jay.pis

    New Player Observations

    What type of gamer did you think would even try and play this game? Gamers that usually play shooter games I'm sure. I'll let you in a little secret....this is a still in development mod... We're just 800k alpha/beta testers at the moment.
  15. jay.pis

    Let us choose our spawn point.

    Better if there are at least 4 spawn points covering areas on the map so that you spawn on the closest spawn point.
  16. When did this game become IRL?... Maybe I should complain about the glitchiness of the zombies in game and that they don't work the same as zombies IRL....
  17. jay.pis

    Groups/Squads: A way to prevent KOS

    Why not just look for people out of game and form a group/squad? That's what I did and now I'm in a 4 man group.
  18. What's the difference between that and running out of ammo? I don't think we're talking about having the weapon break after even 2 hours, more like 6-8 hours at the most.
  19. jay.pis

    New Player Observations

    Nope, just your normal everyday Open World PVP Survival game. I always love the reactions from people who aren't used to games like these.
  20. jay.pis

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    It's a game that has COMBAT in it just like 99.9% of all games that are out there. I don't understand why people want to change an OPEN WORLD PVP SURVIVAL game and turn it into something else. Can't you guys just play the normal Arma II game or something? those have teams and shit like that. There are other games as well like BF3, COD, MW3, and a shit load of other similar games...
  21. jay.pis

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    Even with other content like crafting and such goes full circle and will always be side by side with PvP. I still don't see the point though...I mean it's a Zombie Survival game and not Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty... The whole IDEA is to basically SURVIVE is it not, from zombies and survivors alike?
  22. jay.pis

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    Welcome to an Open World, Full Loot, PVP game! :thumbsup: My advice...get smart!
  23. I support this 100% Aside from item degrading add in a chance for the item/weapon not to work if not maintained properly or often as well as a chance for it to break completely. Items/weapons should have a maintenance level, lets say 100/100 for a Makarov for example. Everytime this weapon is used the level will start to decrease. Now lets say you want to maintain it since it's now 30/100 (has a high chance of not working properly), you'll need lets say a toolbox and now after maintaining, it is now 80/80. Every time it is maintain the total value decreases until it finally breaks. Though I would like for them to last fairly long and not Dead Island where you had to repair your weapon after 30 mins of use. Couple this feature with having a decrease in high value weapons = WIN!
  24. jay.pis

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    I'm not saying that it will fail or succeed but you really think that having "safe zones" will change anything and add to that modern range weapons? You might want to check out MMO's like Darkfall and Mortal Online. Even with mechanics such as guards and safe zones people still complained about PvP.