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RSOblivioN started following trunkz jr
trunkz jr started following RSOblivioN
Bug with HMMWV having too small an inventory, the ATV has an inventory the size of a UAZ so it seems that these two vehicles might have had their inventory sizes switched around at some point by accident.
DayZ: Most Private Hives Are Not Real DayZ
RSOblivioN replied to DemonGroover's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
DemonGroover I see your point, but there is also the counter-point. When something like DayZ is released into the wilds it will inevitably change as per the users of that server. How people advertise that server is a different matter and TBH the only servers that should have the official tag are those hosted by Bohemia or an officially sanctioned Server provider. As for the rest they probably should have some thought put into the title, but at the end of the day they are trying to get people to join them, rather than care about titles, so they tend to stretch the truth a bit. Recently I've been playing on Taviana. Mainly because that's where my friends are currently playing and also because it's a change from Chenarus. Not that Chenarus is bad, more that it's a very depressing locale. Taviana is a bit less depressing with bright yellow fields and white mountains to break up the drab grey/brown monotony that is most of Chenarus. However the other day on the private server we play on, loads of vehicles were added. This really did make things pretty tedious, because all everyone was doing was trying to fly light aircraft, AC130's or Osprey's. It lost that challenge feel. In some ways fuel needed to be limited more, so flying that Osprey would chew through fuel like a real Osprey would, yet without any fuel being refined to Aircraft grade, you wouldn't be able to fly it for long until you went and got some more refined fuel. Problem is who's manning the refinery's or the oil rigs... So back to the point, in a survival game, having everything on a plate removes the survival aspect. Which can diminish the feel of the game. Not in a bad way necessarily but in a different way. It changes focus and loses direction. Though a realistic scenario for an inner city would end with everyone trying to escape to the wilderness, the situation for Chenarus would be a little different. Nothing more than a small city is there, so mostly everything would be damaged through infection of the people. Which leads to questions as to how to develop a meaningful survival aspect beyond "get gun, get beanz..." -
You held up the wrong guy...
RSOblivioN replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It's always good to see stories like this. KoS is part of the game though, so bagging out those who give the game it's unique and particular flavour of tension is kinda shooting the messenger. Hopefully standalone will give the game a bit more direction after you have managed to get a gun and some beanz. Had some great fun though, helped a load of people out, though most working in groups aren't worth trying to talk to. Once ran into a guy at Komarovo. He took a couple of pot shots and legged it. The dude didn't realise I had 2 friends with me, so he kinda assumed we just ducked and covered. Well, that didn't happen, we ended up chasing and tracking the dude all the way up to Berezino. He got to the Apartments near the second supermarket before coming to a sticky end. Easily one of the most tense and crazy hunts ever in any game I've played. There was the possibility the entire time of being side-swiped by other people, running into campers, all sorts of things (server had about 40 peeps on at the time) yet we succeeded. Currently we are having clan wars on Taviana. Tons of fun, usually about 5-8 guys on each side. One clan usually takes over an area, the other clan hears about a lot of gunfire from one or two of the group and everyone teams up for a firefight. Epic fun, though not necessarily in the spirit DayZ was started for. However it's probably closer to an apocalyptic reality where people fight to survive and band together around the people best suited to leading them, which often results in inadvertent conflict whether due to personality differences or fear... -
Saying that is like saying, my car was awesome on the track, it turned corners and everything, but you didn't state it was a Toyota Yaris/Echo... I get 30-40 FPS at WORST in Cherno or other high poly areas, rest of the time it's easily 60-70FPS, on a very poorly optimised engine (ArmA 2 engine). That was with an AMD 1090T @3.6Ghz, 8GB 1600Mhz RAM and using an HIS Radeon 6950 at max CCC Overclock (840/1350). BTW ME2 and ME3 are not really multi-player games so are kinda pointless in this comparison. BF3 is very hard on hardware and is biased towards Nvidia so again is not a good comparison. Research my friend is simple and helps a lot. There is also a very good guide (google is your friend) about optimising ArmA 2's performance. Definitely research that ;) As for lag, the kill needs to register with the hive so yes it can lag a bit and it's most noticeable with Zombie kills. Player kills suffer less lag as long as you are on a server which is below 100 ping. Your description however points towards a douche with a script in god mode...
Oh great logic there. You do realise there are lots of reasons to shoot someone. Loot for one, target practice for another... I've never shot someone just because I wanted to be a "cunt". Survivors are punished no more than anyone else. Can't anyone see that Bandit's are still survivors. It's not black or white or other problems that plague the small minded idiots who call themselves human.
FFA DM is a bit of a simplification of DayZ in any form. There's the possibility people will be nice. But that possibility is similar in percentage to people who use their brains to the full. Love it when people claim to 'know' how the mod was meant to be. Let me clarify for you, the game is a sandbox with NO rules (other than the obvious no hacking/scripting). So saying there is any point to the mod past survival is IMO idiotic. If you were in a similar situation, banditry is the safest solution if you are in the stronger position. Thing is real life has very little relation to DayZ. So this argument is moot. That is hilarious. Yeah, but any 13yr old trying to shoot a skilled player is likely to die, unless they themselves are a skilled player. Then there is the whole awareness and preparation part too. In other words your argument lacks any substantial evidence. So you can tell who's a bandit IRL by them wearing a headscarf? Oh hang on a minute there's no point do disadvantage banditry as there's no real advantage to being one in the first place, except you know you aren't a carebear either. Don't mean to be picky but there's no point to any playstyle, they ALL need to survive, it's ones choice how and making assumptions based off what they wear is tedious and stupid. I'd say the skins are more for those who like to play dress up, or believe that cop drama's represent real life... Don't care about your support, it's the lack of support for your argument that bothers me. So far no evidence, logic or anything resembling intelligence.
Is it worth it reporting alt-f4?
RSOblivioN replied to bluetorch (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
If you get an extremity shot (foot, hand, etc...) you don't get a 1-hit kill with the M107 mags. If you get a centre mass shot it's still 1-hit. Been like this since the start I believe. -
Can admins see the location of vehicles?
RSOblivioN replied to BlksnshN's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So that's why vehicle saves are borked. Servers no longer save the data and the hive does (like for players). LOL that's one way to stop admin domination of a servers vehicles I guess :D -
Me and my friends are wondering...
RSOblivioN replied to SawseBawze's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yeah my mate threw a can at a guy climbing a ladder, knocked him out and he fell to the ground and died :D -
The tactical significance of sniper rifles, accumulated rebuttals and why they're here to stay
RSOblivioN replied to ZedsDeadBaby's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
If you can't think your way around a sniper without a sniper you need to learn to be more careful. Escaping a sniper is pretty easy unless they are indeed a crack shot. Playing solo is asking to be shot unless you adjust your playstyle to playing solo (basically no cars, just grab the best equipment you can find and avoid cities, other than bandit hunting if you are good enough). Playing as a group snipers really become far more effective. They can be used in their role as a cover weapon, with good coms and an L85A2 AWS user you can have a very effective sniper squad backing up an assault squad. Technically a recon (sniper) team should be a 3 man team with one as point with L85A2, and a two man sniper team with one having DMR/M4A1/M16 ACOG/M16 M203/Mk48 Mod 0 and Rangefinder, the other having an AS50/M107/M24/SVD. That is a really devastating combo, but it requires teamwork and knowledge to work well. Two 3 man squads in DayZ can take on numerous opponents of less well organised players. This is the problem most people are facing, excluding hackers, glitches and the general ArmA 2 engine ;) -
The level of English being used in this thread is making my head hurt.
think this might be a hacker.think this guy might be hacking.
RSOblivioN replied to freakenstein's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Erm, Skalka is a very common camping spot. You see all kinds of wild life up there like painted dudes and running bushes, not to mention all sorts of interesting tools like AS50's and M24's... -
Killed by someone ramming my own vehicle into me while i was driving.
RSOblivioN replied to sman711's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Actually it could be a game crash/lag that caused it. Unlikely to be a hacker due to circumstances. P.S. there's no such thing as a character roll back in DayZ... First rule of DayZ, don't get attached to your equipment... -
Hacker with fully automatic sniper and silenced pistol both not in DayZ
RSOblivioN replied to Re3st1mat3d's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Nice guns, though really both should be in DayZ if the mod stays true to it's locale... In fact the KSVK should probably replace the AS50 and the M107... -
L85A2 AWS has same damage as the M4's/M16's. It's a 5.56 assault rifle not a sniper rifle. Once you get used to it you can use it very very effectively... SVD is a friend of mine's favourite, though I prefer the DMR and the AS50. DMR for Night ops and AS50 for Day ops.