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Everything posted by Junos

  1. Junos

    Massivly unplayable

    Man, lot of condescention and elitism here. I don't know about you guys, but I didn't start playing DayZ mod years ago because I wanted to farm imaginary food and pick imaginary apples. Minecraft is better for that, if that's really your cup of tea. I mean, it's fine for that to be in the game, but I don't want to spend 15 minutes clicking "Look for apples" and watching the same animation play 50 times only to get an apple 25% of the time which provides 5% of the nourishment of a can of tuna. That's not good gameplay; it's a waste of "operator" time. If farming and fishing is what you really want to do, try TerraFirmaCraft. That will engage that part of your psyche like nothing else. It has serious depth, unlike "walk up to tree, click search, wait for animation; repeat 3 times; eat 1 apple; repeat whole process for 15 minutes." Note: I'm all for DayZ being hard. But that doesn't mean that the current agriculture and foraging is good gameplay. So it boggles my mind to see people advocating it in its current state. It's nothing more than button-clicking and make-believe. If that excites you, good for you, I guess... As far as 0,56, yeah, the current experimental is more broken than 0.55. So what? The development process so far has been a lot of one-step-forward-two-steps-backward, and that's not going to be changing. Get used to it. Play 0.55 or some other game until a more playable build comes out. The real problems you should be concerned about are the deeper ones, like the combat-breaking 3rd-person view, and the incredibly poor performance. I hope their plans for those issues bear fruit (ha), but those are the real problems right now. And as far as you guys go: this is almost as bad as reddit. People who've been on the forum a couple months telling people to get lost. Well, I've got bad news for you: you've been cut from team DayZ forum. You didn't make the grade. Other people have been trying to voice concerns and have conversation without being a jerk, but it's just too hard for you. Not everyone can make it. That's ok, because it's no big surprise. We feel less of you as a person, but so what? It's the Internet. Thanks for not trying again. :P
  2. This tip boils down to using the tbb4malloc_bi memory allocator. A quick Google search shows this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Custom_Memory_Allocator This suggests that the -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi switch doesn't actually make any difference unless you're using an old version of the game. That same page also says this:
  3. DayZ is not the game you are looking for.
  4. Junos

    Night servers at night is crazy!

    Until the loot respawning is fixed, night servers are...well, they're either better for finding loot, or more frustrating to find loot on. If few players have been on since restart, it can be good. But if it hasn't restarted since night, it just takes a whole lot more time and effort to find loot--and if there is none to find, it's just frustrating. My first life on SA, I geared up at night. I did turn up the gamma, because pitch black is just impractical. But the other night, I decided to try a nighttime run again, and it was just more tiring, and I found less loot.
  5. Junos

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Until the pathing and clipping is fixed, they should not increase in number nor ability. Eventually, it would be ok for a few of them to be faster than other players, but not all of them. I think the primary danger should be from numbers and surprise, i.e. walking around a corner into a sleepy horde. Depending on their zombie lifecycle, maybe some of them could be faster and stronger.
  6. Junos

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Well, in the past two days I've had 7 or 8 friendly encounters and 4 unfriendly ones. In one life, I met 4 random guys in Elektro, and we all teamed up and went north. No funny business, just good guys. I've also run into and buddied up with 2 or 3 random solo players. I even ran into a player new to DayZ, and I gave him some supplies, including an extra axe I had. Yeah, 3 out of 4 of the unfriendly encounters involved childish people being the bad guys, and those are annoying. One of them was a guy sneaking up on me despite my head being on a swivel. That is actually less annoying. But all the friendly encounters have outnumbered the unfriendly ones by far in the past couple of days. I've been on hardcore servers--I don't know if that makes a difference. Anyway, don't give up completely. Be a hero once in a while. You might get killed, but you're still making the world a better place, one zombie at a time.
  7. Junos

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I'm also going to go with "no." We do not NEED a way to identify good guys and bad guys. One of the major selling points of DayZ is that you don't know who is good and bad, and you don't know what's going to happen. You say that realism isn't a valid argument, but that's a false dichotomy. If we didn't care about realism at all, we wouldn't have DayZ in the first place. It's a question of balancing realism with gameplay. The issue is really artificiality. Having a way to visually identify bandits--a way that the bandits can't control--would basically be like magic. This is not a fantasy game, it's reality-based. Shooting other players shouldn't magically cause your appearance to change. DayZ is about player choice, and that includes being able to choose your appearance. Instead, here is a way to discourage banditry in groups, and encourage good guys to stick together: For every murder that a player commits, he should become less comfortable and relaxed near other players. Eventually, after having committed enough murders, he should be very nervous when within 50-100m of other players. Think about it: if a bunch of conscience-less people were in a group and murdered a lot of innocent people, how could they even trust each other? If the people in their group are so comfortable with senseless killing, then why not senselessly kill one of their buddies if they want his stuff? The primary effect of being uncomfortable and nervous should be a shaky aim. It could also cause an increased metabolism, requiring more food and drink. and possibly reduce stamina. As a result, bandits would be encouraged to go solo, because as they group up and as they kill more innocent people, their combat effectiveness will be reduced. This will help reduce roving gangs of bandit bullies. And on the other hand, groups of heroes will be something for bandits to fear.
  8. What makes this so frustrating is that it would be so easy to prevent from happening, if only the server would not let people connect when other players are close to their spawn point.
  9. This is why we really need a system to prevent spawning in within, say, 200 meters of other players. All it has to do is say, "You're within 200m of another player. Try again in a few minutes, or try another server." There, now no more "beaming down" on top of other players. I'd even be fine with a higher limit, like 400m. My most annoying deaths in the latest patch? 1. First login after new patch. Trying to find a day server--several of them seem to lie. I found one, but it said, "No KoS" in the title--are you kidding me? There are no rules in DayZ! So I tried one more server...and it went from "Please wait..." to "You are dead." No sounds of fighting or anything, just dead. I don't have any idea why. I had all green, all military gear, M4 and Mosin, 45...all gone, and who knows why. 2. I met 4 random friendlies in Elektro! We ran north. Lost one guy to an air-launching glitch. Lost another to a random axe murderer in a random house. Then the third guy disconnected, so it was me and my Steam buddy. We went to the NW airfield. It was deserted. I checked the roof of the tower. As I climbed down the ladder, my buddy ran or glitched or lagged through me, and my body was pushed through the railing and I fell and died. Sigh. 3. Yesterday I was in Berezino. All I had was an axe and other random stuff. I heard multiple gunshots of multiple types. I looked down the street from a balcony and saw 7 or 8 guys milling about on the street. They looked like a ragtag bunch, and I'd had 4 or 5 friendly encounters in the past day, so I thought, why not, maybe they're friendly. I have little to lose. So they ran down the street and I got their attention. They filed into the courtyard and one said, "Hey, we're friendly, we're not going to kill you." I got a nice screenshot of 6 guys looking at me. I waved at them. Then one of them shot me. "No one messes with OUR TEAM!" They sounded like playground bullies. Sigh. 4. Today I met a random friendly at the shipwreck north of Berezino. We finished looting the ship together and headed north to the new town. We ran into a random guy in the town. He had a sawed off shotgun; we had axes. We said hello. I raised my hand in a wave. The shotgun was lowered. My framerate was so bad that all I saw was one frame of my hand waving, one frame of red blood splattering, and one frame of "You are dead." I heard the sound though. Then he shot my new friend. We had nothing worth taking. I was about to offer him some food. Bottom line, I don't generally have a problem being killed, because it's DayZ: the whole point is that there are no rules. But it's still lame to be murdered for no reason, when you're being friendly, you have no weapon, and no other gear worth stealing. It's lame to shoot people in the face just because you can. I'm not saying it should be against the rules--what is up with these "PvE" servers popping up? I get murdered on them more than others--but it's still lame. Any self-respecting bandit will hunt down prey worth killing and do it without being seen. Because it takes no talent other than a lack of conscience to lie to someone's face and then blow their brains out.
  10. Junos

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Consoles can do that because it's a closed system. People can't run TeamSpeak on their Xbox in the background. But console gamers can also open their laptop next to them and use TeamSpeak through that, and then they can talk to their teammates without being audible in-game. Or they can use their iPad, iPhone, landline phone, or even (gasp) meatspace! Do I really need to post my list of ways to get around this idea for the third time? Look, here's an analogy: I hate third-person view in DayZ/ARMA/etc. It's so unrealistic, and it ruins immersion, and it's cheap, etc. It doesn't belong in a realistic game, nor in military games. Optical devices like periscopes and mirrors are fine, if they are implemented in the game as those devices; but magic hovering out-of-body-experience camera mode shouldn't be in the game. But as long as it is in the game, I'm not going to purposely put myself at a disadvantage to all the other players on the server by refusing to use it when it helps. I really hope it's removed from the game completely, but until then, I would be more frustrated by dying to people who use it when I don't than I would be frustrated by using it. Now here's the key point: third-person view can be removed, and it cannot be worked around; at least, not without some sort of client-side engine hack that moves the camera POV. No one can use a separate device or program in the background to have an extra camera POV in the game. But on the other hand, there are innumerable ways to communicate outside of the game's built-in voice comms. So I would refuse to put myself at a disadvantage by only using in-game comms when other players will use OOB comms freely and have a large tactical advantage over me. Other players would also refuse to put themselves at a disadvantage, so the whole system would collapse, and you'd be right where we are now, except having wasted many man-hours on programming it all. It would be completely pointless. The bottom line is that it will not work, at least not on public servers. Maybe you can cultivate a community of scrupulous gamers who want as much realism as possible and won't break the rules to gain an advantage. An example of something like this is ShackTac, and maybe DayZRP servers. That is the only way this could work. Well, like I said earlier, the other way is to hire ex-Navy SEALs to infiltrate players' homes and destroy all other communication devices besides the DayZ-playing computer. They'd also need to kidnap players' friends to prevent them from playing together in meatspace. Good luck with that.
  11. Junos

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Once again: Ways to get around your idea: 1. Use a cell phone to make a phone call. 2. Use a cell phone with Skype, Google Hangouts, etc. 3. Use a landline phone. 4. Sit in the same room with a friend. 5. Use an iPad with Skype, etc. 6. Use a separate PC with whatever VOIP software you want. 7. Use a real radio to communicate with a friend down the street. 8. Use a ham radio to communicate with a friend on the other side of the world. What is wrong with you? If you cannot comprehend these simple ideas, I conclude that you are insane, and I wonder how you can operate a computer. Either that, or you're so stubborn that you refuse to admit your idea won't work, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.
  12. Junos

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    Ways to get around this proposal: 1. Use my cell phone to make a phone call. 2. Use my cell phone with Skype, Google Hangouts, etc. 3. Use a landline phone. 4. Sit in the same room with my friend. 5. Use an iPad with Skype, etc. 6. Use a separate PC with whatever VOIP software you want. 7. Use a real radio to communicate with my friend down the street. 8. Use a ham radio to communicate with my friend on the other side of the world. 9. Do I really need to go on? Ways to make this idea work: 1. Hire an elite team of former Special Forces operators to track down DayZ players, infiltrate their homes, and destroy any other device which could be used for out-of-band communication. Oh, and kidnap any friends who might bring over their PC for a LAN party. 2. Oops, that's all. Do you understand now? Give it up!
  13. Junos

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    You don't know how noise cancellation works. It's not magic. It can't distinguish between the human voice and every other possible sound. But that's not even the point. The point is that you cannot prevent anyone from using out-of-band comms unless you physically restrain them. I think Rocket is a bit too busy to go door-to-door enforcing rules on random people around the world. Let it go, dude. Let it go. Breathe.
  14. Junos

    server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

    Huh? The idea is that the connecting player is informed with a dialog box that has two buttons: WAIT and CHOOSE ANOTHER SERVER. That's all he sees. He doesn't get to see anything in the game world. All he knows is that there is one or more player(s) on this server within 200m of the last location his character was in. If he really wants to be on that server, he can wait until they move on. If he doesn't care, he can pick another server and spawn in immediately. This would have the side effect of encouraging people to log off in the woods rather than in towns.
  15. This is cool, thanks for sharing. Must have taken you a while. I was hoping for screenshots of groupings though. :)
  16. Junos

    Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

    The only way to do this would be to keep everyone's mic hot at all times. That could be a lot for large servers to handle. Maybe someday, after the game is optimized, it would be feasible. Even then, that's not foolproof. What if someone plugged in another sound card and used it for TeamSpeak? What if someone used a headset with a mic cutoff switch? What if someone used an audio driver that let them cut DayZ off from the mic by pressing a hotkey? What if they had a separate computer or other device for voice comms? What if they were sitting in the same room together? What if they were telepathically linked across the galaxy? Bottom line is, you can't control everything in Internet gaming. Just gotta deal with it. If you want something better, you'll have to have some kind of LAN event with rules and enforcement.
  17. Can I have your stuff? Oh, wait, this is DayZ... Seriously though, the whole point of DayZ is that there are no rules. Take it or leave it. Enjoy it for what it is. Click the respawn button and get them back, or pretend it never happened, or play the bandit next life. But don't complain that some meanies killed you. That's just life...in DayZ.
  18. Junos

    server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

    A simple solution that would solve most problems with this--including unintentionally logging in on top of other players--is to not let players spawn within, say, 200m of other players. The game could simply pop up a box that says, "Your character is currently within 200m of another player. You may choose to wait until the other player moves, or you may choose another server." There, no more problems with people "beaming down" into the building you're carefully watching the entrance to.
  19. DayZ is not "about this" or "about that." DayZ simply is. There are no rules. That is the whole point. If you don't understand that, or don't agree with it, you're playing the wrong game. It's really that simple.
  20. Junos

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    DayZ is not "about this" or "about that." DayZ simply is. There are no rules. That is the whole point. If you don't understand that, or don't agree with it, you're playing the wrong game. It's really that simple. KoS is not a problem. It's not a plague that needs to be cured. The plague is what has infected the zombies! Well, there is one other plague: the one that has infected some players who think the game should prevent other players from affecting them. Maybe they are the real zombies. But there's a cure for that plague, too: single-player games.
  21. Junos

    DayZ: Namalsk

    There were indeed a few EVR events. But that's exactly what an EVR event is: it happens randomly and for no reason. Therefore if you are killed by one, you're being killed randomly and for no reason. No character or actor of any kind in the game killed you, just an automatic, universal death machine. It's like your dog tripped over the computer's power cable and pulled it out of the wall: poof, you're gone, for no good reason. As another player mentioned, it would be much better if the EVR caused symptoms that made survival difficult (e.g. blurred/monochrome vision, coughing, loss of stamina, shaky aim), rather than killing the player outright. But the bottom line is, as long as the in-building detection is broken, the EVR should not take player health. As others have mentioned, I also suffered from EVR hits while inside several different buildings; in fact, I think the majority of the EVR events I encountered while inside buildings hit me anyway. This means that it is effectively impossible to take cover. This leaves the player with two options: disconnect or die. Think about it: if you have less than 50% health and an EVR is imminent, even if you're inside a building, are you going to take a chance on dying for nothing? I also occasionally had zombies hitting me through barracks walls, and walking through the walls, so buildings are...frustrating. Please just disable the EVR health reduction until the building detection is reliable.
  22. Junos

    DayZ: Namalsk

    TL;DR: The EVR is nuts. Random, pointless death does not make for a fun game. I love the map, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to survive when I can magically die at any moment for no reason whatsoever. Dear Sumrak, The following are my first three lives on Namalsk. I have avoided looking at any online maps, and I have yet to find a map in Namalsk. I've only watched a few Namalsk videos, so I don't know the map at all. I love exploring and trying to survive. 1. I spawned on a coast. I ran for miles, checking military outposts, industrial sites, ports, mills, factories, and never found a single food or drink. I even started axeing zombies hoping to find a can of food or soda, but no joy. I found ammo galore, but not a single rifle or pistol. In spite of my being careful with the axe, zombies still hit me, and I kept losing blood even though I never bled (not Namalsk's fault, of course, just DayZ). I kept searching, and I finally found a town. Just as I was entering a building, it seemed that lightning struck three times. Then the screen turned yellow. Then orange. Then I was unconscious. Then I was dead. I had no idea why. I googled around and read about the EVR. Okay. 2. For three hours I ran around the map looking for food and weapons. I finally had some luck, getting decent rifles in a military compound, and finding the main city with the tall apartments. I finally, finally found food and drink in the city, and I even found an ALICE pack, and I even found a winter ghille suit! I was totally geared up, armed to the teeth! With my binocs, I saw a car in the middle of the city, which looked like it needed repair. I went into a factory looking for a toolbox and parts. I went on the catwalk in the big three-story empty room. Nothing worth taking. I looked outside at a red brick building. I had seen a ladder going to its roof, but I thought surely there was nothing worth taking...but I spied what looked like morphine up there. I checked with my binocs and confirmed it. Guess I'll be going up there after all! I put away my binocs and started to walk down the catwalk. BROKEN LEG AND BLEEDING HEAVILY AND UNCONSCIOUS. About 10% blood left. No gunshots, no zombies, just OW. Ok, I know DayZ occasionally has stupid bugs like this. No sweat: I'm still alive, I know where the morphine is, and I even have some food. I can fix up my leg and then head out of town and find animals to restore my health. I crawled around the catwalks, and I spent 5 minutes trying to overcome dumb bugs preventing me from crawling through doorways and down stairs. Finally I make it down the stairs and outside. I crawl around a corner, heading to the ladder which leads to the morphine. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. I was already at such low health, BOOM, I'M DEAD. No reason, no warning, I'm just dead because the malevolent overseer decided to press the "HAHA YOU'RE DEAD" button. I lost three hours worth of character/experience/story. I don't have a problem dying to zombies or players. I do have a problem dying because of random, frequently-recurring instadeath. Well, in spite of all that, I was having fun, and I like the map and the ambience. It really feels desolate and survival is hard. So I'll give it another shot. 3. I spawn at a bay across from a military outpost at the base of a tall mountain. There are two tall towers, some barracks, and several guard towers around the walls. I decide to risk swimming across--it seemed like it would be faster than running around the bay. After a long swim, I arrive. I evade the zombies which spawned at the crashed BMP. I crawl under the wall. I make it up the tower and grab a weapon in time to kill the zombies who followed me. Eventually the M1014 makes so much noise and attracts so many more zombies that I have to just run to the other tower. I get a good weapon and a bigger pack and some food, etc. Looks like it was worth the swim after all. I get in the barracks and get even more goodies! THUNDER AND LIGHTNING! No prob, I'm in the barracks, and the door is even closed! I'm safe! NO WAIT, I'M NOT SAFE. I still get hit and lose half my health and get knocked unconscious. So much for taking cover from the magic random death ray. I wake up and try to make a plan. SERVER RESTART. Ok, no prob. I rejoin after the restart and, hey, I have full health! Awesome, I guess that makes up for being hit by the EVR while I was inside. I recheck the barracks and towers. I get bigger guns and bigger packs. I get a G36C and 8 mags of STANAG SD ammo: I can shoot zombies point-blank and they can't hear it! Amazing! So I take advantage of my new abilities to clear zombies out and check some more good loot spawns in the compound before clearing out. I even find some morphine lying in the open by a building! It's all going great! I spy what looks like a big pack in one of the guard towers at the top of the compound, so I make my way over and climb up the ladder. OH MY CHARACTER DECIDED HE DIDN'T WANT TO HOLD ON TO THE LADDER ANYMORE. I fall from the top of the ladder and break my leg and lose 95% health. The screen is black and white and I can't even hear any sounds anymore, I've lost so much blood. No problem, I have morphine. I'll fix my leg and go up the mountain. I should be able to find hunting supplies and an animal and get my blood back up. I move slowly up the mountain and dispatch a few zombies that had wandered up there--I couldn't even hear them aggro! Ok, it's clear, I'll continue up the mountain. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. DEAD. No reason, just the "HAHA YOU'RE DEAD" button being pressed again by the man in the moon. Of course, since my guy had let go of the ladder, I had no health left, so I couldn't survive the EVR. 45 minutes of carefully avoiding and killing zombies and looting a dangerous place, all wasted due to a stupid bug and a magic random death ray that kills everything except the bad guys. Dude, Namalsk is an amazing map. The ambience is fantastic. It feels desolate, and survival is actually hard (well, at least, if you aren't using a map to "cheat"). I actually think food and drink is too rare--there should at least be some in the big complexes, even if they aren't residential. But what were you thinking with this EVR? The only time I've been this frustrated while playing DayZ was when a bunch of lame cheaters server-hopped and flanked my team, appearing out of nowhere when they rejoined our server and wiping us out. Magic death for no reason, with no warning, with no way to avoid it, and practically no food or animals available to replenish health. Just random, "haha, you're dead!" I keep hearing Nelson from the Simpsons laughing, "HA ha!" I spent hours playing carefully, not giving up on finding food and drink somewhere, even when both were as red as they could get. Then I was killed randomly for no reason. I didn't do anything wrong or careless. Please, take this EVR thing out. I'm absolutely done with Namalsk as long as the EVR is in there, and I'm sure many other players will end up feeling the same way. Even if you give more warning, it's still way, way too much. There will be many, many times when it's impossible to get to cover in time. And given the bugs in DayZ that can cause you to nearly die for no reason, having a feature that is SUPPOSED to nearly kill you at random is crazy. What am I being punished for? Playing the game? Things that the player can do nothing to control or avoid are not good features in games. Read about "learned helplessness"--it makes people want to go away. Again, I love what you've done with the map--I've only begun to explore and experience it--but I just won't waste any more of my game time with a map that throws my "work" out the window for no reason (and on purpose, too! It's not like it's a bug!).
  23. Man, there aren't enough of these servers. Back in the summer there were a bunch of expert servers, or at least servers without 3DP and CH, but now there are only a handful, and they're usually overseas or empty. Are 99% of DayZ players wimps now? :( Maybe we need to start some kind of co-op where we can contribute to running a hardcore server.
  24. Junos

    Low Permanent Cost to Killing

    I agree that something should be done, but I think there is a better solution, which I explained here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43889-uneasiness-around-other-survivors-for-excessive-murders/ Basically, the more senseless killing you do, the more paranoid your character becomes, and the harder it is for him to remain composed and steady around other survivors.
  25. http://www.dayzwiki...._.28Optional.29 Or just use DayZ Commander and turn on the Steam option.