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Everything posted by kyawn

  1. kyawn

    About Zombie Numbers

    I personally think the increase in zombies numbers is a good thing, it added a lot more atmosphere to this being a zombie apocalypse mod. I mean a city with only about 30-40 zombies in it? Please... You can still perfectly play this game solo even with the increased zombie count you'll just have to crouch-walk and sometimes even crawl your way around certain areas, I personally have to get out of the middle of cherno when the patch came out and I did it fine by myself without firing a shot surrounded by overwhelming odds. This mod still have perfect solo potential in my opinion, but a lot of people will say (including myself) that the better means to survival against the odds is teaming up with a friend or two to help out in sticky situations or to even the playing field. That is also another aspect of a "survival game". And don't get me wrong CallUKGR, this post of mine isn't a blow at you and I'm not trying to shut down your argument. All I'm saying is that I think your points are a bit flawed considering a lot of people (including me) can and still play this mod solo fine. And some of us enjoy it even more so now than before in 1.5.6.
  2. I can agree with this post on a whole, the game does seem too easy still in some respects like the OP mentioned. Make survival harder and make going inland more of a provocative in my opinion. Far too many times when I've logged onto a server and nearly half of the players just sit and play in/around the coastal towns because they just have EVERYTHING you would ever need to survive in huge abundance. Spawn ridiculous amounts of zombies where more players are found maybe to stop these hoarding actions going on, try and force the players into a sense of thinking "There is no way in hell we can hold this town, it's just a quick grab and run job into the supermarket". You've got the hunting knife and killing animals in already that's GREAT, but try to empathize this to players more about hunting by doing what the OP mentioned of spawning less food random buildings other than homes and supermarkets. FORCE the players to actually go out into the wilderness and look for the means to survive, don't hand it to them on a silver platter from the start. I bet a lot of players (newer ones mainly) still don't know you can kill and gut wild animals. Still though, BRILLIANT MOD you're doing an amazing job with it and it's still only in alpha! Hope to see great improvements in the future!
  3. kyawn

    Official disconnect thread

    Don't you think that it'd be just too much of a coincidence that he just somehow gets his internet "cut off" just as he gets downed by a player (who he was quite clearly shooting fine with no sense of lag looking at the video). Obviously being a weasel to every given player who does something can be considered bad play but come on look at the situation, the guy is a bandit and it's alright for him to go round killing innocents and nicking stuff but he dc's so the same can't happen to him??? I mean I'm a bandit player myself and if I get killed by a survivor good for him! I just have to start all over again no tears shed, that's the risk of playing this game... Something this guy clearly doesn't understand.
  4. Hi guys first time poster so I'm not sure if it's in the right section but I'll post here anyway. I've been playing DayZ for about three days now on 1.5.6 and have had no issues at all (apart from the server side zombie/loot spawning bugs) and I was having a lot of fun. 1.5.7 came out today and I thought great fixed spawns and what not so I download and install all the files and decide to jump straight onto a server to see the new stuff. *THE IMPORTANT PART* So I'm running around all la di da until suddenly BAM! Huge graphically polygon attack all over my screen when I look in a certain direction... I thought that was a bit odd so I decided to go over and investigate since everything else seemed fine. As I got closer to the tearing I found it stopped and that's when I realized there was a setup Wire Fence Kit sitting there and as I back peddled away from it (up to about 30m+) that's when the huge tearing on my screen happened again. I also found a non-setup kit which I could loot which just looked like a massive cluster of broken polys in a mesh. Has anyone else run into this issue at all? And if so (or even if you haven't) do you have any advice on how I may fix this issue?
  5. Well it seems that the issue is not completely unique to wire fencing kits, I loaded into another game and just a random concrete block in a warehouse in Cherno was the item spazzing out this time. It could just be an issue with my client not loading a texture/mesh correctly every now or then, still I thought I'd post this on the forums just in case it was something possibly related to the mod.
  6. From my point of view it's just the main server containing character data has gone offline, so the people who are currently playing probably logged on before the server went down. The zombie spawns and what not are handled per server I think, not handled by the main server so they should have no effect on this issue. This is why everyone is getting stuck on waiting for server response because the main server holding the character data isn't receiving the request and sending back the data required for you to play. Like I said, just a case of waiting for the server to come back up.
  7. I believe kind sir you have hit the nail on the head, it's a case of waiting for the main server to come back online. Grab something to eat and a cup of tea because it may take a while.