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Everything posted by Judemoukari

  1. Okay, so now that standalone is getting closer, everyone is throwing ideas around and everyone seems to have different hopes and expectations how it will shape up and what it will be, I'd like to ask: do you trust that when it's finally ready, it will be like you want it to be, what are possible things that might let you down and what are you expecting it to offer? I've been thinking alot about this lately, since everyone seems to have different opinion of what the actual game must be like. You can't get everyones approval. So, what do you guys think?
  2. Judemoukari

    Few words about crossbow.

    So, I used crossbow for the very first time today (I've had plenty of chances but I always preferred bullet shooting guns more) and I'm actually quite surprised how good it was. You can make quick stealth kills and reloading speed was quite high as well. My only problem is that steel bolt won't stack at all. It's kinda weird that every bolt takes one inventory space, so at best, if you also want to have some food and medical supplies with you, you can carry from 3 to 6 bolts, assuming that you only have patrol pack. Since every Enfield magazine contains ten bullets, and just like crossbow, it kills in one shot, it makes choosing which weapon to pick up pretty one sided. I know that if you could have like 10 bolts in one stack it would make crossbow too over-powered, but would it be too much if you could stack at least two or three bolts? Is there going to be any change what so ever or is it going to stay that way? I really fell in love with that weapon, but when you can't retrieve the bolts you have used, it just seems that you are running low on bolts all the time. Is anyone with me on this?
  3. Judemoukari

    Few words about crossbow.

    So I don't want to use crossbow againts players? I never really got chance to try it out, since I thought that any player with at least one full magazine in any firearm could kill me by the time I actually got to shoot second bolt. As stated already, there's also the problem with aiming, I really think that you can't hit anything with it that moves. Haven't tried but I already have problem even hitting those zombies that only walk. Also, I didn't even know that I can fetch any of the bolts I've already shot. But that's no surprise, if it only works sometimes.
  4. Judemoukari

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    I'm sorry if you find this offensive, this thread was not made to question any of Rocket's decisions in DayZ's development. It was made for people to talk about what they are hoping or waiting for DayZ to be. It's not about questioning Rocket's vision, it's for us, gamers/comsumers/or whatever, to share our thoughts about our expectations.
  5. Judemoukari

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    You'll have to remember that to a "normal" player Arma II's certain stiffness and bugs that this mods still has may be an obstacle that they can't get around that easily. I think we can all agree that DayZ is at the moment a bit rough around the edges. Some people can look past it, some can't. When DayZ grew in popularity and got more attention, people bought Arma II without knowing what was waiting for them. Many of my friends can't look past DayZ's faults and won't be even considering of trying it before standalone. When everyone praises something people can sometimes forget to find out what all the fuzz is about. Same thing that happened to Red Orchestra 2 is happening to DayZ MOD (I won't say anything about the coming standalone). People who can't find enough good in it will abandon it and people who like it will stay. I don't think that's a bad thing at all. I honestly think that shapes community to better direction.
  6. Judemoukari

    really frustrating!!

    Losing your gear is something that you'll have to get used to. I lost all my stuff today when I tried to take out sniper near Cherno, didn't have any good weapons but I had ghillie suit and all the medical supplies and food I could ever need. I tried to ambush him from behind but got killed when I made too much noise. I just laughed it off later, there's a great relief when you die and don't have to worry about losing stuff anymore.
  7. Judemoukari

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    I know that most of us, if not all, trust whatever direction Rocket is taking DayZ. But what I want to know is that should there be something like safe zones and stuff. What I've gathered, they are atleast few people who would like to see them in the standalone. Should it be more "hardcore" or "casual"? Or stay as it's now.
  8. Judemoukari

    Few words about crossbow.

    Whow, cool. I've been trying to stay clear of everything containing info about standalone, I want it to surprise me like this mod did when I started but that sounds good. This crossbow fetish might also have something to do with The Walking Dead season 3 airing now in our country.
  9. Judemoukari

    Few words about crossbow.

    Yeah, you may be right about that, there's enough stuff to do other than quiver for crossbow bolts to even get the SA work properly. But it would be nice thing to add in any case, because I really liked that low-tech feel when I had that weapon in my hands. At the moment there's no real reason to pick crossbow over Enfield since you can have 30 rounds instead of three bolts. Oh, and sorry for confusing arrows and bolts, my native language isn't english as you probably noticed :D
  10. Judemoukari

    Few words about crossbow.

    I'm not saying that any weapon should be changed, I'm just thinking that it's a bit of a flaw in a game that tries to be as realistic as this type of game can be that your character can only carry few arrows, even though they weight next to nothing in real life. At the moment only reason for anyone to pick up crossbow is when there's no other weapons available.
  11. Judemoukari

    Few words about crossbow.

    Aiming with crossbow is also pretty tricky, since there's no clear iron sight to look at. Well, I actually meant something like quiver but didn't remember the word. My point is that since almost every firearm holds many bullets in one clip, it just seems "unfair" (I know, not a good word when used in discussion involving DayZ) that you can only have one bolt per inventory space. Put boldly, it doesn't seem realistic at all.
  12. Judemoukari

    I'm Back! But where's everyone else...

    Same problem here, I took a break from the game, like five-six weeks, and when I come back there's almost no one playing. To my surprise I didn't encounter any hacking or deathmaching. Also the thrill was back, which was actually quite amazing. I'm not sure though, my session was only 2-3 hours long, can someone tell me are hacker/deathmatching problems gone or did I just have good luck?
  13. Judemoukari

    I can't hunt!

    Well, technically I can, BUT after I have shot a cow (or any other animal) I can only gut it. After that, there's no "gear" option, only "hide body" and "study body". Is this bug?
  14. Judemoukari

    I can't hunt!

    Tried that but doesn't really work. Well, I can survive without hunting. Adds more thrilling moments when I have to go back to city eventhough I don't want to.
  15. First I get killed about 5 times in Electro. Not that bad actually, but it really makes me wonder who really has patience/interest to keep still in one place and shoot everyone who can be seen through scope. Very few friendly players in Electro nowadays. Even those YOU want to help will kill you. And those without a weapon will kill you once they find one. But that's nothing to complain about really, you trust and your dead, that's just the name of the game baby. My session ended when hacker teleported everyone outside of map and shot us all. First time I ever see one. In "You are dead" screen I didn't have option to abort, so I had to close the whole game through task manager. (And yes, I tried "restart" button few times before that) Interestingly enough, I always thought that this hacker problem was just over exaggerated. Now I know I was wrong. I hope Rocket and his team can fix this. I also hope that people who alt f4 grow some spine, and that every hacker somehow manages to get brains. I heard there was going to be 75% off Steam Sale for those.
  16. First I get killed about 5 times in Electro. Not that bad actually, but it really makes me wonder who really has patience/interest to keep still in one place and shoot everyone who can be seen through scope. Very few friendly players in Electro nowadays. Even those YOU want to help will kill you. And those without a weapon will kill you once they find one. But that's nothing to complain about really, you trust and your dead, that's just the name of the game baby. My session ended when hacker teleported everyone outside of map and shot us all. First time I ever see one. In "You are dead" screen I didn't have option to abort, so I had to close the whole game through task manager. (And yes, I tried "restart" button few times before that) Interestingly enough, I always thought that this hacker problem was just over exaggerated. Now I know I was wrong. I hope Rocket and his team can fix this. I also hope that people who alt f4 grow some spine, and that every hacker somehow manages to get brains. I heard there was going to be 75% off Steam Sale for those.
  17. You may be right, but since there are already 50,000 other posts, maybe just one more will not hurt anyone?
  18. Judemoukari

    zombie spawning in v1.7.2.5

    Me and my friend were somewhat able to clear one small village. But it took almost all of our ammo and lives. Even if there seems to be 5 to 6 zombies, once you shoot, there will be a lot more. But if you just keep shooting them, they will run out at some point. But it won't take long for them to respawn. Don't know about deerstands though.
  19. Anyone else having problems with DayZ? Arma II and OA singleplayer run smoothly all the time, no problems at all, but when I start DayZ, my fps drops way below 20. Not in forests or low population areas, but Cherno and Elektro look like diashows to me. Strange thing is that it drops my fps ONLY if I look AT the city. I might have 60 fps at the edge of Cherno when I'm looking at nearby forest, but as soon as I turn to look into the city, my fps drops below 20. Anyone else experiencing this? Does anyone know why this happens?
  20. Judemoukari

    Arma II and OA run smoothly, DayZ not.

    Okay, thanks dude. This fps "issue" doesn't really ruin my experience, and everytime I get drawn into this mod I don't even notice it. It just makes looting cities like Cherno kinda hard since in every encounter other player has the advantage. I can live with it though, I don't waste much time in cities anyway. Tried few tweaks, adding parameters to shortcut and that kind of stuff but only thing they changed was the time before the game itself launches. Some say that cities are laggy because zombie AI has problems with pathfinding, might that be the case? I'm not really that good with computers or anything, so I have no idea.
  21. Judemoukari

    Any point in not being murderer?

    There was that one time I was actually able to kill someone. I had FAL and lot's of ammo, but I needed food and other supplies, so I decided to go and loot Elektro. I went to one of those firestations, and saw someone coming through the door. He pointed his gun at me and went back inside. I decided to take a look and, as you all propably guess, it turned into a firefight. Because he only had revolver and I had FAL, shootout was over quickly. I kill other players only if there's real need, and I don't feel particularly bad when that happens. But still I felt strange relief when I noticed that my murder count was still at zero and bandit kills had gone one up.
  22. Judemoukari

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    Best situations are like this. One time me and my friend saw two ghillie suited guys with rifles near that big airfield. They spotted us too, and because we were too scared, we just camped in the forest. And so did they. It lasted 15 to 20 minutes, only waiting and watching just to see movement behind trees and get something to shoot. Both groups were too scared to move or do anything. Game of patience I'd say. We just stayed quiet, and after that tense 15 minutes they thought we were gone, and moved on. Whole situation was all about being still and waiting, and I still had most tense game scenario ever.
  23. So, I downloaded new patch using Six Updater, downloaded new beta patch, and installed OA 1.62 patch. Problem is, when I start Arma OA and go to multiplayer lobby, there's no "filter" button, it doesn't list any servers (Arma OR DayZ), and I can't even refresh server list. I checked that DayZ expansion is on, and problem is not that, it must be something else. I however CAN play through Six Launcher, but I would really like to play DayZ mod through original game, since my Six Launcher is buggy as hell and doesn't work properly. Any ideas? My internet connection is slow, so uninstalling is not really an option, it would take two days just to get Arma II and OA downloaded.
  24. Okay, title may be a bit too provocative, but still... First things first, I love this game. I love surviving in it, and I live dying in it. It has this amazing atmosphere that can't be compared to any other game. I love this community, I love to read these forums and there are some really smart people. But honestly, I think Steam sale broke this game. Atleast for some time. See, if you are gamer, you propably have read about DayZ. Everyone says it's amazing. Everywhere. If you keep yourself updated about game industry, even a little bit, you know about it. And what happens when it goes to superspecialultrasteamsale? Everyone buys it. And I mean EVERYONE. Okay, let's get this out of the way. I DON'T HATE BANDITS. I have nothing against them. I actually think that they add to the overall experience. I love to look supplies in Cherno, or try to find some awesome loot in NW Airfield, hear the distant gunshot and know that I'm in danger. I love those standouts where both groups are too scared to move and just stare at the bushes where those so called "enemies" were seen 10 minutes ago. But now that everyone CoD kid bought Arma II and roams in cities of Chernarus, I feel like banditry has lost it's meaning. This is not based on fact, but to my own observations. To these hyperactive kids, killing survivors means nothing. Literally. I honestly think that these "players" kill only because you can. There's no banditry, there's only 12 year old with his gun. Who shoots at anyone in sight. I repeat, I don't hate bandits. But I hate 12 year old kids with rifles. I don't want to change banditry in DayZ, I don't want any debuffs on them or any bandit skins or anything like that. This game is about choice, so I want to let it be that way. I'll guess this situation pretty much solves itself after some time when all these kids return to newest CoD or something. Just wanted to get some opinions on this and solve my thoughts after 2 rage quits.
  25. Judemoukari

    Steam sale broke this game.

    Well, I guess that's the problem with me then :DD