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Everything posted by Judemoukari

  1. Judemoukari

    So I'm now one of you.

    Hmm, really weird. I get somewhere around 30 fps when I start, but after awhile it just drops to under 20. I've tried to lower settings (even though I know that it doesn't work that way in Arma), use Game Booster (didn't help at all), and tweak some data (used Arma forums for this), but no use. Maybe I should upgrade my computer. Or just live with it. But I seriously believe it's because of our network. Edit: Also, it doesn't seem to drop frame rate if I turn everything to very high. My computer seem to drops onto it's knees only when I turn AA to max.
  2. Judemoukari

    So I'm now one of you.

    I even played Red Orchestra 2 when it was still buggy as hell, and I didn't complain. I knew it would be fixed sooner or later, and it had that charm I just couldn't resist. Same here. This is so... Something else. I've seen enough generic fps shooters already. This just... Feels so different. It gives you power to make choices. Finally a "shooter" where you use most of the time in other things than shooting. And just like you said, those fifteen seconds of awesomenes.
  3. Judemoukari

    So I'm now one of you.

    This. This mod is absolutely awesome, even if there are some major/minor bugs and problems. I really see the potential of creating something revolutionary like CS, DoTA or Minecraft. Btw, any suggestions how make Arma OA run better? In singleplayer it runs 60 fps all the time, but when I log in to DayZ and play it a while, it goes under 20 and never comes back. I can stand it, I really don't even notice it when I'm sneaking around town to get supplies, but wouldn't complain if there was some way to fix this.