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About UNgarminh

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Wish I had known that before I logged on to it, because the second I logged off, I lost everything in my backpack, primary/secondary weapon, nv goggles and range finder.
  2. UNgarminh

    In Dayz friendlies do exist

    Dude, are you aware that your friends are some of the most annoying players I've ever witnessed? Seriously, anytime "Thomas" logs on the game, you should just kill him instantly. Kid was the worst. Once he loses that annoying 15 year old sound to his voice, allow him to play again.
  3. Fizzle is chatting with me, I'm guessing through admin chat? How do I talk back?
  4. Not all that interested in the chopper. If you DO get it, though, mind coming and picking me up? I was looking outside the map for a chopper on my last server but since it's no more, I'm stuck waaaaaaaaay out here.
  5. My last server just shut down so I guess I'll make this one my home. Quick question, are vehicles still there or have you guys already hoarded them?
  6. UNgarminh

    Need a stable server to play in?

    Is the server done with? Been logging on almost everyday but now I can't seem to find it.
  7. Through DayZ Commander. Everything seems to be working. Even saved my character (which I didn't know it'd do through the fresh reformat, but am very happy it did). Gonna start working on the optimization tricks now. If anyone gets horrid framerate or just want your client to work better, http://pastebin.com/F7Q8Ne2i those are the instructions. Edit: Oh, before DayZ commander was installed, yeah, I'd try running it through Steam.
  8. Can't seem to get Arma to the menu. It keeps kicking me back, telling me it's a bad serial.
  9. Actually just happened to me too. Never used any hacks or scripts or whatever you kids call them nowadays. Reformatted my computer a couple weeks back and FINALLY remembered to start the Arma 2/OA download before I went to sleep. Everything finished, but the Arma 2 says the same thing the OP's does. But then again, OA runs fine. I'm still working on installing everything else, so with any luck, I'll be alright.
  10. UNgarminh

    Stuck at loading...

    Well, now it's happening to me. I was able to play about an hour ago, after using SixLauncher to load in, instead of DayZ Commander, but now that's not working either.
  11. UNgarminh

    Need a stable server to play in?

    It's being difficult. I keep getting kicked off because it won't update. Edit: Okay, now I'm headed towards Skalka. Edit x2: Found chopper. Jacked.
  12. UNgarminh

    Need a stable server to play in?

    Logging on now. I should know pretty soon if I like it or not. It'd help a lot if I could get one of you fine gentlemen to come pick me up and roll around in the UAZ, looking for a vehicle :3
  13. UNgarminh

    Need a stable server to play in?

    Next.... I need to know the general area of your camp, as to not get shot. NW, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW or W?