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About atlon

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  1. Tried the fix, worked for 20min. now its back kicking again... :( Any new suggestions? Any help?
  2. Error still present... With a clean installment of arma 2: co i can play for hours on regular servers. The battleye stuff starts coming up when i get beta patches or something else above 1.60 So in my eyes the error has something to do with the 1.61 beta and rc versions :(
  3. Today with the new RC #2 i tried my luck again with a fresh install of arma 2 and arma 2: oa. First off, i failed again to fix my problem. I used the patcher provided by BIStudios http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137339-ARMA-2-OA-1-61-%28Release-Candidate-2%29-build-95054 to upgrade my fresh game. Then i installed dayz manually. Then i picked a 95054 Server and was kicked in less then 30sec. I removed all BattlEye files before i started fresh and was hoping the new RC would install the correct versions of BattlEye...it didnt work out well :( Any suggestions? Anyone with the same problems?
  4. atlon

    ArmA 2 OA has Stopped Working

    had the same problem, but could fix it with these steps: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32290-arma-2-oa-has-stopped-working-crash-to-desktop-fixed/ Hope it will help you too :)
  5. atlon


    had the same problem, but could fix it with these steps: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32290-arma-2-oa-has-stopped-working-crash-to-desktop-fixed/
  6. @Parge: Tried the latest beta patch like you did...same error :(
  7. I already did...about 10 times today. Then the circle starts again with the fancy crash to desktop at the tank loading screen :(
  8. Hey guys, i'm also a "summer sale kid", so dont be harsh with me and my problems. First of all, when i got arma 2: co for steam i followed the installation instructions from the dayz-wiki and tried 6 launcher to get dayz working. Everything went smooth and fine. The next day, everything changed: It started with the famous crash to desktop bug in the tank loading-screen. I was able to fix this nonsense with the instructions made by Rammfisch (http://dayzmod.com/f...-desktop-fixed/). Now the game is running and i can enjoy dayz...for about 30sec or less. Every single time i'm starting losing connection and get kicked by the server: Kick: BattlEye Client does not respond I tried to fix this with reinstalling arma 2 + co, getting dayz manually, reinstalling battleye, getting the battleye files from the battleye homepage for manuell patching, I even got the battleye files from a friend who is running dayz totally fine... Now i'm a little bit desperate, so i ask you: what should i do? what can i do? what will help? Or should i just wait and wait and wait for the next update? ArmA 2: CO Version: 1.61.94876 BattlEye Client Version: for 1.61.94876 cheers and sorry for my poor english ;)