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About Clint0578

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  1. Clint0578

    Lookin for a fresh start and a new team

    I think ive seen you also
  2. Clint0578

    [Harbingers] Recruiting

    So what your saying is we get all the good stuff and leave you the crap,LOL I can see how this group works.
  3. Clint0578

    Lookin for a fresh start and a new team

    Yeah this is my home server also. Theres me and 1 other
  4. Clint0578

    Admin Abuse US 888

    Yeah I was watching seem it with my own eyes, admin banning because of being killed and loosing there gear
  5. They took about 3-4 DAYS!! to get my server going, And there control panel access dosent work all the time, I shut my server off the night of the 30th and I still cant access the control panle to turn the server back on. So I would not recommend Vilayer as a host oh and when you are having issues and you submit a ticket it might be 4 days before you get a response.
  6. Clint0578

    Hacker on US344

    I do own the server but I wasent on when it happened so I don't have his GUID. I will watch for him
  7. Clint0578

    Hacker on US344

    Im very sorry this happend on the server, I dont know how to stop it from happening.
  8. Clint0578

    Help with server

    Do they register the server with DayZ, Because if they dont you do. Its called whitelisted here is the link to start the process. https://support.dayzmod.com/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0
  9. Clint0578

    Status of US344

    Hello, I got a message to reset the server and I did and now I cant get it to come back online, Ive sent the host ticket hopefuly we will back up in asap, sorry for incovence.
  10. Updated the server to the newest patch and everything, stuck on loading screen any input whould be great.
  11. Im the admin of server US344, How do I annouce a server reset?
  12. Clint0578

    Hacker on US 1053

    Well Im the admin of US344, I updated the server with the current battleye scripts hopefuly it catches them.
  13. Its not Logistic doing the hacking I have Rcon on and the GUID is not matching Logistic player so dont blame them!
  14. Clint0578

    Server's admin rant

    Ok where dose it say its againt the rules to change the time zone on the server. I host will Vilayer and they built the option into the control panle. I bleave if it were againt the rules they wouldent have alowed siad option on the panle. and how do i tell every one that im reseting the server
  15. Ok I’m the admin of US344, there is a small group of people that say I’m cheating that play on the server, first is resetting the server, I only try to do this 2-3 a day but sometimes when i reset the server items don’t show back up in the game and I reset it again i guess this bothers people, second the time changer why dose Vilayer include the tool in the control panel if it’s against the rules to changes the servers time zone to keep it daylight I don’t really care to play at night time, these are the initial complaints well night of the 23rd all hell broke loose on the server about every hour you would be playing and all of sudden you would get teleported in a area and get shot it was nuts. So since these things happened on the server the group that made the initial complaints are pointing their fingers at me saying I’m hacking and cheating, So any other admins input would be grateful ty for taking the time to read my rant.