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Muerte LOL (DayZ)

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About Muerte LOL (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Muerte LOL (DayZ)

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Not that I am aware of, but I have not been on since the hackers started in. I would not take a vehicle anyway, way to noisy. I prefer hoofing it, easier to hide, easier to react. To me they are nothing but death waiting to happen. Marshal thank you for your explanation, I will assure you it was not me that fired on you guys and it appears that this was truly a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and mistaken identity..no harm no foul, stuff happens. I have actually started a thread in our forums private section a couple weeks ago about rounding up friendlies to gain group size. Yes we do stay connected when we are AFK (well I speak for myself) kind of like cheating if you don't isn't it? If I were going to be afk for more than 5-10 minutes then yes but I'm not quite that old yet and can still pee fairly quickly. You should know, and as I said before, we each play our own way. I know there are a couple clan members that will do the things you described but for the most part most of us don't. I detest cheating and cheaters. I will stay and take my lumps to the end, to do otherwise is cowardly and is not in my nature one iota in real life or in game. Hopefully if we encounter one another you will see the truth in what I tell you. If I hadn't already fired on you then most likely I'm not going to, you will get the first move. Sorry to hijack your thread..Good gaming..Good luck.
  2. Muerte LOL (DayZ)

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    I still say you were mistaken and I do not combat log or exploit. You can ask anyone that knows me, I do not cheat or exploit and am probably the most honorable and truthful person you will ever come across. I asked you to explain, just not come in and say it was me. I wanted to hear the story of my assumed deeds otherwise I think you really don't know what the hell you are talking about. That maybe I am the one telling the truth and you are the one that should not be trusted at your word. You do know the difference between respond and react don't you? It's not important really it's only a game and if I did something like that I would have admitted it. I just don't like to have my name slandered in real life or in games. I would agree Harry is a great guy and I will pass on what you said. As for our clans rep yes it is highly possible that it has been earned but we all do our own thing and I am very sure some of them have earned some of the labels you may have given them. Good luck, have fun.
  3. Muerte LOL (DayZ)

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    I do not recall this. I have not commited more than 2 outright murders. Once after being killed 3 or 4 times by bandits I came across a guy coming out of a barn and made him the object of my frustration. And once with my son that had been carrying a DMR that he had not had the chance to shoot yet. When we saw a motorcycle coming towards us he asked if he could shoot him, I told him to go ahead. The guy had a couple folks following him so when they got too close to us we opened up, I got one and the other combat logged. Any others were self defence and 2 were accidental TKs in the heat of battle. I think you may be mistaking me for someone else as I do not recall this incident. 2 times have I been killed near Berezino by players. Once in the bar as Nikiller decribes. Once after a raid in Berezino we went to the lumber yard where I fell off a building and died. One of my team mates (who will shoot on sight) took all my stuff off me and set it aside. I made it back to my goodies and made my way towards the shore after being attack by zombies and being very low on blood. I decided tolog out once I was safe and call it a night. Updated the next day, came back in and had full blood and health ( I was pretty excited by then by my luck). I was going to try and meet up with some friends and crossed the field south of Berezino and made it to the woods. I got up in the trees and went prone as I had to take a real life pee. When I came back I was dead. If that was you that killed me you killed an innocent man, someone else must have been firing at you and you thought it was me...shame on you. :P I know you may hear a lot of BS from folks but I have nothing to lie about, mostly I only kill when I need too (- those 2 exceptions). I have had many encounters with others and usually we raid a building or 2 together and I split from them while they are not looking so I don't get shot in the back. I am a survivor, not a bandit and mostly not a murderer. I understand the meaning of survival and know that your chances are better if you have larger numbers, I am not some kid playing deathmatch. I actually have a goal in mind for winning this game. If everyone on the server is your friend and you pack the server with friendlies and no one shoots you you have free reign. If you can do that you have survived and won the game. But anyway can you tell me where and when I was supposedly shooting at you and you flanked and killed me? Because I honestly don't recall, maybe I'm having a senior moment.
  4. Muerte LOL (DayZ)

    Hackers READ THIS!!!!

    Well at least you don't hide it. Guess some people need what they can get. Good luck
  5. Muerte LOL (DayZ)

    Hackers READ THIS!!!!

    Telling off hackers and cheaters is their game. They want you to, they take score on how many people they can piss off. Hackers have been in the arma series for years. They were rampant in the OFP days too. You can't really get rid of them. The best is to ignore them. Don't feed them and they go away for a while. If you want to get a look at who is most likely responsible for the things that are being put out there go pay them a visit. They go by TKC and they have been doing this stuff for over 10 years now and these things they do are their calling. They have many ways to justify what they do and you will not get to them, they will just laugh at you. You think its bad now wait a bit, they are just testing their new scripts, that's why so many different things have been happening and so often. For all you folks that are new to arma why not try out some of the other aspects of arma. It has been around for a while and is actually quite good without zombies. The editor is very easy to use for making mission of your own, I have about 25 of my own on our Coop server. There are single player, there are campaigns and there are Co-op missions. So instead of coming here and giving the hackers something to get their jollies over go try some of the other stuff Arma has to offer and give the BI/DayZ crew a chance to figure something out. When they get the fixes in place come on back and have a good time...until the hackers get around that too. As bad as it is right now this could be beneficial, better to find the vulnerabilities in alpha than after the final release. So smile, have a beer, go enjoy the best game ever made in one of it's other formats.
  6. I really don't completely understand how this stuff works but I will give it a shot. Correct me if I am wrong please. Do the DayZ servers not run equal mods? If the servers required a Bisign file that match what mod is on the server how could a hacker run something else? If they are scripting in stuff to bypass it can you not check/compare file sizes? Anything other than or anything that is a different size than the Mod folder and its bisgn file would be booted. Since they are also spawning things that are not allowed can you not make a script that will detect something that is not on the acceptable list and delete vehicle it out and Ban the one that did it? I'm not a scripter or a coder but it seems to me that there should be something that can be done easily. Thanks for your time.
  7. Muerte LOL (DayZ)

    Hackers on US 10 Chicago

    My clan and I play almost exclusively on US 10 Chicago (LOL clan) and I think most of us are going to give it a break until they figure a way to stop the hackers. Sucks we just made a donation too, oh well we got our moneys worth while it lasted. Luckily we host a Coop server so we will still be playing, just not DayZ for now. Don't want to spam here but look us up if you want to ride out the storm with us.
  8. Muerte LOL (DayZ)

    Hacker videoed on GB #1337 clang2g.co.uk server.

    That was funny as hell, but I still hate hackers. Thanks for sharing, have some beans.
  9. My friends and I have had our tents spawn. It sucks when you find a nice hiding spot for it and it is barely visible then come back the next day and there are 2 more stacked on top of or near the one you put up. I did not know picking it up would leave a "shadow" tent behind, will have to make sure we get the placement right the first time from now on. I did see something similar happen with a bear trap. My buddy found one, our first and decided to check it out. He put it down, tripped it, reset it then picked it up. He put it down to see if I could trip it, reset it and pick it up.. I could. So he grabbed it and put it in his pack. As he crossed the spot where it had been placed he got caught in its "shadow" that was left behind. So some of this might be intentional, but it is not always.