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Everything posted by gamerer

  1. Shhhhh. I've had my stash hidden up for weeks :(
  2. Not really, seeing hero camo comes with a perk that helps with low-tier pistols.
  3. gamerer

    Sell SVD Camo or M4A1 CCO SD for a DMR + mags

    DMR with 3 mags for M4A1 CCO SD /w mags
  4. gamerer

    Guns for NVGs, camos & ghillies

    AS50 /w 4 nato/m107 mags
  5. gamerer

    Children and Women Zombies?

    I'd love zombie children, ethical or not. In a real zombie apocalypse, children would be the first to go due to children being (in general) slow and stupid. If the game mechanics are supposed to promote realism and the atmosphere of survival horror, nothing would spice up the environment rather than slow and sluggish zombie children shuffling about (smaller but slower/hits won't do as much damage). Same with women, slower + hits do less damage. Also, it's not like we're gunning down live people. All sensible people know not to follow propaganda of Fox News anyways.
  6. They are, found many more often than once in car spawns
  7. gamerer

    Guns for NVGs, camos & ghillies

    Bumpatity bump. Updated the list, still looking for accessories.
  8. About me: -21 y/o -From Finland -Got comms (vent/ts/mumble) + mic -Experienced, returned after few months of inactivity -Got my own gear + camps -I've got a bandit camo but I'm more than willing to change my wicked ways, also stay in my wicked ways if needs be I'm looking for an active laid back sort of group / couple of people that like to hang around and/or do funny stuff, I'm not much for ultra-serious gaming. If you're interested, please send PM/add skype (servantti) etc.
  9. gamerer

    What would you trade for a FN FAL AN/PVS-4

    The ammo FN FAL NV uses is probably worth more than the damn thing itself...
  10. gamerer

    Anyone looking for Nightvisions or Rangefinders?

    -DMRs -AS50s -M107s -M14 AIMs -M4A3 CCOs -M4 CCO SDs -One FN FAL AN/PVS-4 Take your pick boi, 1:1 and going for both rangefinders and nvgs
  11. gamerer

    Traders and Traitors

    Dennishung +1 There were problems related to the trade, but in the end everyone got what they wanted.
  12. gamerer

    Guns for NVGs, camos & ghillies

    Sorry, but it's just the NVGs, camos, ghillies and related accessories I'm interested in.
  13. Wanna trade m16a4 acog for camo?
  14. gamerer

    DayZ deadish?

    I've been away for a few months and I've noticed a sharp drop in general activity (atleast in the Six Launcher, nowadays like 3x less players than before (20k+ -> 6k~) which kind of bugs me, as I enjoyed the game and felt like picking it up again. I know there are private servers, do they just not appear on the list? Also on the updates, anything new performance-wise? My computer had some hickups on some servers while trying to run the game (not just a memory related issue, my computer sucks bollocks), it'd be great if there were just a little boost, updating the game atm :)
  15. AS50 with like 8 or 15 clips (some clips are only half filled) for a tent + FN FAL with as many clips as possible.. I've had shitty trades like this before, please refer to earlier topics or posts or unofficial trading list or w/e, etc. PM / add skype / post here/ w/e / etc. PS: not the shitty NV version, regular FN FAL
  16. gamerer

    Trading AS50 + mags for FN FAL + tent

    I wouldn't be so sure. It's far easier for me to find tents filled with loads of stuff near Elektro/Zelenogorsk rather than manage to get alive to a chopper crash that's being camped by some random autismal wannabe marine tacticool sniper team. Bastards. But anyway. I'd rather trade up the AS50, seeing I don't like sniper rifles that much anymore. FN FAL has a strong and masculine voice, as opposed to soft AS50. PS: I also like shitty trades, I traded a GPS, NVGs and a rangefinder for a tent once so being I don't mind trades being on the costly side, as long as the partner delivers.
  17. gamerer

    Trading AS50 + mags for FN FAL + tent

    Awwww :( I think an AS50 with 8 or 15 clips warrants atleast... 6 FN FAL clips.
  18. gamerer

    DayZ deadish?

    Tack. Will be trying Lingor, I guess. Question about private servers though; is it not that that the items and shizzle store in that one server only? I far prefer the system that lets me keep my items on a multitude of servers as opposed to one, talking about seeing fresh faces and stuff.
  19. gamerer

    General Hostage/Prisoner Situation Thread

    Tranquilizers sound great, most of the time I'd like to take someone down alive as opposed to mowing them dead
  20. gamerer

    File consistancy check

    Afaik the latest battleye update got rid of the problem, if the server doesn't check for the missing files, the anti-cheat will. For extra security, use the verifySignatures = 2