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About DeadGuyOnTheBeach

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    On the Coast
  1. DeadGuyOnTheBeach

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    Well that's your opinion, if you choose to not call them advantages, that's up to you. The first 2 I explained are not game level advantages, but player style advantages. I should have been more clear, I never claimed they were unfair, but simply part of the game like I state. You need to realize the game is not real life, just a close adaptation to what it might be like. Zombies spawning ahead of survivors in no way would represent a real life situation, yet it's a fact of the game and gives survivors away. Thus it does give bandits an advantage if their objective is to hunt survivors. I am afraid it's as simple as that. If the zombies spawned at the beginning of the game and there was a finite amount, then I would have no argument. Oh and that giant shark with laser beams... could be likened to a submarine or fishing vessel, so you can't say something like that doesn't exist. Bandits that snipe are not going to aggro any zombies because they are likely too far away. What this whole thing really comes down to is player value and I guess the developers will decide where that balance is when this goes to beta. I was merely making a suggestion that I feel would help bring a bit of balance back to the game, especially for noobs, because attracting players is one thing, keeping them is something else. If you don't like my suggestion, fine, but it's really what the community wants as a whole that's most important and maybe that is what rocket is trying to flush out.
  2. DeadGuyOnTheBeach

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    Zipper I can name three distinct advantages a bandit has over a survivor. Number 1, he knows what he is and his choice is easy, just kill. (That's just the game, nothing you can do about that.) Number 2, if a survivor has aggravated a zombie or zombies and he is engaged and focused on that. This leaves a bandit almost free of detection to strike, after which of course it is too late. (That's just the game, nothing you can do about that.) Which brings us to number 3, bandits learn real quick when they are watching an area that if a survivor enters, zombies appear. This is just part of the game and server management, but it's like getting a big red flashing light that a survivor is in the area, plus if the zombie is aggravated, they know just where to look. Since zombies appear where survivors are, tipping off bandits, wanted posters should go up in the nearby area on buildings or storefronts, tipping off survivors. This warning should encompass a large radius so if snipers are hiding around an area (say hundreds of meters out) the posters would appear. This would alert the survivors in a subtle way (because they have to enter the town to even see the posters anyway). Also make it so that a bandit or murderer is simply the person who shoots first either during a face to face or sniper situation. Thus after their first kill, they are so labeled and posters will appear in the towns and cities they are near. Zombies present alert bandits to survivors, posters present alert survivors to bandits. I believe this is a fair way to bring balance to the game as it exists, due to server resource management.