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Everything posted by Jesuswept

  1. Jesuswept

    No respawn button.

    It sucks, I currently have a broken leg and need to restart. WTF should I do now?
  2. Jesuswept

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    I've spent hours trying to get my game running beyond 20fps and not much luck. I think the most FPS I've ever got was 42, that was a few patches ago. I have an nvia card as well and have done all the standard fixes: -high -world=empty -cpuCount=4 -nosplash -maxmem=6192 AToC=0; FXAA=0; PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0;
  3. Jesuswept

    War Z

    Anyone see this? War Z I bet by the end of 2013 we will have at least 2 more open world Zombie games.
  4. Jesuswept

    Im Weak

    Went on rampage last night and killed 3. I only resort to this when I'm dire need of food/water ect. I was having no luck finding the items in houses but eventually got what was coming to me. I feel bad everytime, especially if they are lacking what I need. I've had no luck trying to just ask for items since that tends to get me killed immediatly. I've only had one situation where I ran into a player and it was friendly.
  5. Jesuswept

    Last night I killed a man.

    Wow, totally cool story. I feel the same way, at times my heart is jumping out of my chest in certain situations. I have a few murders under my belt and only one was out of nessessity to try and stay alive as I was horribly wounded in a secluded area. The others were defense, probably still my fault for hanging in cherno too long.