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Zul (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Zul (DayZ)

  1. Zul (DayZ)

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    same here :/ and it takes me a while to load in too.
  2. Zul (DayZ)

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    you guys complain about everything! lol im done with the forums lol
  3. Zul (DayZ)

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    well i kinda like this "inaccuracy". In arma you play as, well basically a soldier. In dayz sa your a civilian. Give a m4 or a mosin to a regular joe and i assure you his accuracy wont be the same as a trained individual. So imo leave as is, it makes thing more interesting. If anything make ammo super rare.
  4. Zul (DayZ)

    So 48 hours worth of Items just vanished....

    ok cool BRO. Now come back when the game is complete. In like a year and a half. K bye
  5. Zul (DayZ)

    This new patch guys ...... myaaah?

  6. http://steamdb.info/graph/221100/ WOW!
  7. Guys relax. Hicks said it will only take days for them to finish the bigger stress test. We should have alpher in about two weeks or week and a half from today.
  8. Zul (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    he said that was an older build in the video(stream), and he also stated that all the zombie models are done. He just didnt implemented in yet.
  9. Zul (DayZ)

    Sa Graphics

    Question for rocket. Will Sa be supported by Nvidia Geforce Experience?
  10. Zul (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    lmaoo everything you stated here is nothing to delay the alpha. lol complaining about left handed axe and women zeds?! lmfaoooo im done...
  11. Zul (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    lol is just as bad over here brotha! lol but seriously rocket! I cant wait any longer :(
  12. Zul (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  13. Zul (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    nothing is happening on the 5th lol this community amazes me lmaoo
  14. Zul (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    whats up with the 5th! lmaoo Im sure rocket has not given a release date! Where are all you people getting this dates from?!?! lol If we waited this long we can wait a lil longer lol
  15. Zul (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    There hasn't been any server failure at all today and yesterday! That's a Promising sign!!
  16. Zul (DayZ)

    E3 and our attendance

    for all you guys and gals complaining! well remember this is still alpha! im sure the zombie damage range, animations, ect... will get fix. So relax people if you dont like what rocket is doing go play some war z
  17. Zul (DayZ)

    Some e3 footage! Enjoy

    that leap attack! im sure matt wouldve had die plenty off times if he didnt have god mode on lol
  18. "On mexico's streets?" I'm not Mexican but sir, that is a very ignorant and racist comment. Maybe your the insane one that takes a video game way to serious. Maybe you should go play outside sometime and stop hating the world you racist peasant!
  19. Zul (DayZ)

    Just in case you missed it...

    I think they will have different kinds of zombies. Walkers, crawlers, runners ect... The impression I got from rockets twitter post, was that they will be different kinds of zombies. The simple fact that he said "the zombies that can run inside are pretty scary". This alone says that not all will be running. Well at least that's what I think.