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Everything posted by G33z3r

  1. First off, hello DayZ community. I am only a couple of hours in-game and already I have the feeling this game was made for me. Surviving is hard. Starting with no gear is cool. I think it should be that way, cause finding gear, etc is like opening x-mas presents for me. This is addictive. I love sneaking around at night (took 15 minutes online to figure out how to make the f’ing flashlight work), and making it past zeds to get to a potential loot spot in town. I just lucked into a modern weapon in-game (AK-74 in a tree stand) and now at least I can fight back with something. This is a rush! But I am already wondering if I should just switch from "friendly guy" to "Kill on Sight". The scoreboard so far is [Player Killers = 3, Zeds = 0, Me = 0] In other words, any survivor contact (in remote towns mind you, not cities, as I have headed inland to avoid PK's) has ended with my swift death (having never found a weapon). Zeds are not the problem. I am paranoid of bandits already, especially since I have been sniped / shot in very remotely possible areas / situations already; all the while trying to avoid towns, roads, open areas, and be stealthy in general. Am I just unlucky? Q1) Is "friendly guy" optimism just naive (stoopid)?
  2. Cool story bro, inc. So, somehow I am involved in a street fight with 6 zeds, just outside Electro. My axe and I picked a fight with just 1 of them, but others wanted a piece of me. Let's just say it didn't go well. :( Bandaged, medicated, and 3800 blood, I stumble into Electro. I could have ended it, but seeing things in a big city, at night, in the rain, in black & white, with my gaming rig lags on the lowest resolution ... let's just say it adds a new dimension to survival. It is awesome. After using no less than 3 online maps, 1 JPG of Electro loot sites, and just plain old fashion good luck, 3 hours of fumbling around later, I am now at 4750 health (I see in better B&W now, woot!! :) Q. I am having a great time trying to get somehow back to 12000 blood. But is it worth it? I mean, at the rate I'm going, I might as well book at room at El Hotel Electro, cause food cans are only getting me 200 a pop, and I can't seem to figure out how to put 3 blood bags into my damn arm! Uggh. I'll be her another week. :)
  3. G33z3r

    The will to survive = total rush

    ty Gam3. good advice. i don't want to sit in the field long. so, grab the meat, then go somewhere safe to cook it. got it. :o)
  4. ty, this is probably going to save my a$$ from a similar situation i am in right now. :)
  5. G33z3r

    another little story

    oh, ty for this! :) you get my beans. now i have more servers to pick from!!
  6. i'd log out. log back into a Euro server or one that is in darkness. since you are near a town, you have a shot. since you are limited to crawling, you are going to be practically invisible. especially if it starts raining. i found that in these conditions Zed has to practically step on you to agro.
  7. G33z3r

    I thought death was permanent

    use "respawn" instead. i got down to 2700 blood once, in the middle of nowhere, and did it. it said "G33z3r was killed" on the screen. and i started over on the coast. also, yeah, i got my 1911 reloaded for free once after logging back in. i was positive i only had 2 rounds when logging out, and when i came back i had a full clip. it's a alpha bug.
  8. G33z3r


    yeah, run the arma II by itself, or run it as operation arrowhead (better). they have nice drills for stuff like movement, shooting different arms, night vision, and even driving vehicles. they really help. you can calibrate your machine (video settings, key bindings, etc) too. i ran through these a couple times, and did key re-assignments, etc until i was totally comfortable with the setup. ;)
  9. G33z3r

    another little story

    Just reading more of these stories confirms my suspicion about survivors now. And I am choosing "regular" servers. I hate to think what the "veteran" ones are like. Too many people are either bored, or in love with death match scenarios. :/
  10. G33z3r

    The will to survive = total rush

    thx for the replies. yeah, i just read that you have to have another person give you the blood. hmm. i have the axe and knife. i have not seen matches though. one more loot run and maybe i will get some and be gtg. :) Q1 - is there a farm / place that often has animals by the Electro area that i can find on the map, which will net me at least 1 animal for food?
  11. G33z3r

    Outrunning zombies

    ty for the link to the Survival Guide, Talon! you get my beans today.
  12. G33z3r

    The Lives of a new Survivor (How I became Jaded)

    Haha! This is a funny read. You are a lot more bold than I am. :o) I make slooow progress by being extra cautious and sitting in places for longer periods of time, to scope out the situation, plan movements, and have escape routes in mind. In doing that, you've already experienced twice as much as me in the same amount of time. I am sure you will do just great though! Thx for posting. :)
  13. G33z3r

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    Ah, these are sweet!! And I am stumbling around Electro in the dark and rain for the first time right now. Oh yeah! :)
  14. OK, just a simple yes or no here. I just went prone next to a wall to get in good position for a shot on a zed. Instantly I break my bones, and go into shock? WTF!? I went from 12k to 3200 in seconds, and stopped the bleeding with my only bandage at 2750. But it was too late. I was FUBAR, so I ended myself. Q1 - does going prone have a change of breaking you?
  15. G33z3r

    Go Prone .. Break a leg?

    Awesome. ty for replies all. good to know.
  16. G33z3r

    Mode of Operation - KOS?

    Dosh: that is about how i am thinking of operating. i am also considering hiding / running if i spot a survivor before they spot me (wolf, smart, self preservation). but that is not very helpful to others. Q2 - Zeds. The "Alive" / "Dead" count. Last night i saw 200 / 325. But in the small remote town I was in, I swear I counted 50-70 zeds, as I circled the town through the woods looking for openings to lootable buildings. Is the 200 (alive) number how many on the entire map? or a meter radius around my location?
  17. G33z3r

    Mode of Operation - KOS?

    voodoo: yeah, that is a good way to look at the flipside. i'm helpful by nature. but i would like experienced input. the 3 servers i was on, there was no general chat. just "x player died" announcements. and generally nothing like the youtube videos i've seen today (let's plays, etc). i've not encountered one friendly. tard: since i've been unarmed and never had a can of beans to my name, i can't answer your question.