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Everything posted by Sumdum

  1. Meh, people want to work together and survive or some shit, not get shot at by everyone. Wonderful concept in a game where there's a strong enough challenge from the world itself, but in DayZ it's almost always the assholes still breathing that end your run. So why extend a helping hand? Like you said, if my gunsights have you dead to rights and I call "friendly," you better get with the program - any other situation is really just too risky anymore for the friend-or-foe, let's work together dynamic. Can always get lucky I suppose though.
  2. Sumdum

    Funniest Moments On DayZ, GO!

    Dodging winchester rounds from a guy 20 feet behind me in an open field for 3 minutes while he tries to kill me to get a horde off his back lol Only lame thing was getting stuck after I thought I lost him for a few seconds because of the damn animation of moving the hatchet to your primary slot. He comes back mid change up, and unloads an AK or some other rifle in my face. Or it was the guys friend for that matter. Was an enjoyable game of Elmer vs Bugs for a while though.
  3. Sumdum

    Give Us a real bow

    Effective range is no doubt far, you just have no sights on it at all in a CH:Off server (aka anyone I play on usually).
  4. Sumdum

    Does the Sun?

    Notice that a lot depends on your servers GMT setting, but yes, all lighting in the game trys to be realistic.
  5. Sumdum

    Give Us a real bow

    Well, I'm down for anything silent, ranged and NOT the fucking xbow. The current "down the sight" aiming with that PoS is about as accurate as hip firing a sniper rifle.
  6. Sumdum

    Stuck in a doorless room in Elektro

  7. Sumdum

    [Idea] Orienteering

    Yes, its much simpler adding a context menu, an animation, a trigger for a map marker based on a delayed character action, and fixing the million bugs that can happen when this is interupted by god-knows-what than using the obvious, already in-game solution of finding and using a damn gps. Hey, or you can learn to read a map. I guess that's more complicated too.
  8. Sumdum

    Different Zombie "Attributes"

    Funny thing, my friend in TS who played this game months ago was talking about Priest zombies and what a pain in the ass they were. Was there already an attempt at this? Or was he just on shrooms?
  9. Whew, squeaked in with that initial post lol But anyways, this might be a wokring idea if the dev team had any interest in it. Unfortunately you're basically asking them to create a new game mode before they even get a working start point ;)
  10. Sumdum

    [Idea] Orienteering

    http://dayzwiki.com/...x.php?title=GPS On a sidenote I actually like this idea, it's just a little complicated to implement given the current obvious solution ;)
  11. Sumdum

    Strange inventory disappear

    Sounds like the server you got kicked from didn't HIVE update properly or something similar. Never sure though with these new betas. Could just be a bug.
  12. Sumdum

    WTT For M107 Mags

    Definately harder than finding an AS50 >.>
  13. Sumdum

    Stuck in a doorless room in Elektro

    Not that I'm sure this will help, but try running forward while abort/alt-f4'ing. Seems like position data updates as though you were still moving until the "logout timer" counts out. Good luck.
  14. Sumdum

    US 524 - Bulls**t by admins or hackers?

    Hard to call. If an admin kicks someone isn't there a red text message saying who kicked him and why? if not, then who knows, but if that is supposed to come up, and didn't then my vote is on hackers. Can't imagine why a group of 5+ organized players would puss out like this though in general. What the hell is the point of assembling a fireteam and then skipping the fights?
  15. Sumdum

    WTT For M107 Mags

    Not that I'm a critic or anything, but "Nightass"? What exactly are you hoping to trade >.>
  16. Sumdum


    Gratz. Savor the flavor, I'd imagine that Ural will be missed :huh: "Dude, where's my truck?"
  17. Sumdum

    How the hell does that work?

    I believe the m136 is legit, but that's it.
  18. Sumdum

    I'm new, looking for 1v1s

    lol @ fighter jets Seperates those with a mouse and keyboard from those who actually play flight sims ;)
  19. Sumdum

    WANTED dead or dead

    lol If only I had someway to know who the hell shot me <_<
  20. Sumdum

    Light flashes somestimes while moving

    You know, unless its an HDR/bloom bug, I'd actually say thats supposed to be some kind of simulation of going from a light to dark environment and how your eyes have to adjust. Because for me it generally happens when I either turn back towards the sun and catch some direct rays, or when I come out from tree cover.
  21. Sumdum

    How the hell does that work?

    Hmm. Guess you could have spawned right in front of somebody, which is the shits. Not sure beyond that guess unless the guy you saw server hopped or some other douchery. Ah, neat. I never actually knew what in the hell that icon meant. Guess that explains the blurred vision and god damn loss of hearing >.<
  22. Sumdum

    How the hell does that work?

    Delay on logout to "prevent" combat logging.
  23. Sumdum

    Dayz TS3 ingame overlay?

    If you don't have an option saying "TS3 overlay plugin" than I'd suggest downloading the plugin software from the ts3 site. http://addons.teamsp...ts3overlay.html If that doesn't work, then reinstall teamspeak (save your server data :P) and when you reinstall there should be an option to install the overlay if I remember correctly.
  24. Sumdum

    Dayz TS3 ingame overlay?

    If you have TS3 updated etc. it should be a chechbox option in the [settings] > [Plugins] to enable it.
  25. Sumdum


    It's hard to say for sure, but whenever I'm looting Chern or Electro and I suddenly stop seeing loot piles, it seems like I immediately start catching bullets from someone nearby. And just to be clear by "stop seeing loot" I mean that the first floor was full loot, and the second floor is empty with no one around to be responsible for the cleanup. Nevermind that when this happens I can't even find a pile of debris.