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Everything posted by Sumdum

  1. Ha good stuff. Patiently waiting to get hacked myself. I have NVG, an L85 AWS and everything else that matters so its just a matter of time now. Hope you enjoy getting back up, cause that's all that's left ;)
  2. Sumdum

    US194 Admin Abuse - Teleported All Players

    Instead, I will simply say this: Why the fuck would an admin hack you when they can kick, ban and restart the server? Just because an admin "CAN" do those things really doesn't mean your friend's version of the universe is correct and you got admin owned. Hackers are responsible for those things 9/10 times on every server. But as you said, the "devs see these threads - and will figure it out." Sure. In the mean time, keep blaming admins cause your friend hacks :blush:
  3. Sumdum

    fn fal vs. bison

    Bizon is fine for multi purpose, BUT if you have a pistol already, and thats for zeds, the FN FAL is by far a better a better PVP weapon. I've been rocking the FN FAL for maybe 4-5 days now and the accuracy/damage is outstanding and I love the sights on it for CH:Off.
  4. Sumdum

    What is Hive?

    Yup. Its the database that saves all the character info - items, weapons, location, etc. Some servers aren't properly connected and that's why people even mention this, because it causes obviously huge issues when you've been playing for 4-5 hours, log off, and then try to get on another server just to find out you're a fresh spawn >.>
  5. Sumdum

    Sometimes I can't stop moving forward.

    Yeah, has only happened to me when I get alt-tabbed for some reason. Usually just depress all the keys quickly and it more or less resets itself. Or alt-tab in and out and try that again. There isn't supposed to be any means of autorun so it's nothing like that.
  6. Sumdum

    Admin Abuse Video US 750

    This is why admin power should not be given to 15 year old white kids from Chicago. On another note, why play on an ancient server?
  7. Sumdum

    US194 Admin Abuse - Teleported All Players

    Admins don't necessarily do this. Hackers do this.
  8. Even the forums are KoS :( ;) ^_^ :lol:
  9. ;) Or is it Mion? Even I forget...
  10. Sumdum

    Noob with a Bicycle! lolz

    Just took the training wheels off on a dirtbike I found in the high country. Jesus those are a squirrely ride ;) And forget going uphill lol If the bike is similar but slower, I can only imagine the agony of offroad.
  11. Sumdum


    Trees rocks and tents, oh my. Will be nice when PvE means the zombies.
  12. Sumdum

    Instant surrender

  13. Dayz is a mod. You bought ArmA 2 for the rights to play Arma 2, which also means the current Dayz. If Dayz is made as another game, you'll need to buy the rights to play that as well.
  14. Sumdum

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    I thought he meant the same thing lol Obviously a man who has never played Haven and Hearth. Try spending 6 hours 3-4 days in a row trying to find a good spot to start a camp where you aren't going to get stomped by the local raiders. 30 minutes is just a nice compromise for now, I imagine it will only get "worse".
  15. Personally I love the idea of theft in the first place, so few games try it now. To make it less idiotic when trying to work with people, though, it would be nice for some kind of indicator that you're being inspected at least whether it be a sound or a character animation. Maybe it won't always occur either, adding a bit of luck to the equation when your bud tries to troll you by taking your shiny new gps :P
  16. Sumdum

    Alcohol in DayZ

    lol Somehow this reminded me of STALKER where there are all those campfires and guitar cirlcles. Kind of a nice break momentarily from all the chaos.
  17. Sumdum

    Why can't i play??

    All I can say is that it worked for me, and I didn't get it either. I did everything correctly. was playing fine, then came a beta patch and messed me all up.
  18. Sumdum

    Why can't i play??

    Well anything is worth a shot if it isn't working ;) It's a few megs to install and you can always go back to manual.
  19. Sumdum

    Why can't i play??

    Did you do the manual install? Or do you play through 6 Launcher? Because all the manual installs I've seen (including my own) don't seem to work lately. I started playing through 6 Launcher and that solved it somehow. Actually happened to my friend just last night. He still hasn't tried anything else yet <_< So I am ever by myself. So ronery...
  20. Sumdum

    so here's a question...

    Probably have it all again on some other server hiding in a Ural in the backwoods. It's lamish, but that's how it is.
  21. Sumdum

    Friendly/Bandit player choice

    Well, while this is probably going to be burnt to ashes here in a bit, let me just suggest that in any system where you make a forced friendly faction and a full FFA faction, they can't spawn together. Otherwise you have 6 guys in baseball caps chasing down and unarmed guy in a ski mask with axes at the beach. There would have to be a lot of balance to starting equipment and location to make either choice seem worthwhile. If certain people are going to work together by force then they for sure are going to start owning cities like Electro/Cherno. At that point, where are bandits going to get starting supplies? If you start spawning bandits further north, they're also going to be more exposed to the more advanced players - those with vehicles and camps. On top of them starting out PVP enabled and in this kind of situation, it's a really tough idea to make balanced unless all bandits start with medium level gear (food/water, utilities, a good weapon) and at that point people would just rage harder probably. Well, that's as far as I wish to think about this for now. Hope you don't get roasted too bad.
  22. Might wanna grab this while it's on sale. I could even spot you. http://store.steampowered.com/app/45100/?snr=1_7_suggest__13
  23. Well, the server is run by Covetous Crew (or similar), guy has CC in his name. Close enough for me. Doesn't change what happened and probably doesn't make the OP feel any better anyways lol
  24. Sumdum

    Give Us a real bow

    At 400m you'd need a line of english longbowmen to hit a target :P But technically I guess that makes sense. It would still probably be impossible to hit anything with the bow given the typical "sights" on bows, so damn near any "max range" works.
  25. Sumdum

    Beware of this man

    So, he contacted you on the forums, then on Steam, then you met in game for a simple trade... And he murdered you for some NVG. Hate to say it, because I always feel what happens in game, is, well, part of the game. In this case though that's an awful lot of meta-assholing to do in order to make someone feel comfortable enough in a video game to approach unarmed. Anyways, fairly lame situation to get caught in but that's why trading doesn't really exist :(