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Everything posted by Sumdum

  1. Sumdum

    Weapon nerfs? I dont see it..

    LOL Instead of adding body armor, did they just patch it in so we all start with it or something? :huh:
  2. Been having this same issue for days now. It's always a 10 minute debacle trying to find a server all 3-5 of us can see that works and isn't too full/empty. As to the reasons I can think of, if it isn't a version of 6L, or a server list needing to be refreshed, it has to come down to port/NAT settings maybe, and what servers you can/can't reach. In which case, I'm screwed lol. But I'm hoping there's an easier solution myself.
  3. Sumdum

    Weapon nerfs? I dont see it..

    Are you headshotting them? Because with a 1911 most zombies are taking 2-3 shots minimum which used to be a very similar gun to the revolver. Now it's almost on par with the Makarov <_< (or seems to be)
  4. Sumdum

    Completely random loot

    From the loot tables, there is a minimal chance of decent stuff like AR's and whatnot to spawn in non military spots. Deer stands I think have the highest chance. Personally, I think the current system works well enough. Deer stands and choppers are random and spread out enough that you can get good loot without being drawn to a major landmark or deathtrap. And, furthermore, not everyone needs a M4 ACOG or L85 AWS lol I like the idea of having to grab an Enfield and PK someone if I want a decent shot at a good weapon early on ;)
  5. Sumdum

    My aim has been messing up

    Default might be (numpad *) that's what it is for me anyways.
  6. Ah, in that case it was likely the one balled man on the grassy mountain. Get's 'em all in the Big E.
  7. ? Thems are fighting words round these parts, mmhmm.
  8. Only time I've been surprised/annoyed at the uselessness of zombie killing was when I shot a zombie cop and he didn't drop anything. I wanted that glock sidearm strapped to his hip <_< But yeah, in general, zombies aren't worth the bullet or the noise to fire it.
  9. So this got me on youtube snooping around and um... yeah....
  10. Yay someone on the internet who can spell "losing" ffs. And yeah, very rare instance where you are actually sick. From looking at the spawn % numbers, getting antibiotics is a crap shoot and your only real chance is at a hospital, so best of luck. Pretty shitty risking death over a cough, but that's the name of the game.
  11. Sumdum


    They glow, really. On another note, was your character moved at all? Or were you right where you logged off?
  12. Sumdum

    Can't use crossbow correctly

    Yeah if you aim center mass zoomed you'll tend to headshot zombies, it's a pain on CH:Off servers especially. Just aim for the gut is what I was doing the other day with it and that worked fine, minus the zombies flopping face first and hiding my bolts >.<
  13. Too bad that scope is missing <_<
  14. Sumdum

    L8582AWS bug?

    Hmm, comparing this experience to my own, I'd say that logging in with the weapon in your primary might be the source of whatever this is, bug or lame mechanic. I've continuously switched to a FN FAL and stored my L85 AWS in my ALICE pack on logout and never had a problem with it disappearing yet. Only thing I really use it for is night ops anyways obviously, and even then for finding animals at night lol Have yet to be in a populated enough night server to run across anyone up north. Would be nice if they just removed these guns though instead of fumbling around with a semi-removal if that's what is really going on here.
  15. I did. The translation is that I can't play TF2 unless I want to constantly download a lot of crap. Thanks for the hot tip though.
  16. Wunderbar. I hate the autoupdater sometimes. Along with 10Gb worth of TF2 shit I never wanted, things like this get a little old.
  17. I'm talking out of my ass, but DayZ isn't a pay to play game, so how do they own any gameplay footage of it yet? Just a thought.
  18. Sumdum

    Teleporting and Killed

    Hope all mods read this. Might make a difference if everyone starts gathering and posting this kind of information. Hope these bastards get whats coming,
  19. Try deleting everything between [ ] and then saving it. After that go back and add/change whatever cause now you have a shitstorm lol
  20. Sumdum

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    Doesn't it zero to 300m? How far do you need to be? At the same time, never have used mine in a serous engagement. I'd rather burn FN FAL rounds with NVG for now ;)
  21. Sumdum

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    Predator vision ftw ;)
  22. It's more of a super annoying dark grey really.
  23. Sumdum

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    Last I checked, mine's been around for several log ins >.> Think all that item eradication went out the door a while back.
  24. Sumdum

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    What else is ammo for? ;) In SOME seriousness you could maybe try forming a group and gearing them out. I find that tends to clear my "I'm end game" problem in no time (aka I fucking die saving some dipshit with a flashlight on in the middle of Electro). But whatever keeps your interest.
  25. Sumdum

    Found night vision goggles AND L85A2, what now?

    SURVIVE!!! and kill motherfuckers.