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Everything posted by Upchuk55

  1. Still unable to use ESC on US3. it is 805 EST
  2. Upchuk55

    [FIXED] Bandit & Humanity Issue

    Got the same thing, but my humanity is at -31000. Does regen if i help a survivor, but those moments are far and few between since i get shot at on sight. BTW, i got bandit skin after second killing after being ganged up on by 3 survivors.
  3. Upchuk55

    Dat big world has no cars...OH DERP

    Cars have been temporarily removed due to some issues they were creating. they will be back(hopefully). EDIT: Also, for the love of God, learn to spell and use grammar. Please!
  4. Upchuk55

    Problems with the Morality System

    Yeah, ive gotten glitched myself. I killed two players total, the second being self defence against a group of 3, after which when i respawned my morality was at -31000. So now apparently after killing 2 people, i became Chernarus' new "Super Hitler". This has greatly hampered my ability to survive ingame(and has gotten me shot by my teammates twice already)