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About Migfighter

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Migfighter

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    I killed one guy cause he wanted to get behind me ! after that i found out he was a bandid ,so ..
  2. Migfighter

    Psycho killers in Electro...

    Oh, maybe he wanted to be sure that the dead body dont kill him ;)
  3. it have to be a secret place ,cause the serverhopper would destroy all maybe u pm interessted ppl so they know where to go to. PS: i would help ya PM me if u need help
  4. Migfighter

    Why are people such assholes?

    I found a guy in the bandit forum who says "friendly" to all the other survivors and then he shoot them in the back ! Its ok that bandits are what they are ,but it seems like they think its CoD DEATHMATCH.eg:one bandit shot his guys cause he thought they were survivors!!lol
  5. Migfighter

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Thats not a good idea ! :emptycan:the thing with the snipers.!
  6. Migfighter

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    oh ok .yea the bad thing is there are guys saying "friendly" only to shoot u from behind!
  7. Migfighter

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Do u mean i m a dickhead?!
  8. Migfighter

    Fort Gotham (Currently inactive!)

    so where is it ?? i would love it to have a place to be ,where i dont get shot . Edit : i would also help ya .
  9. Migfighter

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    YEA maybe a secret one would be better so the retardet bandits wont spawn in there and steal /loot everything and if someone is near he has to lower the weapon(If he doesnt ,he will be shoot ,after a warning). PS: Steins u have my Beans !
  10. Its ... a... Game?! :huh:
  11. Migfighter

    WANT A CZ Sniper (trade)

    Why i shouldnt i know the rifles of the game but i want a CZ. i havent so much to trade for a .50 or so ! I WANT TO TRADE
  12. I want a CZ with ammo but what do u want for it ?i have not much but would a UZI be worth it?an Winchester or some DMR mags or all together? Pm me
  13. Migfighter

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    OMG shut up ! Steins ignore HER !!!She isnt worth it !! :emptycan:
  14. Migfighter

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Super Secret !?!?! WTF i m walking to safezone for 6 hours and got the half way :( .Hope i get the coordinates of the new one too ,i can help ya defending . PS :Good idea ,the fort but these bandits are so kiddies .Thats not CoD !! Fort Friendly :beans: ;bandits :emptycan: Edit : i was on the other side of the whole map!! <_< lol