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About reef18

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As it says in the title, when the respawn button is pressed you should be asked for confirmation of the action, like when you press abort. This will stop accidental deaths from happening. This should already be in the game as it is one of the basics of game design and should be in there. I was recently in an extremely tense moment but was suffering from a drop in fps so I quickly went to lower the graphics so I would have a reasonable amount of fps, but due to a drop in fps i accidently clicked repsawn and bam! Character of 10 days dead! thx for reading reefcake
  2. reef18

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    rocket i fucking love you!
  3. hi my question is simple, i want to know if there is a way to find out what server(name, ip etc...) you are on whilst in game?. :) thx
  4. reef18

    Looking for UK survivors.

    Hello i have been wanting to join a survivor group like this. i have some ARMA experience, tho i mainly play Project reality. I'm 20yrs, Bournemouth UK. steam id : reef1323 :)